Chapter Three

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Do you know who the father is? That question just moved around in Harry's brain over and over again as he sat in the living room at Zac's parents house. He had begrudgingly agreed to accompany Natalie on her weekly lunch date with Diana and Kate here at their house and now he was wishing he hadn't thanks to that one simple question that Isaac's wife had asked him.

"What does that mean?" Harry finally asked once he could talk, the venom in his voice coming out very clearly as he sat his eyes on Kate.

Kate shrugged her shoulders innocently, "People like you are notorious for sleeping around," she said as she tried to act innocent. "I'm sure you probably aren't positive if Zac is the baby's father."

"People like me?" Harry asked another question, his tone staying harsh as he crossed his arms over his bump.

"Gays," Kate finally said her voice coming out a whisper. "It's no secret gay men especially are known to sleep around and well you just look like the type," she defended as she batted her eyelashes, still trying to play innocent.

Harry heard Kate's words and he shook his head, "Well for your information Kathryn, I don't sleep around so no I have no questions on who my baby's father is. It's Zac plain and simple and I really don't like being called a man whore when Zac has been my first and only relationship," he muttered as he stood from the couch. "I think your problem besides being a self-righteous bitch is that you're ashamed that you won't be popping out the first grandchild for Walker and Diana!" he yelled before turning on his heels and heading outside, slamming the door behind him.

Jumping once Harry had shut the door Natalie turned to look at Kate, "How can you be so cruel?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Me, cruel?" Kate asked as she looked at Natalie perplexed. "Am I supposed to buy the act he just pulled on being a good little gay man when statistics will show gay men are known for sleeping around and contracting diseases?"

"Katie has a point," Diana finally spoke as she looked at Natalie. "I'm still praying every day for Zac's soul and for him to find a nice woman to marry some day. Just..hopefully that woman can accept the fact that he might have a child with a man from his days as being a sinner."

Natalie rolled her eyes as she listened to Diana and Kate, "Well you're both wrong and you're both self-righteous bitches," she spoke not caring for once if she offended them. They had clearly hurt Harry's feelings and Harry was one of the only true friends Natalie had. "Harry loves Zac and Zac loves him and neither of them sleep around," she said before turning and leaving the house as well.

Getting outside she saw Harry sitting in her car and she walked towards it, getting into the driver's side, "I'm sorry for asking you to come. I..I just thought they'd have their shit together."

"Zac's family is never gonna have their shit together," Harry chuckled as he shook his head, wiping tears that were on his cheek away.

Natalie just gave Harry a mock hurt look and she shook her head, "Taylor and I do," she reasoned before reaching over and wiping a few tears away from Harry's eyes as well.

"You two are the only ones," Harry smiled as he looked at Natalie. "Sometimes I am thankful for that but don't tell Taylor. He'll think I want to be best friends forever and I don't."

Laughing more Natalie started her car up, "You want me to take you home?" she asked raising an eyebrow curiously.

Harry shook his head no, "Zac is home right now and he'll just tell me he told me so about coming here. He'd know how his mom and Kate would be and I'm not in a mood for an I told you so or an argument with him. Just take me to your house and we can bug Taylor, yeah?"

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