Chapter 12

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I rolled over for the 1000th time and grabbed my phone off the charger. I was tossing and turning all night and barely got any sleep. I know it has to do with me lying to Ray. He's a good guy for the most part, yeah we have our ups and downs but he doesn't deserve the disrespect. I got up, grabbed my clothes for the day and headed to the bathroom. Ray leaves at 3 so i wanted to do something special for him. I jumped in the shower and let the hot water hit my body. I just stood there thinking about how i will bring Erica up to Ray without him wanting to kill me. I finished my shower and got dressed. Ray was still sleeping which was good. I left him a note telling him i would be right back gave him a kiss on his forehead and left for the store.

I walked down stairs and my cab was already waiting on me. I always get nervous when i have to take a cab by myself but it actually wasn't that bad. The driver was super nice and suggested a few sites i should see while i'm here. Shit if i was in New York the driver would have been in a pissed off mood and would have been mad aggressive cutting people off with the car. They act like it's your fault that they have to drive people around for a living. We pulled up to the super market and i went to pay but he told me the ride was on him. I tried to give him money but he wouldn't take it. I thanked him and got out the car. I was just supposed to pick up a few things, but here it is an hour later and I'm still shopping around. There is no way a cab is going to give me a ride with all these groceries and i definitely can't walk with everything. My only other option would be to call Daph or Erica. Daph has been doing her own thing since Ray has been here, she said she was giving us our space lol whatever that means. Erica probably had a "sleepover" with her little girlfriend but she was my last resort. I called her and she answered on the second ring. She told me she would be here in half an hour which gives me enough time to finish shopping and checkout.

I finished shopping and Erica called to tell me she was outside. We said our hellos and she got out to help me put the groceries in the car. "Damn Cyn how many people you feeding? you have enough food to feed an army" "Yeah well you know i love to eat." She smiled at me and started to drive. There was an awkward silence in the car so me being the petty person that i am decided to bring up her little make out session. "Sooooo Ericuhhh how are you and your girlfriend?" "Girlfriend? I don't know who your talking about" "Damn you have so many you don't even know who i'm talking about" She looked over at me "Cyn just stop playing games and ask me what you want to ask me" "The only thing i want to ask you is how you and your little groupie are doing. I saw your little make out session online" She pulled into a parking lot and put the car in park so fast that the seat belt dug into my stomach. I knew i would hit a nerve. "First don't call her a groupie because you don't know a thing about her or what shes been through. Second who i mess around with does not concern you, especially when your in a whole fucking relationship, and even if you were single it still isn't any of your business. And third if you want to know something just ask me, don't be a smart ass about it because you will get the same reaction you just got from me." My mouth dropped and she started driving again "Don't talk to me like that again Erica because I'm not the same naive girl you used to know and i will fire back" "Please Cyn you don't intimidate me." "Nobody is trying to intimidate you, but your not gonna talk to me any way you want and think i'm just gonna take it." This bitch really started laughing "Stop the car and let me out i don't want to be next you right now" "Okay and if i do that how are you gonna get your groceries home" She had a point "Just shut up and bring me home." The rest of the ride there was quite. She has me all the way fucked up. We pulled up to my hotel and guess who just happens to be sitting outside..Ray. Just my fucking luck. Erica pulled into a parking spot and i couldn't even move. I don't know how these next few minutes are going to play out. I knew i should of told Ray but i didn't. "Erica just sit in the car while i talk to Ray please" She looked at me and grabbed my hand "I'll be here if you need me okay?" I shook my head and got out the car. Ray was walking towards me so fast i thought he was going to run me over. "CYN! What the fuck! You better explain yourself now!" "I'm not fixing to cause a scene in public. Help me get the groceries and we will talk about this in the room." I signaled for Erica to unlock the door. As soon as i opened the door Ray just had to open his big mouth "Cunt your lucky your a female because i would drag you out the car and beat your ass." As soon as he called her a cunt i shoved him "Don't you dare speak to her like that! I don't care how mad you are right now but your not gonna call a female a cunt in front of me and then threaten to beat her ass. Take these bags and i will meet you in the room" He grabbed as many bags as he could and walked away. I walked over to Erica and leaned against the window "I'm sorry for bringing you in this mess. If i was just honest with him to begin with we wouldn't be having this conversation" "Cyn it's okay really, I've been called worse before. Are you going to be okay though?" Honestly i had no idea what was going to happen when i talk to Ray but i had to lie so she wouldn't worry about me "Yeah i'll be okay you don't have to worry" I could see a look of sadness on her face "Cyn honestly the only thing i'm worried about is you walking out of my life again." I reassured her that wouldn't happen but who knows "Look Erica I'm a grown ass woman i will not allow a man to dictate my life. But i have to go deal with this mess i caused. He leaves in a few hours so i will call you later okay?" She shook her head and i grabbed whatever bags were left and she drove off.

I got myself together and walked to the room. When i unlocked the door i heard a bunch of things being thrown around and Ray packing his suitcase. "Babe what are you doing you don't have to leave for another 5 hours" He looked over at me and rolled his eyes. "Don't call me babe right now. I can't believe you would do this." "Do what Ray? You act like i'm sleeping with her. Yes i wasn't honest with you about us being friends again but that's all I want from her is a friendship. Your who i wanna be with." I walked over to try and stop him from packing "Cyn that's the thing you can never be just friends with someone that you loved at one point. Especially with Erica because the bond you two had was something i can't even begin to understand. It's been how many years and you two still somehow found your way to each other. I don't know if love is enough to save us Cyn." I just looked at him with tears falling down "Please don't leave Ray. We can fix this" He closed his suitcase and walked towards the door "I don't know right now Cyn i just need to be alone to collect my thoughts. I'll talk to you later or whatever" and with that he walked out the door. I broke down crying. I should have never let Erica reel me back in. I went against my better judgment and now here i am heartbroken again because of this girl. But sadly she's the one person i want to talk to right now. i picked up my phone and texted her to come over. 10 minutes later she knocked on the door . I got up to let her in and she gave me a hug "Howd you get here so fast?" "I never left the parking lot" I just shook my head and grabbed her hand "I don't want to talk about what happened I just want to lay down and I want you to hold me. She smiled at me and I led her to the bed. I laid down and she got behind me and snuggled into my back. I immediately began to cry and she just rubbed my back and told me everything would be okay and in that moment I believed her.

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