Chapter Twelve

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"I will be much happier when I'm not carrying a bowling ball in my stomach," Harry grunted out as he walked with Natalie around the store she had drug him to do some shopping. Normally he'd like shopping but he was aching and fat and just plain miserable.

Natalie laughed as she looked over at Harry, "It's a baby not a bowling ball," she reminded him as she picked out some tops to try on. "And you'll give birth soon, just be patient."

"Patient?!" Harry asked through gritted teeth. "I am a week overdue. I'll remember to tell you to be patient in a few months when you are in my position," he spoke reminding her that soon she'd be just this big and miserable too. "And when you complain about me telling you to be patient I will remind you of this very moment."

Again Natalie laughed as she walked to the changing rooms to try the top on, "My kid's dad is Taylor, he does everything on time so I think our child will take after him."

Harry was able to laugh at that as he walked beside Natalie, "Oh really?" he teased as he watched her go into one of the changing rooms when they reached them and he stayed outside, putting a hand on his back which was aching something awful. "So he even came on time huh?"

"You didn't really just ask that?" Natalie asked her tone coming out disgusted but Harry could tell she was teasing him. "But for your information, sometimes he came a little early actually, before I was even done. Those nights were a fucking bummer."

"Guess he's the only Hanson that comes early," Harry smirked as he thought of Zac. "And the only one to leave their partner unsatisfied."

Natalie tsked from behind the door, "You my dear Harry are a pervert and I really didn't want to know just how well Zac pleases you."

"Of course you did," Harry nodded as Natalie finally opened the door, holding two shirts that she soon put in her cart while taking the other shirts and putting them up. "So does this mean we can eat lunch now?" he asked a bit too hopefully.

"Once I pay, yes we can go out to lunch," Natalie nodded as she began walking to the front of the store.

Walking behind Natalie, Harry moved his hand to his stomach as the pain he had felt in his back now seemed to move there and he winced ever so slightly.

"You okay?" Natalie asked as she stopped briefly to look at Harry who had stopped walking all together now.

Harry nodded his head, giving Natalie a smile, "Just some pains. Think the baby is kicking too hard."

"You sure?" Natalie asked another question, sounding as if she hadn't believed Harry's initial response.

"Positi..." Harry started but stopped when the pain hit again and he chewed his lip. "Okay maybe not so positive," he admitted as he looked up at her.

Natalie's eyes widened as she rushed over to his side, "Is this it?!" she questioned panic sounding in her voice. "Is it baby time?!"

Harry was going to answer and tell her no but before he could, he felt something between his legs and he was sure that it was his water breaking. " water just broke," he finally stated seeing the panic that had been in Natalie's voice cross over to her face but she surprisingly seemed to stay calm as she grabbed a hold of him and then her purse, which was still in the cart.

"Have to get you outside to the car," Natalie spoke as she kept her grip on Harry. "Then we go to the hospital as fast as we can because there is no way I am delivering your baby."

"," Harry muttered out in between another pain or what he now suspected was a contraction. "Zac needs to know it's baby time."

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