Chapter One

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"Yes, I crave it. Yes, I will bite you if you don't bring it to me," Harry groaned as he put his hand on his ever expanding belly. He was six months pregnant and he was craving a milkshake..a strawberry milkshake to be exact.

Zac just made a face as he turned to look at the man beside him, "You do realize it's six in the morning right?" he asked his voice coming out harsh because he hated the fact that he had been woken from a deep sleep because his very pregnant, very hormonal boyfriend was craving a god damn milkshake.

"Then you shouldn't have gotten me pregnant," Harry gritted out as he glared at Zac. "You shouldn't have made me a walking incubator who wants fucking milkshakes at six in the morning."

Now it was Zac who glared as he looked at Harry, "Trust me if I had any idea you could get pregnant I would have gladly wore a condom," he said before getting out of bed and looking for clothes to change into. "Does it matter where I get the milkshake from?" he asked knowing that at times Harry could be picky on where his pregnancy craving foods came from. Sometimes Zac swore that Harry was a worse diva than Taylor though he didn't really become a diva until that thing occupying his stomach had gotten put there. The thing that would be here in three more months.

"No but please hurry," Harry spoke ignoring Zac's earlier words. "This baby really wants a milkshake."

"I wish the baby really wanted it's daddy to sleep," Zac deadpanned under his breath. "But no of course not, it has to already be ruining that for me," he continued as he finally found some clothes and threw them on.

Harry just stayed silent as he listened to Zac complain the whole time he changed into clothes and the moment Zac left the room was when Harry finally spoke again, "He always complains about how hard he has it," he muttered as he looked down at his belly. "He isn't the one with a basketball growing under their clothes," he continued as he stood from the bed having to go to the bathroom. "Nor is he the one who has a baby sleeping and kicking their bladder constantly. He has it so fucking easy little bean."

"So why did you wake me up at this ungodly hour to come with you to get the ingredients for a milkshake?" Taylor asked as he turned to look at his brother.

Zac just rolled his eyes as he drove to the nearest store. He had been aiming to just get the strawberry milkshake from a local McDonald's but then Harry had texted him asking if he could just get the ingredients to fix the milkshake at home. It had taken all that Zac had not to reply rudely or just plain refuse.

Instead he had replied back nicely and then he had called Taylor, threatening that if Taylor didn't come with him he'd just send Harry to his and Natalie's house and he knew Taylor wouldn't want that. Every time Natalie was around Harry she got baby fever and Taylor was doing everything he could to avoid having children...ever.

"Because if I have to suffer then I sure as hell am not doing it alone," Zac said as he pulled into the store and parked his car. "Anyway what better practice then for when Natalie and you have children, right?"

Taylor shook his head at the last words, "Natalie and I are never having children."

"Never say never Taylor," Zac laughed. "I said I'd never have kids because I was gay and then look what happened. God pulled a cruel and twisted joke on me and Harry got pregnant and is carrying this child who is already making my life hell from the womb. So please, never say never."

Taylor just swallowed hard as he listened to Zac, "It's not Haz's fault that men everywhere have somehow started becoming pregnant," he defended knowing Harry wasn't too blame.

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