Before You Start Your Day (Patrick's POV)

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"Crazy kids," Pete mumbled as he chuckled as Emily and Jack walked to the kitchen.

"That is your daughter, Pete," I whispered as Pete laid his hand back on my head, gently playing with my hair.

"Hey, I didn't say I wasn't proud of it," he said as he chuckled.

"You have every reason to be proud, I mean look what she became," I said. "A responsible, independant, loving, talented girl who's capable of so, so much, just like you."

"Aww, babe," he said as he leaned down and kissed me forehead. "You do know that you're partly to blame here, right?"

"Blame?" I asked.

"Yeah, for lack of a better word. She obviously got her singing abilities from you. I mean, it couldn't have been from me because I sound like a dying cat when I sing, I only scream. And then the way she acts while she's onstage. That is allll you, my dear," he said.

"But she got her personality from you! And her ability to act cool in front of people, not be totally awkward and nervous," I stated.

"Oh, whatever," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"It's true," I said as I turned over and laid on my back, my head still resting on his lap.

"You know, you're adorable when you first wake up," Pete said as he wrapped his arm around me, pulled me up and closer to him.

"Pete, the kids are right there!" I said.

"I can't even steal a kiss?" he asked.

"Ok, fine. Maybe one wouldn't hurt..." I said.

Pete leaned in and out lips touched. Sparks every single time. Despite Emily and Jack in the next room, Pete and I wound up making out... Whoops!

"Oh shit!" Emily shouted as we heard a big bang.

"Oh god!" Jack shouted as he laughed.

Pete and I pulled apart, looked at each other, then I jumped off of him and ran into the kitchen, him following not too far behind. I instantly burst into laughter when I saw what made the banging sound and what made Jack laugh.

"Well, Em, how'd you manage that one?" Pete asked as he began laughing.

"Well, for your information, dad, I was making pancakes, well going to, and when I was mixing the shit together, my hands were slippery from the batter and the bowl slipped out of my hand and well, here we are now," Emily explained, making all of us laugh harder.

"Again, I rest my case about her being your daughter," I said.

"We all know I am," Emily said as she shrugged her shoulders and laughed.

"For the record, I had nothing to do with this. I simply was standing here, laughing," Jack said as he laughed.

"Thanks for the backup, man!" Emily said as she laughed and punched his shoulder.

"You are welcome!" he said as he laughed again.

"Anyway," I said as I chuckled. "Why don't we all clean this shit up and make some good 'ole pancakes?"

"Yes!" everyone said.

"I heard pancakes!" Jaimee shouted as she ran down the stairs.

"I like pancakes!" Ethan shouted, following right behind Jaimee.

"You both heard correct! Get in here, help us clean up a little, then you can have delicious pancakes!" Pete said as he motioned for them to come into the kitchen.

"Coming!" they both said as they ran into the kitchen, nearly slipping if I hadn't caught Ethan and Emily hadn't caught Jaimee.

"I am ok!" Jaimee said as she got her footing and held her hands up.

"Me too!" Ethan said.

"Ok, before anyone gets hurt, because you know, I'm a father and I worry, lets quick clean up, please," I said.

"You're adorable when you worry," Pete said, pecking me on the cheek.

"Guys! Not in front of us!" Jack whined.

"Yeah, you're so one of us already," I said.

"You've corrupt him!" Emily retorted.

"You're the one who brought him here in the first place," Jaimee stated.

"Touche," Emily said.

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