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"in the world full of screaming copy,posted quotes......She is a silent original poetry!!!!"

Steven walked down the corridor of his university,though being physically present his mind was drifting off to his talk with Erin that morning and how happily Lauren allowed him to come down to her cafe and help her and Erin..

Working in the cafe really pleased him ,he felt that after so many years of showing fake happiness ,he found something that really gave him his long lost pleasure.

And Erin!she was someone who really made him feel himself. He could be natural around her.He knew about her father and she knew about his mum. Steve felt that they both were quite alike.

"Hey!! Steve" Drake came up to him with a cup of coffee.

"Where were you yesterday ,our soccer team had a big party at David's "

"Ohh! I completely forgot about the party,Drake!"

"Never mind,but answer my question ,you were not in your home right !"

"Ya I was at the cafe"

"Cafe! which one "

" The He brew's cafe"

"Okay,I see that cafe where you go regularly"

"Ya!!" Steven couldn't stop blushing

"Take mate,your coffee it will help you "Drake smiled,

Steven refused "Sorry,friend but I already drank the best coffee of my life this morning at the cafe!"

"The He Brew's cafe again!!" Drake cunningly smiled,

The two boys continued with their walking. Steven could sense many eyes on him which was a very normal thing for him.

"By the way, Steve don't you think that 8:00 am is a bit to early to visit the cafe.!"Drake teased .Steven gave him an embarrassing look.

"I..I mean are cafes open during this time "By now Drake could sense that Steven was hiding something..

"How is it with you and Helen,Drake?"Steve was trying to change the topic.

"We are doing great, Helen went to visit her grand mom at Cheshire and she will return tomorrow after which we will go out for a dinner, but you say what's up with you ..?"

"me,..evr...everything is fine like before". Steven himself didn't know the reason behind him stammering..

"Oh! that's great..Steve if there is anything you wanna talk about I am always there for ya!!.." Drake patted him and walked away..

"Ya thanks ,mate"!!

That day,Steven couldn't concentrate on any of his classes .There were many girls around him but all his mind thought about was ERIN.. What was she doing now?Was she also thinking about me like I am thinking about her?

It was 6:00 pm,Steven was in the soccer ground practicing.The match between Lyon university and Richard's match was scheduled be held on the coming Tuesday.

The soccer ground was full of energy vibes.The practice match was going on with a lot of passion.

The ball was just loitering around Steven's leg,he was just showing his tricks.

"Come on!!Steve throw the ball this way!!" Mike was waving his hands towards Steve.

"Ya!wait "Steve skill fully passed the ball.



"GO!GO!LYON UNIVERSITY!! came the monotonous singing of the girls..

The next two hours really increased the temperature of the ground,the heads of the audience swayedto the movements of the ball.

"STEVEN!!DRAKE!!!MIKE!!!!".echoed all over the ground.

The match signed out with David's team 3 points and Steven's team 4 points.

At the restroom after the match Drake caught up with Steve.This time Steven had planned to spill out all his feelings for Erin in front of Drake.

"Hey!!Steve you rocked the ground man!

"Thanks Drake,you were equally rocking"


"Dr..Drake ,I would like to talk about something"

"Ya sure !tell"

"You know Erin?"

"Erin?...Is she Helen's best friend"

"Ya she is Lauren's daughter"

"Lauren!the He Brew's cafe owner"


"oooo! now I see why are you always around that place!!"Drake teased him

"So!what should I do? Whenever I see her I feel relaxed nd I enjoy being with her!!

"Are you falling for her..Huh!!"

"No!!No...How can that be possible,it's just that I like spending time with her.Nothing much"

Drake now turned serious,"See Steve ,for me I only like spending time with people whom l am comfortable with and with whom I have a connection..!! And moreover you never said anything of this kind before.So this obviously is some connection!!"

"She was the moon...Yet lonely
Because the stars are also not always with her"

"Hey!! Drake , can I borrow your kit for a sec" Daniel was at the door.

"Ya sure man!!"Drake shouted back.
"Listen Steven it's up to you ,what you do but always remember that I am always with you.In whatever decision you make"Drake patted Steve's shoulder and went.

It was 11:30 pm.. Steven was still pondering about his feelings for Erin. That day because of his odd feelings he didn't visit the cafe, thought one part of him really wanted to see Erin.But he was nervous. What if he uttered something which would ruin the present situation??!.
Precautions are always better than cure...!

The decision was hard to make.He was sure that he had some feelings for her but he was not sure about how would she react.
Also,he was scared thinking that Erin might leave him like his mom.

It's was so perplexing for him.

"You fall in love with the most unexpected person,at the most unexpected time."

"What am I supposed to do now !!?
"Should I confess my feelings or leave it!!

Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock!!
The clock never stops..

After 45 min of concentrated thinking.Steven decided to confess.

"Love is only the sane and satisfactory answer to the question of human existence"

It was always better to be be truthful and honest then to hide your feelings and get hurt.

Steven decided to speak it out tomorrow,at the cafe when he would go for a walk.After all ,he thought it's not a big deal.He didn't love her or something!!

"My heart shout's a word..
But I must be silent...What if?"

Though deep down the feelings were something else.With this he eloped to the world full of dreams.

"Mon Amour you toujours
Dans tes grands yeux
Turn que nous Deux!!!"....

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