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"your heart,got stories with mine".

"Erin"??"Erin where are you".
Lauren,her mom had just returned from her cafe and was restlessly searching for her daughter.
"Yes !Mom I am here!came a cracked reply from the door.

"Oh!my God,Erin where were you ,I was searching for you since the past hour!!and just look at yourself!!!! You look horrible ,what happened?"

Erin walked past her mom.

"Erin,Erin wait what's the matter ? You went to the bar again ! I have told you so many times,not to go there?
Erin !! Erin! wait.
You should spend sometime with your mom too? After all we are a FAMILY? !!!!

The word FAMILY stopped her,

"Family!!!you call us a family,mom ? Do you know what's a family? Family is a father, a mother and a child.
A father who protects, who guides ,who loves !!!! and Mom I have lost it ! So please stop !"
Saying this Erin walked off.

Lauren sighed, "Why does she not understand the fact her father is no more, seven months have passed since then!!
She needs to accept it and do something in her life,I won't be there forever for her,she has to move ahead"

Erin threw herself in her bed and cried her heart out,"Why am I not coping up with my life,why do I face such dreams which keep me awake all the time?
Why?Why?and Why?"

Her phone on the bed buzzed, it was Helen her friend or it would be better to call her as a sister. They were together since their first day of school . Helen Jeffrey,was pure best friend material.
Erin was glad that after all disasters she faced, someone was there to hold her hand , provide a shoulder when she cried, be a pillow when she needed a hug, a shadow in the good and bad times
She picked up the phone

"Hello!Errie ?"

"Um,ya Helen hi ?"

"What the hell ,girl where were you last night?"do you have any idea how much we searched for you!!!"

"Ya I understand,I'm sorry dear"

"Whatever!!!,this is the fourth time you ran out of your home , don't you care about us !!!"

"Ya I know and I do"!

"Swear,on me Errie you won't do it again!!"

"I will try me level best,but I can't promise

"But ,why?? See Errie we have discussed this topic many times but somehow it doesn't work!!!"

"See Helen!" Erin's voice was rising."I can't handle all these things ,I cannot see my father's photo with a candle in front of it ,I get annoyed,every object reminds me of things I lost!!!! So to escape these feelings I run down to the bar!!!! "

"And what about your mom Errie,you have to help her too, you always can't be so weak! Who will look after her huh? It's you! Be strong Erin !!"

Erin again lost her control on her tears
"I know, I have many duties,I know that my mom is tensed about me !!but.. but...I just cannot!"

Helen softened ,"I understand my love , don't worry I am always with you and I am sure you will cope up fast!!"

"Thanks Helen ,you have always been there with me, I cannot even imagine my life without you "

"You are always welcome love, now come down let's go for a walk!!"

"Ya just 15 mins,I am coming"

"Alright see ya!"


After the heavy conversation with her best friend, she felt light and ....happy?

After 15 minutes of bathing , brushing and dressing up Erin rushed down. Strangely, that day after all those outbursts and crying she felt better. She didn't feel like wearing her usual blacks, but searched for florals. Out of no reason she felt happy as if some kind of good would soon be knocking at her door . After a lot of searching ,she did find a floral dress with pretty summer flowers printed ,her father brought it on her eighteenth birthday .
For the first time time Erin smiled at the thought of her father.

She paired the dress with yellow summer sandals ,left her hair open with a side clip . She smiled,but didn't know the reason behind her smile!Maybe her destiny wanted to change again?? But would,she accept.
Rushing down she met Helen near the

"Wow!!! Errie,you look beautiful after soo long "

"Thanks,len just felt like doing it."

"Any special reason,huh?""

"No,len it's nothing like that, was tired of the blacks! and I really have to cope up,you see"

"I am glad"

The girls often went for a walk to the park and around!! That walk with her friend was the best thing for Erin in her broken life.They went inside the park ,the sun was shining to its fullest.
Children built castles with mud and their mums busy gossiping.

"I have a boyfriend' the sentence broke the silence.

Helen slyly turned to see Erin who was surprised yet pleased!

"What!!!since when Len"""

"Well today is the third day"

"Wow!!Len I am so happy for you "

"Ya I am happy to"

"Tell me something about him"

"Okay,so his name is Drake, a student of The Lyon University and a really good soccer player!!"

"Ohhh!you have got a really nice guy,I am so happy!"

"Yup,when the soccer tournament was held between Lyon and the Alton university,two days ago, Drake's team won!because of a boy name em..er..ya it was Steven".

"Steven! "Erin thought!!!

The girls ,then were busy talking about , everything in general but nothing specific.
The talks were mostly about Helen and her boyfriend Drake!!!!

"Errie,don't you feel like having a boyfriend, who will love ,care and protect you?"Helen asked..
Erin was quiet for sometime.

"I don't know Helen,maybe after my father's death I have lost my strength to love any man !!"

"But,you will get married one day?

"Maybe,I will ,but that depends on my fate ,
The only man who provides me with the 'sense of completion' I had with my dad,will be the one I will love,a man who brings my joy back,who can be a sturdy support to both me and my mom !!Rest is unsure!!'

"And what if u don't get a man like that ??.

"No,Helen God will not be so cruel to me again, I believe that I will get my soulmate"

After 2 hours of blissful walking and talking , Erin returned back .
But now she had one more question in her mind
My soulmate? Where will I get him ?
Will I ever get him????

Erin entered her home
"listen Errie, enough of your tantrums,you are coming with me to the cafe from tomorrow!!!"Lauren was sitting in the sofa with her eyes and voice firm..(maybe she was trying to be strong enough for both of them)
"OK, mom!"was the only reply Erin could think about.

***plz don't forget to vote***


Hello everyone! please feel free to comment and give any kind of tips and suggestions y.I am trying my best not to make any errors and make it interesting.🙋🙋
Thank you all for reading and encouraging me .

Love u all ❤❤❤

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