Chapter 12

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Third Person P.O.V

He sat there, holding her body, weeping.

A white light gently glowed next to him. The weeping woman looked at the body, then at the ghost, kneeling on the ground in front of him. Weeping.

Steps could be heard, approaching there current location.

It was George.

"Lockwood! Luc-" the words died in his mouth when he saw Lockwood holding Lucy's limp, ice blue body.

"Don't tell me she's..." He didn't dare finish that sentence.

"Anthony?" Chris came rushing down the stairs, Holly and Kipps behind her.

"What happened to Lucy?" Holly dared to ask. "Was she-"

"Ghost touched." Lockwood lifted his head to look at her.

There was a silence and a long pause. Then someone spoke up.

"Then why isn't there a death glow?" Chris asked.

George looked at her. "What?"

"Regardless of they type of ghost, if anyone is to be ghost touched, a death-glow should be left behind." She explained.

"Then, what happened to Lucy?" Holly asked.

"I'm not a medic. Only a medic could answer that question." She drank from her flask.

Holly nodded to George. They knew exactly what to do.

~Time Skip~

"So, she was ghost touched, but there wasn't a death-glow left behind?" John clarified.

"That's right." Lockwood said.

"You said that Mr. Anthony Lockwood was possessed by said ghost."

"Correct." George nodded.

"Well, you seem to be in good shape, healthy and all." He said to Lockwood. "Miss Lucy Carlyle though... Well she's a different story."

"What's wrong?" Lockwood demanded.

"Please, she will be fine." He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and started cleaning his glasses with it. "She may have been ghost touched, but, as you say, it was right after the ghost had quit possessing Mr. Anthony. Therefore the ghost wouldn't be as strong."

"So, you're saying that the ghost had used up its energy on possessing Anthony. When it went to touch Lucy, it wasn't as strong." Chris mused. "Fascinating."

"It is." George agreed.

"Type Threes and Souls must be the only ones to use energy to attack. All others use it to simply cross over from the Other Side." Chris reached over to grab her flask on the nightstand next to where Lucy lay.

"Chris, don't drink. You get stupid when you drink." Kipps grabbed it before she could.

"You drink?" Lockwood asked.

"I do." She answered.

"Anyway," John interrupted. "We need to find a way to wake Miss Lucy up."

"What do you think her source would be?" George hypothesized. "Maybe her source has something to do with waking her up."

"I doubt that." Holly said. "She's not dead."

"Chris?" Lockwood asked.

She thought for a moment. "I think we all need rest and I need a drink. If we're going to try to get Lucy back, we'll probably need to connect with her ghost." Chris snatched her flask out of Kip's hand and walked out into the hall to drink.

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