The Sin of The Mother

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I am a girl who has a fiery red mane of hair and glass-like emerald green eyes. My skin is toned yet not burned by the rays of the hot torturous sun on a summer's day. My body shaped like a large hourglass. My name is Rueleben but, call me Rune. I was born a Rouge to a single mother named Riley Iaquinta.

I am a girl who is seventeen years old and in my last year of high school. I have a little sister named June who is six years old and I just collected enough funds to move onto RiverWood Pack Territory.We are living there because the hospital that took care of my mom moved her over there.

I am a girl who is trying to keep her family financially stable while still keeping up with her high school grades. Always making the decision between food or our rent. I grew up faster than most people my age.

I am a girl who knows how to lead with a kind heart while holding an iron fist. I know how to fight for my opinion to be heard. I know how to love and how to hate. How to tell the good from the bad.

I am a girl who got her heart broken and her divinities and dignities away from her. I was to be broken and alone. I showed the world that the fates could be wrong. I showed the world that REJECTS are so much stronger than people make them sound.

I am a girl who made packs understand the word ROUGE in a deeper understanding. I changed LAWS.

I am a girl who survived it all and THIS is MY story....

Rune's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered opened and I looked around my surroundings. I was in a taxi cab. A pretty shabby one at that. the chairs were torn up, the paint was chipping. Wasn't too pretty but it worked just fine. I looked too my right side and saw my little sister June sleeping peacefully.

Looking out the window next to me; it was still dark out. We've been driving all night. I stared out the tinted window. Watching as the sun rose from the green trees. I watched the trees silently. I remembered as a kid how I would tell my mom that when I was older I would journey to find the where the sun touched the trees.

I still want to travel there one day. It will always be a dream of mine. The cab driver pulled up to a small run down shack. It was a mid sized house. The ad said it was two bedrooms and one full bathroom.

The paint was chipping horribly and the door was broken in. It was in horrible shape and I'm so glad I bought that paint. The driver stopped the cab and turned around. This is your stop. Now grab your bags, pay up, and get out! He scowled at me angrily. I shrugged opening the door.

I understood, he had been driving all night. He's tired and angry. He's also a human. I walked around to the back and dragged our bags onto the deck. I walked to the other side of the car opening where my little sister June slept soundly.

She hated planes and didn't sleep a wink during the overnight flight. I shook June awake making her shriek awake. She smacked away my hands as I growled at her. "June! We are here!" "Get your bags! We are gonna paint the walls after we get food and visit mom." I sigh to myself helping her up and out of her seat.

I run my fingers through my red hair and rub my stomach. I paid the cab, thanking the middle aged man for all his help. He led out the driveway and watched as the ugly yellowed car drove awaI stood in front of the new house leaning against the wall. Its okay baby, we will turn this into a home. I whisper to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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