My alarm went off it was 6:30am and I am fucking shattered I went to turn over to feel someone on the other side of my bed shit! I thought and I mentally hit my head, I turned my head to be meet with the face and body of Alex, shit shit shit shit shit, I got up and stepped over him and walked over to the door to see if Darren was up yet, looks like he's not, I walked back over to the bed and said "Alex, wake up now" I said shaking him he sturred and just said "Fuck off Darren" I laughed and he opened his eyes "Alice, What are you doing in here?" I laughed and said "Alex, I would ask you the same question because this is my room and if you don't move Darren's going to kill us, Well you anyway" I laughed at the end. Alex looked up at me and smiled "Alice I don't know why you put all that makeup on and wear such tight clothes you're beautiful without them"
I blushed and looked down, Alex got up and walked over to me, he turned me round and tilted my head up "Even more when you blush" I started blushing again but could not look down he still had his finger under my chin then he started to lean in, I pulled my face away from his, "It's not that easy" It may feel like we fit perfect with each other, but I still don't think his actions are true.
Although it felt right to be in his arms, I had to get away "Why didn't you kiss me" he said " You need to get going and leave before Darren comes in to wake me up" He looked sad and I felt it "go" I said before I went to kiss him this time "now" I said "And don't mention staying in here last night, not to a soul" he nodded and left my room.
God I cannot believe what happened last night or the fact this morning god it would be great to know that I wouldn't have to hide my emotions from everyone. But I do and it's not fair because he says he cares about me and I do care for him and we should not have to hide our feelings from the world. I just don't know if I can believe what he's truly saying.
I walked to my wardrobe and started looking though my clothes I decided that it was apparently going to be hot today so I got some really short shorts and a low cut top what was white and the shorts were a light blue. I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower, I stepped in and started to get washed when I heard my bedroom door open and someone shout my name "Alice, where are you?" I know that voice to well, he left my room not 20 minutes ago "in the shower" shit the doors not locked and I'm in the shower and Alex is there, shit shit shit, then I heard the door open "Get out now Alex" I said as I stuck my head out of the shower curtain "Do you not want some help in there?" he said with a grin. I smiled at that and giggled a little "No I do not need your help now get out" I said getting a little pissed "Ok, ok but one thing send me a text when you are ready" "ok now get out".
He left and I finished up in the shower I got dried then went back into my room to dry my hair and then straighten it after about 10 minutes I was done and I had 2 texts from Alex
Alex - Are u out yet xxx
Alex - Will u please answer me or am I goin to have to come save u from the shower xxx
Alice - i'm out and u can come up now if u want xx
Alex - ok, i'm coming up
I finished doing my hair and looked at the time it was 7:30 and i was getting a lift at 8:15 so I only had 45 minutes to finish getting ready and to eat breakfast but as I was thinking Alex came in and stud behind me I smiled and turned around, "what do I have to do to have you as mine?" he asked, I looked down unsure of how to respond when I heard Darren shout of Alex. I pulled away and said "I don't know if I can believe you really" he tilted my head and said "I know how I feel and I know you feel the same, give me a chance?" I smiled and could hear Darren calling Alex some more, "You better go see what he wants" I replied and moved away, Alex walked out of the room and I heard him walk down the stairs.
I sat down and started putting my makeup on, once I finished, I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbed 2 slices of bread and shoved them in the toaster then walked into the sitting room to see Darren and Alex sitting with drinks. I walked over and sat next to Darren "Hey Bro" I said "Hey sis" I laughed as Darren put on hand around me and gave me a hug and i hugged him back "Hey Alex" I said he smiled and said "hey" he looked disopointed, I shrugged and walked back into the kitchen to get my toast, I buttered it then walked back into the sitting room and sat back down next to Darren, "So sis, what you doing tonight" "errr...... the same as you and Alex going to Bens for tea, you forgot didn't you?" I said with one brow razed "NO" "Yes you did, and you are coming so no excuses mister, and not from you either Alex" I said. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to look at his phone
It was 8am and I was just going up to get my bag when I got a text off Ben
B - Hey, u still want a lift ? xxx B x
A - ya, please, I need to talk to u xxx Ali x
B - ok I will come early see you in 5 xx B x
A - Kay, c u soon xx Ali x
i waited for Ben to get here and I was really impatient I really need to tell him about Alex, I mean I like him well, I think I love him but I need to tell Ben he needs to be in on this one. Finally I heard the front door open and Ben shout "Alice, where are you?" I smiled at the memory "up hear" I yelled I heard him come up the stairs and then open my door.
"Hey Ali" I smiled "Hey B" we said hugging each other and we kissed each others cheek, I laughed and rubbed my thumb over his cheek "You have lipstick on your cheek" I said he laughed "So what's up?" "B, after you left last night Alex came up and he said he loved me and i said it back and he slept with me last night " he looked shocked " Ali, what the hell he slept with you?" "No like that nothing happened B jezz he just slept in my bed" he smiled "Little Ali's growing up" I laughed "I am not little" "Now come on we need to leave I told Nic we would meet her at half 8" he laughed "Come on" He said I grabbed my sandals and bag and walked down the stairs, "Bye Darren see you at Ben's" "Bye sis, see you tonight".
We walked out the door and got in the car, we were at school by 8:20 and we meet Nic and the girls at the cars "Hey" we heard I laughed "Hey Girls" I said then Nic said "Loving the outfit, out to impress someone" she said smiling "NO!!!" I said a bit to quick "Who is it and don't deny" she said SHIT "Its nobody really just its going to be hot today and I want a tan" I said with a smile, hoping to convince them, gladly she left it there.
We got to english by 9:15 and I sat down next to Ben "Hey, you still coming tonight? My mum is really looking forward to seeing Darren" I smiled "of course" we continued listening to the teacher and by the end of the lesson and soon it was lunch we left english and walked to the canteen we got some food then walked up to the cars, me and Ben sat on the hood of his car waiting for the girls when I got a text
E - Hey where r u nd Ben ? xx EJ
A - Hey,were at the cars, come meet us the girls r comin in a min nd its nice nd sunny xx A
E - Kay, c u in a few xx EJ
"hey guys" I heard I looked up and the girls were standing there "Hey" me and Ben said at the same time.
Bens P.O.V.
"so Alice we going to go to the usual spot?" Nic asked "You guys go i'll be over in a bit" she nodded and she got a concerned look off me "I'm ok, I'll be over in a bit" I nodded and walked away with the girls. She waited then Esme came over, she got off the hood of the car and walked over into the trees were the Girls and me were sitting "Hey Esme" we all said
We sat under the tree and talked then, they all apart from me Ej and Al started talking about Alex then all you heard was Al say " For god's' sake girls will you all drop it" then she looked at Esme and back at the girls. "kay, but what are you doing all the time when you are not with us on lunch?" Nic asked
Al looked at me with a look for help I smiled "She rings her friend from holiday" she smiled at me and mouthed a thanks I nodded and turned back to look at the girls
Esme P.O.V.
There's got to be something everyone apart from me knows, because when Nic said about Alex, Al jumped and told them to drop it. I just feel like everyone knows something I don't. Its weird

Why Him ?
Teen FictionFind out what happens when the player falls for his best friends sister, and the sister might just fall for him. When Alice and Darren were left home alone, Darren's friend Alex decided to move in. As Alice got older she fell for Jasper, one of her...