Chapter Six

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"I can feel the baby kicking!" Zac grinned as he let his hand rest gently on Harry's stomach as they both sat in the bath tub. It had been three days now since Natalie had told Harry she was pregnant and Zac really truly felt like Harry was never getting any time to relax, not with doing things with Natalie, helping her navigate telling Taylor who hadn't taken the news well and then also in helping Natalie move in with them.

Zac hadn't been too keen on that because he thought Natalie was still okay at Gemma and Nikki's but Harry had swore that no, Natalie wasn't okay there because she had, had sex with Nikki and doing that again would just make her predicament with the pregnancy and Taylor and his whoreish ways worse.

"The baby is always most active this time of night," Harry sighed as he turned his head slightly to look at Zac whose chest his back was resting against. "I think she's going to be a night owl like her daddy."

"Yep, he'll definitely get that from you because I just enjoy my sleep way too much," Zac teased as he let his hand trail down from Harry's stomach to his thighs. "So how long is Natalie going to be out for?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow before leaning in to peck Harry's lips.

Harry gave a content sigh when Zac pecked his lips, "Probably late," he answered before shrugging. "However long Taylor plans to talk to her and Louis," he muttered not even sure why Taylor had called and asked her to meet with him and Louis, not after the tirade Taylor had went on when he found out Natalie was pregnant and he had called her every name under the sun, even accusing her of trapping him because she had known he hadn't wanted a baby and yet she had the audacity to get pregnant. Harry had wanted to tell Taylor he played just as much of a part in the baby making as Natalie had but Harry had bit his tongue that day.

"So then we have the house to ourselves?" Zac asked before grinning even more as his hand slowly slid up Harry's thigh and he swore he heard Harry's breath hitch slightly.

Just nodding his head Harry chewed on his lip as he felt Zac's hand move up his thigh slowly and the moment Zac's hand finally wrapped around his now hard dick, Harry moaned out because it felt amazing to have Zac touching him.

"You really need to relax and stop doing so much stuff Harold," Zac spoke as if he was giving Harry a warning, his hand slowly going up and down Harry's cock as he did speak. "Stop trying to play Superman and fix everyone else's messes because it takes away from your time with me."

Harry just exhaled as his eyes fluttered shut, "B..but Natalie needs me," he muttered as he felt Zac's hand tighten around his cock after he had spoken those words.

"I need you," Zac said his voice coming out stern now as he moved his hand faster. "I need you and the baby needs you to not be so stressed," he added on knowing all the stress he was taking on by helping Natalie with Taylor wasn't good for their child. "I need you and I need our baby healthy."

Harry nodded his head as he kept his eyes closed, "I..I'll try," he finally offered before feeling Zac's teeth dig into his shoulder blade which just made him hiss out a moan, especially because now Zac had slowed his hand down and Harry felt like he was being punished. He was being punished for not having time for Zac and for stressing out when it wasn't good for him to be stressed out but he just cared too much for Natalie and he couldn't help wanting to fix her mess.

"You'll do more than try," Zac whispered out as he kept his hand moving slowly on Harry's cock. "Otherwise I won't let you get off next time," he finished before leaving light kisses on Harry's shoulder blade where he had bit into it. "You like getting off don't you? Like having me get you off?"

Harry just muttered an mmhmm at that, his head lolling back to rest against Zac's body as he bucked his hips slightly. He was getting close and all he needed was Zac to go just a bit faster.

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