Truce (Emily's POV)

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"I am good," I heard Pete say.

"Dad!" I shouted as I pulled away from Jack and spun around.

"I totally knew it!" he said.

"Wait a minute," Patrick said. "Does this mean Jack is awake?!"

"Yeah," I said as I smiled and moved so they could see him.

"Oh my god!" Patrick said.

"I know right!" I said. "I'm so happy!"

"Me too," Jack said as he chuckled.

"You should be! And we already talked with the doctor and everything and he should be able to come home tomorrow," I explained.

"That's awesome!" Pete and Patrick both said.

"Hey, where's Jaimee and Ethan?" I asked. "Sorry to change the subject, but I'm curious."

"Oh, Jaimee's at home and we dropped Ethan off at Brendon and Dallon's. They called and asked if they could have overnight," Patrick said.

"Oh," I said as I laughed, which made Jack smile.

"So... Are you two, you know?" Pete asked as he motioned to Jack and I with his hands.

"Yeah," Jack said as he face lit up, which made me laugh.

"Aww!" both Pete and Patrick said.

"Oh, calm yourselves!" I said as I laughed.

"I will not!" Pete said.

"Me either!" Patrick said. "I mean you two are obviously adorable together."

"Jack, are my parents fan girling over our relationship?" I asked as I turned to him.

"I think so," he said. "You might want to run while you still can."

"Hey!" Pete said.

"Oh, you know I'm joking!" Jack said as he laughed, which made all of us laugh.

"So Jack, how ya feeling?" Patrick asked as he and Pete sat down.

"I have a killer headache, but other than that, I'm great," Jack replied.

"That's good!" Patrick said.

"Well, even better now," Jack said as he grabbed my hand, which made me blush.

"She's blushing!" Pete said as he pointed at me.

"Dad, shut up!" I said as I chuckled.

"Never!" he said.

"Dad," I whined.

The four of us sat and talked for hours after that, despite the visiting hours being over. Pete and Patrick told us about their little run in with the receptionist, which was pretty kick-ass to be honest, haha. Pete can get pretty badass when the times calls for it. And when it comes to Patrick or one of his kids, he's there protecting us. He's one of the best dads ever!

Anyway, at around midnight, Pete and Patrick finally left, leaving Jack and I alone together again. Not that he or I were complaining. We said our goodbyes and said we'd call them when Jack was able to go home tomorrow.

"I'm so glad you get to come home tomorrow," I said as I sat on the couch in Jack's room.

"Me too," he said. "Wait, where am I going exactly?"

"Well, your mom is in jail now, so back home with the five of us," I said.

"I can't ask you guys to do that," he said.

"Well, we want to do it," I said.

"Em," he said.

"Jack," I said as I chuckled.

"Thank you guys so much for everything you've done. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you that day," he said. "I really appreciate all of this. Way more than you will all ever know."

"I know you do, but you know we'd do anything to help you out. I'm so glad I met you that day. You really changed my life, obviously, and I can see us being the best of friends and going far together," I said as I walked over to him.

"I can too," he said as he smiled.

"You're already like my best friend," I said as I chuckled.

"You're mine too," he said as he took my hand.

And with that, we kissed again and it was amazing. I could definitely get used to this. Easily.

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