Forbidden Ties

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The Alpha Couple ran towards the smell of all the blood, pack members reported puddles and puddles of blood. But now it was too much, the blood now had a smell more importantly, a scent.

She ran away as fast as her broken leg would let her, the pack wolves were catching up, she couldn't-she wouldn't be seen like this. They depended on her, she must protect what was her's! The pack would surely report her to her parents, and they...wouldn't be happy.

They were never proud and only pointed out her flaws, and forced her to always get rid of them. Whether consent was given...or not. She found a dark alleyway, the dumpster smelled of odor, rotten flesh, and lust. It wouldn't matter, it would hide her scent a small bit.

She leaned into the hallway and sat down giving her worn legs a much needed break. The pain in her right leg soon hurt worse then a before, she checked her bandaging and cursed. It was infected. The tightness in her stomach would come and go; but she still wanted to puke

She used all her mental strength not to scream out in pain, to wallow in self pity. She wonder where he was. They had gotten separated days ago, when the rouges ambushed them.

He had told her to run as she fought off the rouges. But, she had ran too far, and they got separated. They mind linked every so often. Sending mental pictures to help them feel better about being separated. She knew he could feel her pain. The yells got closer as her heartbeat sped up and before she knew it a blonde woman came up to her. Her eyes were gentle and warm and filled with shock.

The only thing on her mind was safety and the last thing she could do before black dot a clouded her vision was whisper one thing.

"Don't report me."


The doctors and nurses rushed the unknown female to critical care, they took drawings of blood, stitched up open cuts, and they immediately started treating the broken leg. It was infected horribly. The bite mark was unrecognizable what all the puffiness and discoloration.

She had lost so much blood that they had to do a blood transfusion on the poor girl. Her black eyes and split lip were treated and when she was stabilized; Before they could give her painkillers and heavy medicines one of the older healers noticed a scent change once the patient was cleaned up and in stable condition.

The patient was pregnant. The older healer immediately notified the head doctor and they checked on the baby's health and condition. They were definitely smaller than most pups so it would definitely be a runt. It looked fine from what they could tell, but it looked slightly distressed.

It was completely healthy, so they gave the rouge some slightly heavy painkillers, enough to block some of the pain; but not enough to hurt the baby. They pricked her finger and ran her blood through the system so they could find a name. They found a name alright.

She was Ambassador's daughter, Deidra Alice Wood. She was reported missing and had a bounty over her head. Seventy-Grand, a lot of money for a powerful person. Nobody really knew. How she went missing, they just know that she went to bed was wasn't seen.

A rumor says she was kidnapped by Balthazar ( the prince of rouges ), but another says she committed suicide, there are too many rumors to find the real answer; for only Deidra can answer. Her dark skin contrasted with her silvery strands of hair. The Luna just sat there and stared in awe at her beauty. Her presence was powerful, but weak and strained. She worriedly greatly for both.

Deidra was highly looked upon, her parents had a surrogate carry her. Deidra was a mystery to the public. Rarely seen to the visual eye, she seemed perfect. Something every werewolf wants in powerful female. No mess ups, no mistakes, but only perfection.

The alpha walked in their children, twins to specific. Matthew and Madison. They would rule side by side, whether or not they were mated. They turned 8 just last week. Ophelia, you ant watch over her every minute. Alpha Gerald said sitting next to her as their children kissed their mother's cheeks. Madison sat on her father's lap as Matthew sat in his mother's. Im just worried about her, why would she run away? Her life is perfect!

She has no problems! The Luna said exclaimed. Not that we know of Ophelia, the Wood family is always staying out of the public eye. Deidra's existence wasn't known to the world until she was 3 years old. 3 YEARS Ophelia! Alpha Gerald said angrily. Ophelia sighed and placed her hand on her mates shoulder. I understand, but we don't know anything about her. All I know is that she is the daughter of Agate and Xavier Woods.

They had a witch be her surrogate and she is a hybrid. Her parents don't know the extent of her powers. That's it! Ophelia answered. The went back and forth for a bit until Matthew pointed out that she was gone. The door to the bathroom was closed and the scent of Deidra was panicked.

Alpha Ophelia's P.O.V

I Matthew down where I was sitting and walked towards the bathroom door and placed my hand on the bathroom door to open it. I jiggled the door and cursed. Shit. It's locked. I mumbled. Deidra. I said softly. No response. Deidra. I call again, this time a bit louder. Please open the door. I beg. No. No. No!

You'll just report me! Just like everyone else! Greedy Fuckers! Deidra replied angrily. Please, we are trying you. Your injured, your baby is in distress! I say pleading. Silence, just silence. They're okay? She questions me softly.

Yes, perfectly healthy. They're actually smaller than normal children, a runt. I say softly. I hear soft crying coming from the bathroom. Just leave me alone! She screams. Ophelia. The guards at the Eastern border need us.

Apparently, the Rouge prince Kian is here. He's looking for something, someone. Gerald said rushing me. Okay, take Matthew and Madison to Patrice and bring him here Gerald, I have a weird feeling about these two. I mutter to him.


This is what would be the every so long prologue to a book I would with either like to call Forbidden Ties. I had an extremely fun time writing this. The third person writing was an adventure and I really enjoyed it. So write a comment or two to tell me what you think?


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