chapter 7

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Marvolo read the result then
immediately snapped his gaze
towards the anxious Potion master.
"He's pregnant?"
"What?" yelled Lucius in shocked.
at the same time Rabastan
exclaimed " salazar's couldron, she's
a Lestrange!"
Lucius thankful for the distraction
quickly plucked the parchment at
Morvolo's hand intending to found
out what had really happened to his
son. But as soon as he had read
what was written in the parchment
he had wished he hadn't as all
blood drain from his face. Rape. His
beloved son was raped and now
pregnant. He felt a blinding fury
bubbled deep inside him. And was
unaware that his magic was already
starting to lashed out getting
everyone's attention. He wanted to
hurt, kill someone. Preferably the
one that dare to hurt and touched
his son. He would torture him slowly
and painfully. He just need to found
out who. Unaware that he had said
the last part loud enough for
everyone to hear so he was startled
from his murderous thoughts when
suddenly someone spoke
"Zacharias Smith," Ginny suddenly
spoke up causing everyone to stare
at her incredulously. But Lucius was
just staring at her puzzle not yet
realizing she had answered his
Ginny huffed unaffected by the
warning glare every thrown at her
"you asked who did that to Harry to
Lucien. It's Smith. Zacharias Smith.
That Hufflepuff slut who think he is
merlin's gift to everyone,"
Understanding and Recognition
suddenly dawned on the Malfoy
Lord's stormy grey eyes "That Lowly
bastard dared to hurt and touch my
son? Im going to kill him," he
snarled angrily as he immediately
strode towards the door with every
intention of hunting the said
hufflepuff but before he could
reached the door of the med wing
he was suddenly hit by a red light
on his back and Marvolo was
instantly on his side to catch him
before his head hit the floor. He
then carried his lover towards the
bed beside Narcissa. Afterwards he
returned his attention to the other
occupants of the room, specially the
"We will discuss what you've
discover later. For now you work on
reversing the curse on her while
Severus and I heal Lucien," he
The Lestrange nodded in
understanding and set on working as
the dark lord focused on Lucien. He
wave his wand above Lucien's body
mutterting something in
parsletounge. Severus on the other
hand summoned his personal elf
and instructed her to take all the
healing potion he kept on his
private lab at Prince Manor.
When Marvolo was done he cursed
silently after finding out the extent
of Lucien's condition. It was very
bad. Most of his injuries was a result
of long term abused. What made him
more furious was amount of dark
magic and termination spell that was
cast at him. It was really a miracle
that Lucien hadn't had a miscarriage
or so he thought. He immediately
started on healing him with Severus
assisting him. It took them both
almost two hours to fully stabilized
Lucien's condition. When they were
done he sat on the chair beside his
lover Lucius. He was certain the
Malfoy Lord would be very furious
when he revived him but he was
already used to his lover's temper
that he wasn't worried about it
anymore. When Lucius finally calmed
down he would eventually realized
that it wasn't a good idea to
suddenly barged in at Hogwarts and
Kill Dumbledore or Smith.
"My lord?"
"Where does Lucien stay during
summer?" asked the dark lord calmly
but everyone could hear the hint of
supressed fury in his voice.
"At his rel- at Lily Evans muggle
sister, my lord," replied the potion
master already knowing the reason
why their Lord had asked.
"Come," ordered the dark lord as he
strode outside the infirmary. That
lone word explained everything
Severus wanted to know.
The Lestrange, and young slytherins
watched their Lord and the potion
master retreating back puzzled.
Ginny who had noticed this decided
to enlighten them as she was the
only one who had any idea of Harry's
"The Dursley's would now pay for
everything they did to Harry,"
Draco looked at her sharply
Those muggles Harry was staying in
during his life before Hogwarts and
every summer. They hate Harry, they
tried to beat the magic out of him,
starve him, locked him in a bloody
cupboard, they treated him worse
than a house elf,"
Draco clenched his fist tightly upon
hearing what his twin brother had
suffered. All his life he was
pampered by both of his parents
while his twin was all alone and
suffering. It made Draco felt very
guilty and misserable just thinking
of all the horrible things he had
done and said to his twin. He was
really very thankful that Lucien still
decided to accept him and by doing
so giving Draco and second chance
to make it up to his twin. He vowed
to himself that he would do
everything to protect his baby twin.
He will love and take care of him. He
would make sure he would never
experience any pain ever again, he
would never be alone again. He
would destroy everyone that made
his baby twin's life misserable and
anyone who would dare to harm him
from now on.
Blaise thought wasn't much different
from Draco. Lucien might not yet his
but he'll be damn if he allowed
anyone to harm him again. He knew
that it would take sometime before
Lucien trust him but he would prove
to him that he was sincere. He
would wait for as long as Lucien
Severus apparated a few blocks away
from number four privet drive
followed closely by the dark lord.
Marvolo waisted no time as he
strode towards the hell house where
Lucien had grown up. They both
stop at the edge of the wards and
they were both pissed off to realized
that the so called blood wards
doesn't exist. But they should have
expected this as they now knew that
it was impossible to create a blood
wards since Lucien aren't related to
What shocked them instead was the
vast number of compulsion and hate
spell that covered all over the entire
house from the door knob, to the
floor every furniture up to the roof.
And it's all for the muggles living
here to hate the only magical person
living in this house.
The potion master and the dark lord
share a knowing look. Both thinking
the same thing. Those muggles
living here may not be as guilty as
they thought they would be.
Knowing that they would only find
the answer in all this if they finally
meet those muggles personally so
with a wave of Marvolo's wand he
easily dismantle the pathetic wards
Albus had erected in this place then
strode towards the door followed by
Severus. Without hessitation he
blast the door open just in time for
Petunia to walked down the stairs.
She let out an ear piercing scream
when he saw the two obviously
wizard in her house but was only cut
off when Severus immediately cast a
silencing spell on her. She
immediately pressed herself againts
the wall as she watched the two
wizard approached her with fearful
but also a hopeful eyes.
Severus immediately wave his wand
and cast a spell that would show
them if Petunia was under some
other spell and potion that affect
her attitude. He snatched the result
stifly and his eyes narrowed then
widened when he read the result.
"My lord, it seems that our suspicion
was correct. She's under several
potions and spell, and. . and her
magic was bound,"
The dark lord looked at Severus
sharply then turned his crimson orbs
towards Petunia. Using his wand he
lifted Petunia's chin so she was
looking directly to him. Then without
any warning he dove into the
woman's mind trying to gather as
much information as he could. As
though Petunia knew what he was
doing as the first memory he
stumble made the dark lord jerked
out of her mind in shocked.
"Severus, take her. We're going to
Gringgots," he ordered as he
immediately strode outside the
house and quick apparated towards
the bank knowing that the potion
master would follow.
Severus on the other hand stare at
the dark lord's retreating bank
puzzled at the dark lord's odd
reaction. None the less he grab
Petunia which surprisingly go with
him without any fuss.
When they arrived at the bank the
dark lord was already waiting inside.
They were quickly ushered inside,
Petunia on the other hand was
immediately taken to the ritual
Severus sat down as he watched the
dark lord paced in front of him.
"My Lord, what got you so agitated?"
asked the potion master when he
couldn't handle the akward silence
any more.
The dark lord looked at the potion
master hesitantly. He opened his
mouth to tell Severus what he had
found out but shut it again as he
decided that it would be much
better for the potion master to see
himself what he had discovered.
"I'm fine, Severus. Let's just wait for
the cleansing ritual to be done,"
replied the dark lord as he finally
sat down on the armchair across the
potion master with a heavy sigh.
After two hours of waiting the
cleansing ritual was finally done. The
chamber door opened admiting the
mediwitch and the two goblin
"Lord Slytherin, the purging and
unbinding was successful. She's
currently still unconscious and
would wake up after an hour," one of
the goblin informed them.
"Is it safe for her to be transported
already? I wanted to take her to
Malfoy manor and settle her there
before she woke up,"
The goblin healer nodded "We
thought that you would be doing
that so we already arange a portkey
to take you straight to Malfoy
Manor," replied the goblin as he
handed the dark lord a crystal orb.
"I appreciate it," said the dark lord
as he take the portkey
"You can use it directly in the ritual
room, Lord Slytherin,"
The dark lord just nodded then
strode towards the ritual chamber
Severus following behind. When the
potion master entered the room he
stopped dead on his tracked at the
sight in front of him. And the name
that he hadn't dare uttered since
that faithful halloween night slipped
past his lips in a shocked and

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