Chapter Ten

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"Was it planned?" Natalie asked as she eyed Zac as they both stood in the kitchen.

"Was what planned?" Zac asked doing his best to feign innocence as he looked at Natalie who was helping him fix a simple dinner. A dinner he was fixing for Harry.

Natalie rolled her eyes before crossing her arms, "This...Gemma and Nikki offering to take Harry out for a manicure and pedicure and you having me help you fix this homemade lasagna recipe that your mom makes," she said as she shook her head. "Though really you are doing most of the work and surprisingly not ruining anything so I don't see why you needed me."

"Maybe it was planned," Zac shrugged as he finished up the last layer of the lasagna and put it in the already pre-heated oven. "It's been in the plans for a month now."

"A month?!" Natalie asked as she felt her eyes growing wide. "Did I forget a big date you and Harry have or something?" she asked as she walked over to the calender and looked at it. "It's March so I know it's not your officially dating anniversary, that was June and you guys met in May so that rules out your meeting anniversary too."

Laughing Zac walked up behind Natalie, "It's no anniversary. I plan on asking Harry to marry me and I got his ring designed last month and Taylor picked it up the day before the baby shower and at the baby shower I asked for Anne's blessing and she gave it to me," he admitted as he watched Natalie turn to just give him a look that he couldn't read well and usually Natalie was an open book so this scared him just slightly.

"That's so sweet Zachary," Natalie spoke as a smile played on her lips and she pulled Zac into a hug. "I am so proud of you and all you have become," she muttered her voice cracking as she held Zac tighter.

"You are acting like some proud mother," Zac said as Natalie held him tighter and he made a face hoping she didn't hold him too much tighter or he may not be able to breathe.

Pulling away from the hug, Natalie rested her hand on Zac's cheek, "I kind of am," she smiled before shrugging. "I mean you lived with Taylor and I for so long and we watched you go from every Tom,Dick, and Harry before Zayn and then once you had Zayn it was every Tom,Dick, and Harry and then back to Zayn because you two were so on and off and you are finally settling down and sowing your oats and I really honestly never thought that day would come or I feared it would come but with Zayn."

"But I thought you liked Zayn and still kept in contact with him," Zac said as he looked at Natalie confused. "So I figured you wouldn't ever mind it if I had settled down with him too."

"I do like Zayn," Natalie clarified as she moved her hand from Zac's cheek. "I just don't think he is husband or father material and if you had stayed with him I just don't think it would have made you as happy as you could have been."

"So you are saying I would have just been massively unhappy with anyone who wasn't Harry?" Zac asked as he gave Natalie a smile because he knew the answer to his own question. He would have been unhappy with Zayn or any other man who wasn't Harry and maybe Harry had came along at the right time because if Harry hadn't he probably would have taken Zayn back.

Meeting Harry had fallen in that three week gap when he stayed away from Zayn before running back, except when he had met Harry he hadn't ran back because he was too busy being wooed by Harry and wooing Harry in return though really he'd never cop to the wooing Harry part back in the early days because back then all he had wanted was a friends with benefits though he really hadn't ever looked at any other man once Harry came into his life, though some men had tried during their friends with benefits stage, Zac had always turned them down for one reason or another and now he knew why, had known for awhile. It was because Harry had always been the one and would always be the one and even before he knew it or could make himself say it he just never could think of hurting him or being with anyone else.

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