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She looked at me heartbroken. My eyes looked into hers panicked. Tori looked shocked as well. Her tear stained cheeks and weepy eyes were enough to make anyone sad for her. 'Nikae! I'm sorry! I truly am!' I tried to explain. Save it! She said sadly. She looked at Tori. I-I thought we were friends.

I truly though that I was finally accepted for my flaws. I-I guess if I'm not accepted by humans; I-I can't be accepted by werewolves! She screamed sobbing. I came to tell you that I'm moving!

My mom is sending me to live with my dad in the Red Forest Pack; so have to leave now....Goodbye Winston! She said running away while sobbing. She drops a letter on her way out. I throw in some clothes as does Tori. When we get outside Nikae's mom looks at me angrily.

I'm so disappointed in you; I can't believe I called you family! She said snarling. She hopped into her car and drove off. I pull out my phone and call Nikae. I only get her voicemail. Hey, it's Nikita Kimberly Shapiro I'm super sorry I can't pick up! Leave a message if it's important. Bye! The line dies and I watch painfully as my mate drives away to her father's pack.

Her father is Alpha Nikolai Shapiro, the alpha of Red Forest Pack. His wife Also known as Luna Joana Shapiro was coming to examine the pack to see if the pack was worthy of their training. Their daughter doesn't undergo werewolf training as she wasn't born with the werewolf gene.

Nikita Shapiro, the middle child of all 6 children. Also the only one who wasn't born with the werewolf gene. As their mom was a human. I found out she was my mate as soon as she stepped out that car. Her long red hair and gentle blue eyes made me instantaneously fall in love with her. But I got bored and went after Tori, her best friend.

Tori looked at me shamefully. You said you weren't mates her, I can't believe that I slept with a mated man! I-I'm so ashamed of myself, I never wanted to stoop that low. I'm leaving, you're lucky I won't tell the pack. It doesn't mean Alpha Nikolai won't. I'm so ashamed of myself. I'm leaving and don't talk to me, ever again Winston.

You will always be a playboy and a man whore. Tori snarled. I wanted to call out to her but my voice just couldn't. I felt my knees go weak and my eyes water. I fell the the ground as I realized what I did. I lost my mate. She'll never forgive me. Hopefully I'll meet her again sooner or later.

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Nikita's P.O.V

I sobbed in my dad's arms as he held me in his arms like a child. I could tell he was furious but was too busy comforting me. I told him everything, everything that happened.

How I had met my mate, how I poured so much of my love to him and told him all my secrets. How I gave away my innocence and how he cheated on me with Victoria. I cried in his arms until I could cry no more.

I cried like a baby calling for its mother for milk. I cried so hard that I had the hiccups. Daddy kissed my cheeks and let go of me. I'm so sorry that happened to you and I wish I could make the pain go away sweetheart.

He wipes my tears. It's okay Daddy, I just need some time to think. Go take care of your duties I'm going to lay down. He nods and leaves the room as I lay my head down.

I think about what I will do later, but for right now I think I will just sleep.

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