Chapter Fourteen

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"You should get all the sleep you can now," Gemma warned Harry as she stood in the doorway that connected their hotel rooms. "Your wedding is in a few hours."

Harry looked down as he blushed at her words, "I know," he told her as his eyes landed on a sleeping Cora.

Cora looked so peaceful which surprised Harry since usually she couldn't go to sleep unless Zac had sang to her. Something he hadn't been able to do tonight since Gemma and Natalie both said it was bad luck for him to see Zac before the wedding though he just thought it was some dumb tradition.

Harry though hadn't argued on his personal feelings or finding this a dumb tradition so now here he sat hours before his wedding in some nice hotel room in Ireland and he was unable to sleep because he missed Zac.

"Just can't sleep with you watching me," Harry reasoned as he finally looked back up at his sister.

Gemma crossed her arms and Harry swore she looked like she didn't believe him.

"Are you sure you will sleep?" Gemma finally asked as she arched an eyebrow.

"Positive," Harry lied though he hoped he sounded convincing and maybe he had because Gemma did eventually turn and leave, shutting the door as she did so.

Once she was gone Harry stood from the bed and headed into the bathroom quickly to strip down to his boxers as well as brush his teeth.

When he came out of the bathroom he stopped in his tracks as he saw Cora had woken up and was now sitting up in her small travel sized baby bed thing.

"What are you doing up sweet pea?" Harry cooed as he walked to her and picked her up.

Feeling her rest her forehead into the crook of his neck, Harry sighed, "Do you miss your Dada?" he asked knowing that's what Zac called himself though sometimes Harry swore when he listened in on the baby monitor that he heard Zac referring to himself as mama sometimes.

"I miss him too," Harry confessed as he heard Cora start to whimper slightly and he rubbed her back to soothe her. "It's funny but haven't spent a full night away from your Dada in a year," he frowned as Cora continued to whimper even with the back rubs.

Just sitting there and listening to Cora whimper for what felt like forever, Harry chewed on his lip harshly.

When Cora finally raised her head and looked up at him, babbling through her whimpers Harry nodded his head. "You're right we should call your Dada and tell him to come here. That was a wonderful suggestion sweet pea."


Zac who was laying in the hotel room he was sharing with Isaac for the night, sighed loudly as he turned to look up at the ceiling unable to sleep and surprisingly it hadn't been because of Isaac's snoring. It was because he had missed Harry, he was missing the man who was going to be his husband in a few hours and he missed his daughter.

It was the first time he had been away from Harry in a year and Cora since birth and he missed being able to sing to his daughter as she drifted off in his arms and he missed falling asleep with Harry as he held onto him because Harry was his little spoon.

Just as he was about to turn back over on his side though he heard his cell phone which was laying on a night stand beside the bed, ring and he was afraid it would wake Isaac up but all it did was make his snoring increase it seemed and Zac shook his head as he sat up and reached for it, a smile crossing his face as he saw Harry's name and the picture of Harry and Cora that he had set under Harry's info.

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