In The End (Emily's POV)

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Well, honestly, what can I say? Things have been amazing! Its been about six months since the whole incident, and things haven't been better. Jack and I are still going strong and we're both incredibly happy. Pete and Patrick tell me that he's the one, but who knows? I mean, it's not like I wouldn't mind it...

Anyway, I'm finally back out and touring again, and guess what! I finally got to hear All Time Low play and they were freaking amazing! So, I asked them if they'd be willing to open up for me. They agreed, so now I'm touring with them. It's awesome! We all seem like one big, happy family. It's been nothing but great memories, good times, and amazing music. I don't want this tour to end!

"All Time Low! You're on in five!" a stagehand yelled to the guys.

"Thanks!" Jack said.

"You're going to do great, baby," I said as he grabbed his guitar.

"Thanks," he said as he kissed my cheek. "I'm so nervous."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know to be honest," he shrugged. "I just am."

"Well, I can assure you that you're all going to kick some ass tonight!" I said as I smiled.

"If you're here, I definitely know I will," he said as he smiled back.

"Three minutes!" the stagehand yelled.

"You all ready?" I asked him.

"I think so," he said as he checked to make sure his giutar was tuned. "Yeah."

"Good," I smiled.

Jack and I talked for a few more minutes, also being joined by Alex, Zack, and Rian. I wished them all good luck, then the stagehand yelled that it was time to go on. We all put our hands in, then cheered as we lifted them up. I said good luck again, then they ran out onstage. I laughed, then stood back and watched them perform. They all looked so natural onstage. I did manage to get them a few gigs back at home and the cities around it, but this is their first actual tour, and frankly, they are so grateful and happy. It makes me happy.

"I just wanted to thank you guys all so much! The energy in this place is fucking insane! This is our last song, but first, we have someone we want to bring out here!" Alex said into the mic.

"Em, hun, come on out here!" Jack said.

I became incredibly confused, but ran out onstage anyway. I hadn't a clue about what the hell was going on, but I went with it.

"Jack, what's going on?" I whispered to him.

"Just go with it, ok?" he said, I nodded.

"Ok, I'm sure you all know who this is! This is Emily, the one we're opening up for tonight!" Alex said, which in return got a load of screams and cheers from the audience. "Anyway, what you might not know is that her and Jack here have been dating for about six months now! Jack, take it away!"

"Alright, well, I just want to say that Emily, I love you A LOT and you mean the world to me. You were the first person I ever opened up to like I did and I trusted you a lot. I'm so thankful every day that you're in my life and I hope you never leave. So," Jack said as he handed his guitar to Alex, then got down on one knee. "Emily, will you please marry me?"

"Oh my god, Jack," I said as I covered my mouth and started crying. "I don't kn- Jesus. Yes, I will."

He smiled at me, put the ring on my finger, then stood up and took me in his arms. I held on tight while he spun me around. I sobbed into his shoulder; I couldn't help it! I was so happy. I've thought about what it'd be like to be with him forever, and now it's actually going to happen. I was so happy, it's unbelievable.

"She said yes!" Alex said, which made the audience cheer more.

"Em, I love you so much," Jack said as he put me down.

"I love you too," I said as I kissed him.

"And now with that being said, who's ready for the last song, then to hear what you all came here for? Emily!" Alex said, making the audience cheer again.

By far the best day of my life. I got engaged, performed a kickass show, and now I'm snuggling with my fiance on the tour bus. Amazing.

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