For _CakeIsAmazing_

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So guys this is a message for _CakeIsAmazing_ !So you should skip this because you may not know what I'm talking about!Well depends if you're in it!BUT WAIT A FUDGING SECOND!!!!!But there's no other next part yet?!Well guys I finally decided to make Adrien propose to you!Yes!You excited?Well here's my reply:

Awwwww!Thanks Shelby!And I would WUV to be in it!But can I ask you a question?What do I need to say about myself?If you can,can you please send me all the things I need to tell you about myself?If you can then thank you!Also I'm gonna make a rule that if you want to private message me,then you can!It's just that I will write my reply in this book!OR if you want then I will make a book of private messages with my replies!So yeah that's all and stay creative!

•CreativeEnchantress ^ω^

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