A prose !

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Erin returned home after work ,that day was a bliss .She and Steven finally got together.She was happy ,truly happy after a long time .

We stood there,looking at each other ,
                 Saying nothing
But it was this nothing that meant everything

She kept her sling bag on the hanger and walked in.Her fantasies were not yet over .It was the first time she had found love outside her home .

"Oh ! My" she rubbed her face." Finally the day has come .! I need to tell my mum about this ..!" She went inside her room to realise that she didn't quite see her mother today ..! " Weird." She thought ! " Where is she now again !! ' A bit tensed, she looked up to the watch ..it was 8:37 pm.!
" Wooah ! She is never this late even if she is working after me !! " Erin stood there !

Seconds passed, minutes passed and so did an hour ....!!!

Now !!! Erin started it panic it was 20 minutes to 10 and yet no sign of her mother . !  Visions of something bad happening to her started to float around Erin's mind .! She felt stupid to have wasted an hour in waiting for her mother instead of going around in search for her "Dang it !!!" She kicked the table on which she almost tripped while running out

Winters maybe a very attractive season as it brings along all the festivities but u can't deny that a  empty street in a.cold  night looks spooky  .... shhhhh!

Erin wrapped her coat as tight as she could and walked down the street that takes her to her cafe . For her company she has nothing but darkness..Darkness and few strange noises that become obvious when  one is alone or scared . She was scared .

She felt like the the winds were biting her or  to put it this way feasting on her . From a distance she could see her small cafe with the lights ...off ? She stopped on her track ,her mind busy calculating the possibilities of what could have happened .She felt miserable ,she wanted her mother to know how happy she was to finally be with Steven..! STEVEN yes ! Through her blurry eyes that blurred with all the tears running down she dialled Steven 's number and waited for him to answer !

' Hiya Erin , I was myself going to call u now' Steve's voice calmed Erin a bit and she could sense that Steven was blushing on the  other side of the phone . She herself blushed a little! after all this was the first time they spoke to each other as a couple over the phone ..!
  No ! No Erin !! Don't blush it's not the time !! the wind blew directly over her face hissing on to her ears !! 

" Steven "! Erin shook a bit !

"Yes Erin!! I am right here"he could feel that this call was not a normal call that a couple make .

" Steven ! I cannot find my mom ! " Her eyes started to water again .

" What ?? How is that even possible "!!

" Yes Steve it's possible and now I cannot figure what to do.! she started to cry like a small child .

" Okay ! Okay Erin we ..we will find her !! Steven was now on his way to grab his jacket .

" Please come fast .Steve I'm.  broken !!

" Erin WE WILL FIND HER OKAY.! Stop crying " they way Steve spoke reminded Erin of a school teacher trying to calm a crying child !

" Ookay..! O-ok ! I m near the cafe ! " She was trying hard to hold her tears back and was failing miserably .

" Stay right where you are I'm gonna reach in five minutes "! With this he ended the call .

Wow ! Erin thought I have never seen him this strict and firm before !

After the brief call with Steven ,Erin felt powered .She walked towards the cafe that was all dark and tried to peek in through one of the glasses that was coated with frost ...!

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