The Weakest Link

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Third Person

The hospital was in panic. An Rouge Omega was found almost to the point of death. A Beta Wolf found her near the edge of the borders. There wouldn't be such a panic if it wasn't clear that her conditions were horribly. She could die. It was wintertime, a time where the unassigned Omegas are kept inside in their nesting areas.

But gossip spread like wildfire in the BlackMoon Pack.

The moment the Thetas got to work, the pack would be requesting-no demanding answers to who she was, where she came from, and what her status was. But now wasn't the time. The alpha couple ran down the hallway and tried to get glimpses of the poor thing.

She had rich brown hair and her skin was sickly pale. Her lips were cracking and tinged with blue. Her body shaking all on its own, trying its hardest to warm itself. She's a born Omega. They aren't too common but they have tendencies for getting sicker than normal wolves, longer heats, and less body heat. They also seem to be on the short and thick side of the scale.

One of their Betas on patrol reported her. They said she was limping and bloody. She looked very distressed and broken. They watched as the Thetas moved her from the gurney and onto her stomach onto the hospital bed. The Theta females cleaned her up so they souls get a scent on her.

Their eyes opened wide in shock before rushing the males out the room. The Alpha male questioning them about why they were shut out. The examined as they hooked machines and IV's to her. They poked and stuck her with needles and tubes.

The female looked sadly at the poor girl. She could smell her heat from here. The sweet smell was not foreign to her. She couldn't believe this happened. She felt disbelief as she watched the poor girl open her eyes in panic. The heart monitors going off rapidly and the Thetas quickly grabbed a heavy dose of Melatonin before the girl calmed down from her panicked state.

She watched as the Femme Thetas walked out the room wiping their sweating brows. You can go in Alpha now alpha. But she might pass out from the dose of melatonin. She nods before walking towards the door.

Alpha Samantha's P.O.V

I push the door open and watch as the girl's eyes look around the room from the sounds. I grab a chair and sit down next to her bed where she could see me. Who are you? I mutter to myself. She glares making me smirk. The red swelling on her neck was fresh and the inky initials were hard to make out.

I stood up and got a wet rag and lightly wiped it. The girl watched questioning my movements on her mark. I patted the letters with the rag and I was able to make the lettering out. LM? I read it aloud unsure of myself.

She looked saddened but relaxed. The door swung open and I turned my head to see my mother walk through the doorway with a clipboard in her hand. She looked at the girl and stumbled in shock. "Mom! Are you okay?" I question worried. She regained her posture and frowned. Tell you later, anyways.

I have her previous health records and today's record. She said smiling. Please sit down. She tells me frowning. She takes a deep breathe before beginning. She's been out in the cold for a day or so. So she is definitely a Mountain wolf if she lasted that long. The mark is fresh and it isn't getting infected.

She shows signs of being abuse and neglect. I'm just going to read of the list. She mutters. Let's see. Signs or Rape, Frostbite, Self Harm, Broken Ribs, Broken Arm, Bruising, Signs of Abuse, Burns, Underweight possibly anorexic. The list goes on! Mom says frowning.

The mark looks fresh which means she wasn't alone. But it isn't deep so her mate is definitely a Beta wolf or an Omega wolf. She says groaning. There are already search parties looking for him.

But for now, her wolf and her mind are at a halt she won't be able to respond often and will most likely sleep for long periods of time. So we will always have someone keep an eye on her. Okay Sam? She smiles. I nod smirking. We walked out of the room and watched as Lewis my Omega ran clumsily down the hall. He looked frantic and his aura was making me concerned.

Hw looked at me and his panic faltered. I ran towards him and grabbed his arm. He smacks me not realizing what he had done. I growl making people look at us. Lewis! What the hell wrong with you! I yell. He whines. I-I'm sorry alpha! I didn't realize... He stutters. I heard an omega was found at the border. He says playing coy. A friend of mine actually. He says blushing. I roll my eyes.

She's sleeping and mated Lewis. I groan. My omega, Lewis Martines panicked badly. How suspicious. His initials match the one on the girl. And he panicked like any mated male would. I'll talk to him later. Right now

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