chapter three

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When the seething red head gryffindor finally left as well, Draco turned towards his friends "Theo, watch over Granger," he instructed seriously. He was looking directly at theo that he hadn't noticed the knowing looks his friends had shared.
'well it looks like someone had finally caught the slytherin's ice prince' interest and attention' Pansy thought. 'and it was Hermione Granger of all people. But they couldn't blame him. Really. Granger just impressed the hell out of them with the way she handled the weasel.
Draco's instruction was all the proof they needed. And it wasn't just a simple instruction or more like order. It means watched over her. Protect her. Make certain no harm would come her way. Treat her like you treat me. With respect, provide everything that she would want and need, and most of all keep her away from any other wizard, admirers and suitors,'
Granger's fate had suddenly turned upside down. She almost pout when she realized she won't be able to witness Granger, no, Hermione. They should start calling her like that from now on. She won't be able to witness Hermione's reaction. Oh well she can just borrow Theo's memory when they return.
Her musing was interupted when she felt a tugged on her hand as Draco started walking again. They reached the entrance hall without any more disturbance. With a last glance towards the gryffindor table just to make sure Hermione was there safe and unharmed, he nodded to the other slytherins who will be left behind then strode outside the castle with Crabbe, Goyle and an invicible Blaise and Lucien in tow.
They were relieved when they arrived at Hogsmeade in peace. They caught sight of the headmaster and their head of the house on their way out of the castle but thankfully paid them no mind. When they arrived in a secluded part of the village, Draco immediately summoned the knight bus as they were certain apparating was definitely not preferable to a pregnant witch or wizard. And they didn't want to risk using the floo either. So the bus was the only safe option.
"You two can roam around for now. I'll just send a message to your next instruction," Draco address the two remaining slytherin. They nodded their head in understanding they walked back to the busy village while Draco, Pansy and their two invicible companion rode the bus.
Mean while, while Lucien and the three young slytherin was on their way to Malfoy Manor, the remaining slytherin as well started their mission. As soon as they reached their house table they immediately informed the others of their prince' instruction. Some are surprise and curious, but no one would dare question Draco's order. While there are others who was elated that atlast their prince finally found his consort. Even it was in the person of Hermione Granger.
They were discreetly watching the gryffindor table when an owl landed infront of the future Lady Malfoy. Celina who has the ability to see magical aura gasped then whisper furiosly to Theo when she notice that whatever inside the package had a very dark aura in it, and would be harmful for their princess.
Without a second thought Theo draw his wand then summoned the package from Hermione's grasp.
Hermione sat with Ginny and the Twins in the gryffindor table still furious to Ronald, but worried for Harry at the same time. They still had no idea on what had happened to Harry. They thought he was pulled from Hogwarts for some sort of training. She couldn't tell them the truth either as the headmaster cast a very powerful and unknown secrecy spell on her. Everytime she attempt to tell anybody she would feel like a hudred of cruciatus curse was cast on her. She need to go to the library later on to research for a counter curse. They thought that she and Ronald was just having their usual disagreement.
She was pulled from her train of thoughts when an owl landed infront of her carrying a small package. She was confused as she wasn't expecting anythin today. And had no idea who might sent her a package. With curiousity she took the package from the owl and was about to opened it but she was startled when the package was suddenly pulled from her grasp. She quickly turned from her seat and looked behind and saw a smirking Theodore Nott was holding her package.
"well, well, well. Looks like the little princess got a gift," commented the Theo as he subtly tore the wrapper. They couldn't just tell her that there's a curse object inside the package. That would just rose suspicion to who ever sent the package.
"Give that back, Nott," the gryffindor witch demanded as she approached the group of slytherins. Ginny, the Twin and other gryffindor following behind her. She tried to snatched the package back but Nott quickly pulled it away from with in her reached.
"And if I don't? what will little princess goin to do?" taunted Theo as he finally opened the package. Inside was a journal and a quill.
Before Hermione could respond their Potion and Transfiguration professor already approached them. "Ms. Granger, Mr. Nott, what is going on here?" the potion master inquired
"Nott, took my package professor," Hermione immediately replied gesturing at the now open package Theo was holding.
"Mr.Nott, I suggest you return that package to Ms.Granger now," instructed their transfiguration professor.
Theo gave a look towards his friends indicating that whatever happened they would continue to follow their prince order.
"Of course, professor," theo replied and with little to no hesitation he grab the journal and quill inside the box.
The moment his hand touched the journal Theo's body froze, as his eyes turned black. At the same time his hand which was touching the journal was also started to turn red and looks like it was burning. Then all of a sudden he fell unconscious on the floor. Later they would realized the he's not just merely unconscious but was instead in coma.
The moment Theo froze when he touched the object inside the box, he was instantly aware that something was wrong but he couldn't do anything anymore as the damage had already been done. The curse had already spread fast all over his body. So instead he immediately create a barrier so that no one could come close and touched him, as his skin wasn't just look like it's burning as it was really indeed burning.
Minerva on the other hand immediately secured the curse package. As he followed Severus when the potion master levitated Theo and rushed him to the infirmary. Some of the slytherins followed as well worried for him. but the others remained in the great hall to keep an eye to their princess.
Some of the students already left the great hall but Hermione still remained standing there her wide eyes still staring at the spot where Theo had fallen in horror and dread.
"Mione, come on. Why don't we sat beside the lake for now," suggested Ginny as she led the still shocked bushy haired gryffindor outside together with her twin brothers, and Neville.
But on their way to the lake they were cornered by Zacharias Smith who was smirking as he approached the group of gryffindor.
"Hey, Granger. I was hoping you could deliver a message to Harry," said Smith saying Harry's name in a very sexual and suggestive manner that made some of the slytherins who was aware on what happened to Harry tense, while Hermione glared at the bastard murderously. She was clenching her hands tightly trying to stopped herself from reacting to anything Smith was saying. This was one of the rules of that damn secrecy spell, she couldn't do or say anything to the bastard that would let out what had happened to Harry. So when Smith leaned closer to whisper something to her, she just stood there like a stone statue but anyone who would look closely could see her body was shaking badly from suppress anger.
"Tell him that I can't wait to fuck him hard and raw once again. I couldn't wait to hear him scream and begged again. And next time he won't get away from me anymore. Tell him he belong to me and no one else," Smith whispered smugly. He knew the headmaster didn't believe Harry when he claimed he was raped. Instead he believed him when he told the headmaster that they are really in a relationship, when the headmaster told him about the accusation.
Unfortunately for Smith, Hermione may not be able to do anything to him, but the slytherins who heard what he whispered to Hermione via simple evesdropping spell could do everything they wanted to him. And as a proof, Tracy subtly flick her hand and all of a sudden Smith's clothes all vanished and everyone saw him naked. Then with another flick of one of the slytherin's hand his dick shrunk extensively until it look like a dick of a five year old instead of sixteen. And with one last hand wave letters started to curved on his bare back. 'Hufflepuff slut' They did it all wandless and wordless so that no evidence could be trace towards them.
When he pulled away to see the enrage reaction of the bushy haired gryffindor, he was disaqointed when Hermione just stared at him for a while with a blank expression, then she roamed her eyes all over his body. All of a sudden she burst out laughing, and as if on cue everyone around them dissolve into hysterical laugh as well, even the slytherins join them.
Smith who was so confused finally looked at himself when he noticed that everyone was laughing at him, and to his mortification he realized he was naked and his two inches dick was dangling for everyone to see.
He looked at Hermione furiously "you bitch," he snarled as he smack Hermione on the face so hard that it busted her lip and blood drip to her chin, her face was also badly bruise.
The twins was about to attacked Smith when the naked wizard suddenly fell on the ground an ear piercing scream tore his throat as his body shook uncontrolably. Everyone in there immediately realized what curse had been used to him. The Cruciatus Curse. But who would dare cast that spell inside Hogwarts? Wandlessly and wordlessly no less. Who ever that person was, they were bowed to them, the weasley twin thought.
Just as Smith stopped from screaming and twitching on the ground a disappointed voice suddenly spoke. That made everyone froze.
"Ms.Granger, am afraid that's expulsion and azkaban for you," stated the headmaster looking disappointed and saddened but deep inside he was elated as he finally had reason to get rid of the gryffindor know-it-all.
"Filch, take her wand away from her then summoned the aurors," instructed the old wizard much to the glee of the Hogwarts care taker. The twins, Ginny and Neville was about to defend her,But something unexpected happened that shocked everyone in the vicinity watching what was happening, especially the headmaster and the gryffindors. Before Filch could approached Hermione, all the slytherins moved as one. They formed a protective circle around the five Gryffindor. As they face the headmaster, head held higxh and looking directly to the headmaster's eytes. Their own eyes hard and challenging.

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