Do You know what I'm Seeing? (Pete's POV)

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"Listen here, you little bitch, you lay another hand on me and you'll be sorry," I said as I pinned Jack's mom down on the floor.

"F-Fuck y-yo-you," she slurred out.

"You're a shitty excuse for a human. Going as far as to abuse your son. Jesus, people like you should be put in prison," I said.

"H-He deserves i-it," she said.

"Bullshit! No kid ever deserves to be abused by their own mother!" I retorted.

"H-He does," she said. "And h-he's not m-my real son."

"Through marriage?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah," she said.

"That's still not an excuse! I don't care if he's your stepson or not, you do not, under any circumstances, hit your child! Or sexually abuse them!" I yelled.

"AHH!" I heard Emily scream from upstairs.

"Emily?!" I yelled as I got off of his mother and ran up the stairs.

"Emily?!" Patrick yelled as he nearly ran into me as we ran into the room where Emily was.

Once Patrick and I ran into the room, the first thing we saw was Emily standing in front of a bed, then as we looked harder, we saw a body laying on the floor in front of her, a blood puddle under the body's head.

"Oh my god! Emily!" Patrick shouted as he caught her as she fell to her knees in a wreck of tears.

"H-He's n-not mov-moving," Emily said as she sobbed into Patrick's shoulder.

Patrick shot me a worried look, a single tear streaming down his face. I quickly ran to Jack's side and tried to wake him up, glancing at Emily and Patrick from time to time. I could hear Emily crying and I could easily tell that she had gone into a full panic attack, barely breathing and practically gasping for air. I looked over and Patrick was holding her in his arms, bridal style, while he tried to calm her down.

"Hun, shh shh shh," Patrick said. "Just focus on your breathing."

"I-I'm t-try-trying," she stuttered out.

After a few more minutes, Emily had calmed down as much as she could, so Patrick ran over to me and tried to help me wake Jack up. Minutes after that, we heard the floorboards creek and turned our attention to the doorway, Emily still sitting in the corner closest to the door.

"Oh, that's where I left him," his mother spat.

"Get the fuck out of here," I said.

"Fuck you," she said as she ran towards Emily, grabbing her and not letting her go.

"Hey! Don't you fucking lay a hand on my daughter!" Patrick shouted as he started to get up, but I stopped him. "Pete! What the hell?!"

"That's exactly what she wants you to do," I whispered to him. "You get up and hurt her, she'll hurt Emily."

Patrick nodded and got back down on his knees. He worked on Jack, calling 911 quietly as he did so. I got up slowly and carefully, staying where I was and not walking towards them. At this point, Jack's mom had Emily pinned to her chest as she wrapped her arm around her throat, a knife inches from Emily's face.

"Don't even think about it," I said, moving inches towards them, but only making Jack's mom grip onto Emily tighter, which made Emily whimper.

"Dad, please," Emily whispered, fear traveling through her voice.

Where Emily was, I could easily tell that she could do something to Jack's mom, so I made motions with my head, hopefully getting the message across to Emily on what she should do. She kept watching me and it must have clicked because she nodded as much as she could and moved a little in Jack's moms' arms. When Emily adjusted herself slowly, not getting much attention from Jack's mom, she nodded at me once again and then threw hwe head back, literally headbutting Jack's mom and making her nose instantly bleed and her fall to the floor.

"Ahh!" Emily screamed as she fell to the floor, gripping the small area between her neck and shoulder.

"Emily!" I shouted as I ran to her. "What happened?"

Emily moved her hands from that that spot and I could see that they were covered in blood. Shit. When Jack's mom fell, the knife she was holding slipped and cut Emily pretty bad and pretty deep.

"Oh god, Emily, I'm so sorry," I said as I put her hands back on the spot. "Just keep pressure on that spot, please. Go by Patrick and let me finish this son of a bitch off."

Emily nodded at me and then crawled her way over to Patrick, who gasped when he saw what happened to his daughter. I could hear him ripping what I assumed was the sheet on the bed and then I glanced back and saw him holding the sheets to Emily's neck. I felt terrible... After I glanced back at Jack's mom, oh, was I going to give it to her. This is out of self defence... Right?... ;)

"You son of a fucking bitch!" I screamed as I as I sat on top of Jack's mom as started wailing on her.

"N-No! Stop!" she shouted.

"What? You don't like being on the other end of this?!" I asked as I slapped her repeatedly.

"No!" she screamed, trying to block her face.

"The what gives you the fucking right to beat your son?! What gives you the right to fucking molest him?!" I screamed.

"He deserves it!" she yelled.

"Get it through your thick ass skull that Jack does not deserve anything you've done to him you worthless piece of shit! I don't know exactly what happened that made you start doing this bullshit to him, but he does not deserve it! No one does! You should have gone to see somebody about your mother fucking issues, not take it out on your son! You're a piece of fucking shit!" I shouted as I punched her.

"Pete! Stop!" Patrick shouted frantically. "We've got bigger problems!"

I stopped wailing on Jack's mom, not caring about her or what I did to her. And yeah, I know I said no one deserves that shit, but you fucking touch my daughter or anyone I care about and love, then you'll be fucking sorry! Anyway, I turned my attention to Patrick, who was freaking out. I ran over to him and looked... Oh god.

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