Chapter Four

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"When is the baby due?" Nikki asked as she looked at Harry with a smile on her face.

Harry blushed and looked away from his sister's roommate who had accompanied them on their planned lunch date. It wasn't that he didn't like Nikki but she always made him envious because of how pretty she was and right now being almost seven months pregnant she made that envious feeling worse for Harry.

"April ninth," Harry answered as he looked back at Nikki.

Nikki just smiled more as she shook her head, "Are you nervous? I mean April is going to be here before you know it and then you'll have a baby to be responsible for."

"Of course I'm nervous," Harry sighed as he shook his head. "I keep thinking up all these awful scenarios of how Zac and I can ruin the baby before it gets here."

"You aren't going to ruin the baby Haz," Gemma spoke as she reached over and rested a hand on her brother's belly. "At least you better not ruin my niece or I will hurt you."

Harry just stuck his tongue out at Gemma, "Could be nephew," he corrected her knowing the baby that was inside him very well could be a boy as well.

"I still can't believe you got Zac to agree not to find out the sex," Nikki piped in as she picked up her chocolate milkshake and took a drink. "I mean if I remember correctly from the times I used to date Isaac and hang around the Hanson family Zac was very impatient."

"Sex will make Zac do anything," Harry smiled knowing he had promised Zac tons of sex if they could just wait to find out the gender until he had given birth. "You used to date Isaac though?" he asked as he reached out and took one of his french fries covered in mayonnaise from the plate and put it in his mouth. "How did I never know this?" he asked after swallowing.

"Because she likes to pretend she has always been a lesbian," Gemma laughed as she watched Nikki flip her off.

Nikki shook her head, "I just don't really like to talk about my time dating Ike. I never really felt like I was welcomed by his parents but given how I hear they treat Zac since he came out, well maybe they could smell my being a lesbian from a mile away."

Laughing at that, Harry got another one of his fries and put it in his mouth, "You'd make a better wife than the one he has now," he sighed almost wishing Nikki wasn't a lesbian because maybe then Nikki could be Isaac's wife instead of Kate. "Kate had the audacity to ask me if I knew who the father of my baby was."

"When was this?" Gemma asked feeling protective of her brother. "Because I will kill the bitch for you if it was recently."

"It was two weeks ago," Harry shrugged as he ran a hand through his hair which he had worn down. "Natalie stood up to her and Diana both for me."

Hearing Harry mention Natalie, Nikki whipped her head up, "Natalie?" she asked a smirk coming onto her lips. "I knew I liked that girl for a reason."

"You only met her once when I brought her along to Gemma's birthday party last year," Harry said as he shook his head. "Anyway she's my best friend so hands off her because I am not sharing her with anyone else."

"Oh trust me Niki isn't looking to steal Natalie as a best friend Haz," Gemma said as she eyed Nikki some. "She's more interested in stealing her from Taylor if you know what I mean."

Harry took in his sister's words and he just sat there silently for awhile, "But...she's...straight," he said almost certain of it. "And you've had a crush this long? I mean the first and last time you saw her was last year," he muttered as he shook his head in disbelief. "She's straight."

"I know she's straight," Nikki told Harry as she rolled her eyes. "But what I wouldn't give to corrupt her though. And I may have met her last year but there is this website called Facebook which I added her on to keep in contact with her. We actually do talk every so often."

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