Implicit Demand for Proof (Pete's POV)

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"Hey man. What's up?" I answered my phone and I walked out of Emily's room.

"We had a little problem on the way back to Brendon and Dallon's place..." Joe said.

"Oh god, what happened?" I asked as I sighed.

"Well, as you know, Jaimee was kind of freaking out a little bit and that's why you had us take her back here, but on the way home, we had to pull over because she started to have a panic attack. She's fine now. Andy and I calmed her down, but we just thought you should know. Ethan and Jaimee are fast asleep upstairs and Brendon and Dallon's place," Joe explained.

"Oh god," I said. "Thanks for letting me know."

"No problem," he said. "I know it's not what you wanted to hear with everything that's going on, but yeah."

"Thanks man," I said.

"Anyway, Andy and I were thinking that we'd head home. We agreed that you and Patrick should be alone with Emily right now. Brendon and Dallon said they had no problem keeping Ethan and Jaimee overnight, so if you two decided to stay at the hospital or even go home, you can be alone to just talk or something," he said.

"Thanks you guys. Tell Brendon and Dallon that Patrick and I said thank you as well," I said.

"I will and it's really not a problem at all," he said. "Well, I'll let you go so you can get back to Patrick and Emily. Tell them both I said hi and tell Emily I said to get better!"

"Will do," I said. "Thanks again."

"Hang in there, Pete," Joe said before he hung up.

I smiled a little, then put my phone back in my pocket. I made my way down the hallway again and then stopped at Emily's door. I pushed it open slightly and there Emily was. She was sitting up now, talking to Patrick, but stopping once she saw me. She smiled at me with that amazing smile I was glad was still here.

"Hey dad," she said.

"Hey, how you doing?" I asked as I sat back down by Patrick, taking his hand like he did to me before.

"Been better," she said as she chuckled. "But how are you doing?"

"Been better as well," I said as I chuckled.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"About what?" Patrick asked.

"All of this. This should have never happened," she said.

"Emily, stop right there," I said. "None of this is your fault. You couldn't control any of this, ok? It's not your fault. I'm just happy that you're still here. Jack too! I'm happy everyone is alright, for the most part anyway. That's all I could ask for."

And that's when it all made sense... Maybe I should take my own advice, huh? It's definitely not Emily's fault because she really could not control any of this. But then it's not my fault either... I couldn't control it either. I couldn't control how Jack's mom acted, how his mom grabbed Emily, or how Emily got cut. I had no control over that. Maybe Patrick and Joe are right... It really is not my fault... It's funny how children can make you realize things that you never realized before...

*A/N* Sorry it's so short!!! :c

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