Chapter 5

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Severus immediately realized what
was happening and what was
Granger trying to do when he saw
the gryffindor witch suddenly
clutched her chest tightly. He was
about to tell her to stopped but was
already too late as the spell cast on
her was already triggered and a ear
piercing scream tore her throat.
" Move aside," he ordered when
everyone started to crowd around
her and without hessition he pulled
his wand and cast a strong sleeping
charm on her.
The slytherin common room was
filled with tense silence as the head
of the house check on the gryffindor
witch. They didn't want to face their
Prince wrath when something
happened to Hermione when Draco
explicitly instructed them to keep
her safe.
Severus proceed to scan the now
sleeping gryffindor witch. He ran his
wand all over her body trying to
locate where the secrecy mark was
placed. As his wand passed over her
chest his wand suddenly glowed
dark red. He was about to
unbuttoned her blouse when he
realized that they weren't alone and
it's rather not appropriate to do it
himself. " all the boys, leave," he
immediately ordered in that tone
that his snakes knew very well to
follow immediately or else. . " and
yes that include you Weasleys and
Longbottom," he added when he
noticed they aren't moving from
their sits.
" But professor-" the twins
immediately complained but the
potion master quickly cut them off.
" No buts. We need to undress her.
Do you really think your friend would
appreciate you all seeing her
naked?" he asked knowingly
" Oh Im quite certain Draco wouldn't
appreciate it very much. In fact he
would be very angry when he found
out," Daphne commented
offhandedly and the three boys
immediately scampered from their
sit to the other side of the room.
They were not stupid. They
understand that when Daphne said
earlier that Draco ordered them to
look after Hermione it doesn't mean
just like that. It means that
Hermione was now off limits. She was
now Draco's. She just doesn't know
that yet. But they had a feeling it
would be sooner than later.
" Your evil," said Ginny her eyes
shining in mirth after the boys
scampered away. But Daphne just
gave her an innocent look that sent
Ginny into laughing fit. While
Severus inwardly grin in glee. Oh he
was looking forward when Lucius find
this out. He would surely have a
heart attack. But before any of that
happened he need to save the
future Lady Malfoy first.
" As intertaining as this could be, we
need to save your friend already. Ms.
Weasley please unbuttoned her
Ginny immediately complied without
question. She gently unbuttoned
Hermione's blouse but when he was
about to opened it she suddenly
stop and looked at their potion
professor hessitantly.
" You have nothing to worry about .
Female body doesn't affect me. I
much prefer the male anatomy," the
potion master informed her smirking
inwardly much to the red head witch
Ginny looked at their potion
professor wide eye. Then after a
while she pout " why does all the
hot and sexy guys here at Hogwarts
is gay," she whined causing Daphne
to burst out laughing at Severus'
scandalized expression for being
called hot and sexy.
Ginny proceed to open Hermione's
blouse and all the light mood
immediately vanished when they saw
the burning red mark on Hermione's
Severus hissed angrily as he
abruptly stood up and strode
towards the door.
" Professor, where are you going?
What are we going to do with
Hermione," Ginny called out
" Ms. Greengrass, transfer her to
your room. I'll need to talk to
someone who could help her," he
instructed then proceed to walked
out of the slytherin common room
towards his private quarters.
He knew of only one person who
could help him, Lucius. But for that
to happened he needed Draco's
help. . Lucius could never denied
Draco of anything. . Not after his
twin was stolen. Lucien, his other
godson. He inwardly shook his head
to cast away the painful thought
about his other godson. Stroding
towards the fireplace he threw a
pinch of floo powder then stated "
Malfoy manor, Lucius study," within
seconds he stepped out of the
fireplace of Lucius study. As
expected the blonde wizard wasn't
there. If Draco was already here he
would certainly be in the med wing
because of Harry's condition. So he
decided to made his way there. He
was still confused on why Harry
chose to seek Draco for help. But he
guess he would only found out the
answer after they removed the
secrecy spell on Granger.
Lost in his thoughts he hadn't
realized that he already arrived to
the med wing until he heard Draco's
voice talking to someone. Zabini or
Parkinson he thought. He pushed
the door opened and strode in. The
three slytherin's gaze immediately
on him but he ignored them as his
gaze focused on the corner where
the curtain was drawn around the
bed. He was fairly certain that the
person laid there now was Harry and
he had the urged to come closer to
the bed to check the young raven
haired gryffindor. He was about to
do just that but Draco was
immediately in front of him blocking
his way.
He leveled his godson an intense
look which the blonde wizard
returned with the same intensity "
Draco, Im rather disappointed that
you decided to hide this from me,"
" Can you blame me? How am I
suppose to trust that you would
help him when you're very vocal with
your hatred towards him even before
you met him," replied Draco
" And you don't?" the potion master
Draco turned away to avoid his
godfather's accusing gaze and look
at the bed where his twin brother
currently laid as he replied sadly " I
did. And I really regret it now. I
should have known from the very
start. I felt it just a fleeting moment
when I first met him at Madam
Malkins. The strong urge to be close
to him. But I was clouded with hurt
when he rejected me, my offered
"What are you talking about, Draco?
Let me see Potter now," asked the
puzzled potion master " and why
Potter seek you for help of all
people?" he added as he moved
forward but was blocked by Draco
once again.
" Draco, I have no time for this. Why
don't you just look for your father
and convince him to help his future
daughter in law," Severus snapped
That stopped Draco on his track and
Severus used this distruction to
slipped past his godson. He quickly
opened the drawn curtain but this
time he was the one who froze from
his spot as he stared wide eyes in
shocked and disbelief to the lying
unconscious figure on the bed.
Instead of a mini version of James
Potter that he expected. He saw a
mini version of his friend Lucius
Malfoy and an exact replica of Draco.
He quickly turned back to looked at
his godson who was now watching
him impassively.
" What's going on here, Draco? I
thought Potter was here? Where is
he? When did you find Lucien? Why
didn't you informed me? Damn it
Draco answer me," yelled Severus in
frustration that shocked the three
young slytherin. He knew. But dear
merlin he didn't want to believed.
Because the guilt and regret was
eating him. Why hadn't he felt
anything? Their bond should have
flared even just a little right? Or like
Draco, he was clouded by his hatred.
Draco opened his mouth to respond
but was interupted when the med
wing door suddenly slammed opened
admiting a worried Lucius and
Narcissa Malfoy.
"Draco what happened? Why are you
here?" inquired Lucius calmly but
his cold blue eyes raked all over his
son's body trying to check for any
" I'm fine father. I have something
" Dear merlin, is that. . is that
Lucien?" whispered Narcissa staring
at the unconscious figure on the bed
her eyes filled with hope and
unshed tears.
Lucius followed his wife's gaze. And
he felt his knees weakened as he
stared at the young wizard on the
bed. His son that was stolen to them
just after he and Draco was born.
Narcissa was the first to recover from
shocked and rushed over to her long
lost son. Lucius immediately
followed and the two of them took
each of Lucien's hand.
" How did you find him, Draco? Tell
me everything from the very
beginning," asked Lucius firmly
looking directly to his son's stormy
grey eyes.
" We should set aside the
explaination for later father. Lucien
needs a healer for now," replied
Draco as Pansy walked towards the
potion master and handed him the
copy of their scan last night. She
deemed it much safer than giving it
directly to the Malfoy Lord.
Severus took the parchment and
started reading it. The longer he
read, the paler and furious he
This of course hadn't gone
unnoticed by either of the two elder
" Severus, what is it?" inquired the
Malfoy Lord anxiously.
Severus looked at his friend then
shook his head. " You don't really
want to find out, Lucius,"
Lucius eyes narrowed and was about
to lashed out on the potion master
but his son interupted him.
" Father, there's something you need
to know first."
Lucius throw an irritated glance
toward Severus before focusing his
attention to his son.
Instead of answering Draco walked
towards his twin brother fully aware
that their parents was watching him
closely. He reached out and brushed
Lucien's hair that was covering his
forehead exposing the famous
lightning bolt scar.
He heard his mother gasped then
Lady Malfoy suddenly swayed as she
lose consciousness. Thanks to quick
reflex Draco managed to catch his
mother before she hit the floor.
He carried her towards one of the
empty beds beside Lucien. While
Lucius was still staring at his long
lost son in horror. No. This couldn't
be happening. This can't be true.
Just a nightmare. His son couldn't
be Harry Potter. Dear Salazar he
nearly killed him last year. He
treated him like dirt. His son would
never accept him. And he had every
right not to. He was snapped out of
his devastating thoughts when he
felt a hand on his shoulder.
" This is not the time for us to
willow with guilt and regret, Lucius.
Your son badly needed a medical
assistance now," the potion master
reminded him firmly. "I also need
your help. One of Po- Lucien's friend
was under Dumbledore's spell. She's
the one who knew everything that
happened to Lucien since he was
pulled out from Hogwarts. She was
now in the slytherin common room.
The old fool attempted to got her
arrested earlier. I still had no idea
of the whole story but one thing Im
certain. Lucien was someone the
reason behind Granger and Albus
sudden animosity. She even
threatened the headmaster earlier,"
explained Severus as best as his
limited knowledge could.
" Granger? That mud-"
" I suggest you don't finished that
word, Lucius," interupted Severus in
a cold voice.
" Fine," huffed the blonde wizard. "
just bring her here. I'm just going to
floo our personal healer," he said
then quickly turned around and left.
He needed to talked to someone.
The one person that could always
calm him. He quickly floo their
healer asking him to come to the
manor immediately. Then apparated
straight to Slytherin Castle.
He was very thankful that Marvolo
keyed him to the wards so he could
apparate straight to Marvolo's soon
as he appeared in the room he
immediately sank to his knees as he
felt his whole body was shaking
Lord Voldemort was rather surprise
when Lucius suddenly appeared in
his study as the blonde wizard just
left a while ago. He abruptly walked
towards the kneeling blonde and His
surprise immediately turned into
worry as he saw the blonde's
expression. His eyes filled with pain,
guilt, regret and horror.
" Lucius, what wrong? What
happened?" he asked anxiously as he
helped the blonde wizard towards
the couch.
Lucius looked up to Marvolo's dark
eyes. His lover's eyes that was now
looking at him worriedly. Everyone
said that Marvolo wasn't capable of
emotion such as love but they were
all wrong. He and Marvolo had been
together since even before he
married Narcissa. And he could
certainly say that Marvolo love him.
Even they lost communication when
he was vanquished that faithful
halloween night. And until now that
he had finally returned. How Marvolo
cared and loved him before increase
ten fold now. He just hope that his
news wouldn't affect what they had.
" Lucien. We found Lucien," the
blonde wizard murmured softly. "
he's going to hate me, Marvolo. He
would never accept me. Oh merlin! I
nearly killed him, Marvolo. I nearly
killed my own son," cried Lucius as
he finally broke down.
Marvolo was at lost of what to say as
he honestly couldn't understand
what Lucius meant. He knew of
Lucien as he was there when
Narcissa gave birth with the twins.
He was also the one who comforted
Lucius when Lucien was stolen. He
help them searched for him but they
couldn't find him anywhere. And
now Lucius was saying they finally
found Lucien but why does Lucius
crying and seems so devastated.
" Beloved, tell me what got you so
devastated. Aren't you supposed to
be happy that you finally found
him?" Marvolo said softly as he
cupped Lucius face and brushed his
tears away.
" He's Harry, Marvolo. He's Harry

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