Her knight.

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"when will the tomorrow come,the tomorrow of my dreams"

The whole ground observed a pin drop silence, not even a leave stirred . The atmosphere turned dense with every passing second.The state level soccer tournament finals between the Lyon and Alton university was at its climax.The players who were the undefeated heroes among-st all, are facing their final match .

"Pass me the ball..here,here take it from Steven,run boys,Steven come on this will be your second time if u win ,give us a chance today". "sorry mate! next time, we have almost reached"came the reply .Just then after a few minutes came the roaring sound "GOAL"!!!!!!!!!!! Once again the Lyon university had won the state level soccer tournament and like last year the star player was Steven.

Steven Collins an ideal boy, every girl would die for was a bright student at the Lyon University . People especially girls craved for his attention. His cute dimple and and his toned body was enough to set a heart on fire.Balls and books both were his passion. However,his popularity,fame didn't affect him much . Under all his smart and sporty attitude there lay a simple and a blunt man who had not got any internal solace after his mom left him 7 years ago,he got loads of female attention but never found a true soulmate on whom he could rely, on whom he could place his trust and most importantly a girl he could LOVE without having the fear of separation. He lived with his dad in a big mason but at times he felt a one room home would have been better, at least he wouldn't have been so lonely .

The cheering echoed STEVEN ,YOU NAILED IT!!!!!,WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!!! LOVE YOU STEVE!!!!! "GO LYONITES ".and within minutes the whole crowd of the Lyon university was there at the ground living their victories and proud moments.Steven was thrown up in the air .The Lyonites had a great time there!!!.

"Hey,Steve wait".Steve turned to see his best mate and co-player Drake running behind ."Ohh hi Drake,what's up,why are you running".The excited expression on his friend's face told him of some good news."Dude will you believe it.principal Mr Wank gave us a total amount of 65 dollars to enjoooooyyy!!!"
"But why?"
"Because of our VICTORY ,man,he called me personally into his cabin to give us the reward, don't be dumb lets go"
"OK fine let's go"

The players sorted out their plan . What could be more attracting ,when the whole university was busy studying their books,the players enjoyed, that to on their principal's money!!
Their day kicked off with watching the heroic baseball match at the American ground. The boys were not satisfied with the results .They were annoyed with the opposite team who won, so they exhausted their anger by seeing a strong boxing match at the Eternal ring. Now came the lunch time ,they quickly grabbed burgers ,pizzas and some beer .The boys ,tired with sports ,went in search of some music . The environment inside the Edge of Glory disco was dark ,neon lights flickered all over the place ,smoke and whisky was all around,people moving with the music, competition with the tequila shots,girls and boys getting wild.In short the place was 'carefree'.The boys shouted their lungs out with the DJ,flirted with all possible girls,danced without shame and completely escaped to ecastacy.

The Hangover was terrible,their heads felt like hard rock,they couldn't even recognise themselves. Tumbling down the streets they cheered and clapped ,all their etiquette was lost ,they forgot who they were ,what was their aim and all their pain. The dawn was breaking ,now all they felt was a severe headache and all that mattered now was a strong and concentrated coffee.After a walk of about half a kilometre they identified a small and cosy looking cafe at the corner the board which read"He Brews cafe". Hot smoke rising through the chimney .Without a second thought all the boys stumbled in.

"Good morning boys" the boys were greeted by a middle aged woman!!
They all made themselves comfortable, the interior of the cafe was of an old English style,with a fireplace puffing clouds of dust ,the cafe looked old but charmingly beautiful!
"What would be your orders?"
"Hello,ma'am we we would like 3 cappuccino,2 latte and 2 espresso please"Steven politely answered .
"Sure,and please don't call me ma'am you all are my customers ,call me Lauren"
"OK thank,Lauren!!!"
After 10 minutes,hot, creamy coffee came .
"Wooah! It's hot" Drake said
"The coffee is really delicious"replied John . The boys engrossed themselves in their usual talk !!
"Steven! what's up!" Steven's daydreaming was cut down by Ash's interruption "you are so silent , feeling sleepy huh?".
"No! No it's nothing like that ,it's just that this place has a strange aura ,it's attracting me towards it".
"Oh! So Mr Steven has found his love ,this cafe Ohhh! you look so happy together!Ha Ha !!!The boys mocked him."Whatever!"came the reply.
At the time of leaving,Steven went up to Lauren and said " Lauren ,it's really nice meeting you ,I have gone through this way so many times but never noticed this cafe before .It has something special which attracts me ,will surely visit again.Thanks for the rejuvenating coffee"
Lauren smiled and said "It's OK my child, maybe your destiny wanted you here ,do come again ".

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