Sergeant Bob & the zones

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Where they took me next, wasn't the unmoving float in the middle of the broken street. They took me to a small make-shift home, slightly hidden by all the scrap metal and sheets covering the front. "Were home!" Mikey announced, but to my surprise, no one was there, accept Bob, who seemed hard at work at a desk.

"Hey Bob, where's Gerard and Ray?" Frank asked.

"They went to go search the zones, they should be back in a flash." He nodded not looking up from his work.

"Oh, how about you take a break and come help us move Tami in?" Frank asked.

"I've got paperwork to file-"

"We live in a death world for Sammy sake, who could possibly need paperwork filled out?" Frank interrupted. However, Bob didn't care and just kept working without saying a word.

Frank scoffed and turned to look at me. "We nicknamed him Sergeant Bob, because he's always working on nothing. I mean, he could be doodling a picture of what the Cancer looks like, and he'd call it, "important work," which I think is bogus." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, a faint smile played on his lips.

"So, zones?" I asked trying to change the subject. "What are zones?"

Mikey smiled and pulled me onto a broken couch and I could tell he was going to explain. "The zones are specific living areas around here, we live in zone 6, and actually a lot of people live in zone 6, its the closest to The Cancer that we can get without being in Zone 2, which is the ghoul zone. Ghoul zone is filled with, what we can only guess to be people who had overtime, forgotten completely who they even were, and imagined themselves as monsters, or ghouls, turning themselves into exactly that. The next zone over is the Heart of the zones, that's where The Cancer lives. It's supposedly this big scary demon that's been here longer than us. We've all tried to find a way to get rid of it because, that's the thing that sucks out your memories and color, but, we've found no answers." He looked at Frank with only a look I could have guessed was a look of slight shame. "And the zone that is next to us going away from the Cancer, is Zone Z, originally was zone zero, but, the people who try living there, gave up on calling it that, in fact, they all gave up on everything, The Cancer, emits a depression gas over the entire town making everyone there lifeless drones. And that's why Zone 6 is the best," He smiled proudly. "Because we might be stuck in the trash and broken abandon part of this gray world, but at least we aren't all ghouls or depressed drones." He giggled.

"Oh." I smiled. "So then, how are Ray and Gerard checking the zones then? Wouldn't they get attacked in Zone 2? Or be drugged from the gas in Zone Z? And how do they even get to The heart where The Cancer is?" I felt my curiosity burning into my unbeating heart.

Mikey laughed. "We have special weapons for the ghouls, and gas masks for Z, but, we don't even try to enter The cancer Zone. And, what they do in the zones, is check for any people who happened to land in the wrong zone, and then they recruit them here and they start a new eternity." He smiled.

"So, why am I staying with you guys? Do the other people stay here too?" I asked eagerly.

"No, they find their own homes, but you are special, your daughter wished that you not only join the Black Parade, but that you also join My Chemical Romance." He smiled. "So you'll be stuck with a house full of boys for the rest of eternity." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Well it could be worse." I nodded.

Frank then walked over and laid across my lap. "And plus, we're not that bad." He smirked.

"No, you aren't bad, but none of you know personal space do you?" I asked and he just stared up at me with a slight blank expression.

"My personal space is your personal space, same goes for everyone, We share every possible thing. So whatever sense of "personal space" you were used to, better forget it. Because life here, is all shared.

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