Chapter Eleven

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"How far along are you?" a voice asked from behind Harry and he turned around from where he was standing in the middle of the baby clothes section, forcing a smile as he came face to face with Zac's ex.

"Umm eight and a half months," Harry spoke not even sure why Zayn had approached him. Zayn and Liam just lived down the road from him and Zac and it wasn't the first time they had been in the same vicinity but they had been doing good about avoiding each other because it was kind of obvious to everyone who knew them that Harry had issues when it came to the man who Zac had been on and off with and Harry was sure Zayn hated him because he had kept Zac from coming back to him.

Zayn nodded as his eyes looked at Harry's bump, "I bet Zac is scared shitless huh?" he asked as he laughed slightly. "Always told me he never wanted children."

Harry kept his forced smile at Zayn's words mainly because he caught the implication behind his tone. He was implying that Zac probably still didn't want children. "Zac was scared at first," he said as he reached down to instinctively touch his baby bump as if to protect it. "But he came around when we went to the first ultrasound," he smiled as he remembered that day.

Zac had heard their baby's heartbeat and when Harry looked up at him he had been surprised to see him crying because it was so rare that Zac cried in front of him.

"I guess he comes around to a lot of things with you," Zayn said as he turned to look at some of the baby clothes. "Being in a serious relationship, having kids, getting married..." he trailed off as he looked back at Harry. "Just funny to me how someone like you could change a man like him."

"Someone like me?" Harry questioned not even asking how Zayn knew about the engagement even though it had been a week ago and they still hadn't told hardly anyone but close friends. Harry just figured Natalie had let it slip.

"Young and naive," Zayn explained as he shrugged his shoulder. "You know what kind of man he is. He'll realize eventually that marrying is for fools and being tied down isn't what he wants and then he'll leave you alone with your child. Maybe it will be what you need though, make you stop being so naive."

Biting his tongue literally and figuratively, Harry looked down briefly as he tried to compose himself, his hand moving higher on his bump to where the baby was kicking. A baby that was proof of the love he shared with Zac and was proof of the changed man Zac was.

"It sucks you can't see that Zac isn't the same man you knew and loved Zayn," Harry finally spoke as he looked back up. "He won't leave me and I trust that. I trust him. If I didn't I wouldn't be engaged to him."

Zayn scoffed at that as he shook his head, "And again your naivety shows Harry," he sighed as he chewed his lip briefly. "Don't say I didn't tell you so when Zac does leave you," he warned before turning and walking away.

Watching Zayn walk off, Harry drew in a breath as he glared at the man until he could no longer see him. "Fucking asshole," he muttered to himself as he turned back to the clothes and mindlessly went through them because now it was hard to concentrate on anything other than Zayn's words and the fact that he officially hated the man more than he thought possible and he really couldn't help but wonder why Zayn even cared what happened between him and Zac because Zayn had Liam.

Shaking his head he slowly reached for his phone in the pocket of his jeans. Once he had it in hand he clicked on the lock screen and then went to his contacts where he found Natalie's name.

Meet me for lunch? That new place downtown- Hazza

Sending the text he didn't even wait for a reply because he knew she'd say yes, she never turned him down for lunch and lunch was where he planned to interrogate her, find out what the hell Zayn's issues where because up until today their unspoken avoidance peace treaty had been good and then out of nowhere Zayn had broken it and created bad blood between them.

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