chapter 8

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The tense silence in the Malfoy's infirmary was broken by Ginny who face the Lestrange and asked the question everyone was wondering about or in Draco's part dreading to ask "what do you mean Hermione's a Lestrange? And is she okay now?"

She was expecting for Bella to respond but it was the youngest of the Lestrange brother who answered her question. Much to the teens confusion Rabastan pulled his shirt up exposing his naked chest then he pointed at his right chest there they noticed a small star shaped mark. The same mark that can be seen in the Lestrange Family crest.

"First, yes she’s fine now. I’ve manage to counter the curse and remove the mark. And as for why I said she’s a Lestrange because every member of the Lestrange family by blood has this mark. Rodolphus has the same. That's why I said she's a Lestrange. She bear the mark," he explained pointing on Hermione's now covered chest.

"So that means she’s either yours or Uncle Rodolphus daughter?” asked Draco faintly. Hoping that she’s Rabastan daughter.

Much to his relief both brothers shook their head in disagreement.

"That’s not possible. As far as I can recall I’ve only been intimate with one person and Barty’s not a carrier and not powerful enough to get pregnant,” explained Rabastan

"She can’t be ours as well as your aunt become infertile since that incident during our seventh year,” added Rodolphus tensely just remembering the reason why they couldn’t have any child now made his blood boil in fury.

The teens wonder what was that incident but no one dared to asked as they could clearly feel Rodolphus anger and they saw Bellatrix got upset because of this.

"So if Hermione’s not one of yours then what?” asked Ginny curiously

"There’s only one way to find out,” replied Rabastan as he raised his wand and pointed at the unconscious gryffindor.

Draco and Ginny barely manage not to reached for their wand upon seeing the older man pointed his wand on Hermione but both relax when Rabastan muttered the spell to reveal one’s heritage.

They all watched as a black smoke slowly formed words above the unconscious witch.

Birth name: Regina Cassidy Lestrange

Birthdate: September 19, 1979

Birth father: Romolus Lestrange

Birth Mother: Cassandra Lestrange nee Wright


Rodolphus Lestrange
Rabastan Lestrange

Draco let out a sigh of relief upon reading those words. He doesn't really care that she's a muggleborn but he had been terified to find out that they were cousin. Many pureblood might not care about that but he did and he knew Hermione would too.

Shaking his head to cast those thoughts away he stepped forward with the intension of approaching the unconscious witch but he was stopped by Rodolphus who stepped on his way.

He look at Rodolphus curiously but was a bit taken a back when the Lestrange heir glared at him

" I saw the way you look at her little Malfoy. Don't think for a second that you could easily claim our sister as your trophy wife," stated the Lestrange heir firmly

The Malfoy heir visibly bristled at his harsh word as he glared back at Rodolphus.

" And you care for her now  ? Just a while ago you had no problem with your wife cursing your 'sister' and now you act all protective. You really think Hermione will just let me and agree to be a trophy wife  ? You really thought that low of her. She's not that kind of girl. She's strong, brilliant and independent woman,"

"Draco's right," Ginny interjected cutting off whatever angry retort Rodolphus was about to say. " Hermione's not that kind of girl and if you ever wanted to have a chance to get close to her for her to accept you, you should never control her and never decide for her, Hermione's a brilliant witch you should trust that she knew what she was doing,"

Rodolphus opened his mouth to snapped at the girl but he was once again interupted this time by his own brother.

" That's enough Rodo," hissed Rabastan firmly grabbing his brother's arm dragging him away from the teens just as the infirmary door slammed open admiting an angry but at the same time  puzzled potion master carrying an unconscious red head witch followed by an equally furious dark lord.

They all silently watched as Severus gently laid the unconscious witch on the bed and Ginny wasn't able to held back a loud gasp as she fully saw the womans face and immediately recognized her.

" Oh merlin, that's. Lily Potter," exclaimed Ginny in shocked as she stared at the red head witch in disbelief.

Everyone in the room froze as they too stared at the now very much alive Lady Potter.

" my lord?" Rabastan inquired hesitantly  everyone could see that the dark lord was angry but they would rather face an angry dark lord now than the now silently seething potion master.

They all knew how important the muggleborn witch to Severus even when they parted ways during their fifth year the potion master was devastated when Lily was killed. And to found out now that she was alive all this time was wrecking havoc to the potion master's unstable emotions.

'' We found her at the Privet drive Under heavy glamour as Petunia Dursley. Her magic was bound and she was dose with so many compulsion potions and spells,'' the dark lord informed them stiffly.

''What about James Potter? He might be alive aswell,'' asked Rabastan curiously

''We had to idea. The moment we discover that her magic was bound we immediately brought her to gringgots. But there's a possibility that James Potter was alive aswell,''

They all jumped startled when the infirmary door slammed shut as the potion master angrily stormed out of the room.

At the same time the unconscious red head on the bed started waking up much to their surprise. They were expecting for her to regain consciousness for a few more hours.

They all watch as Lily slowly opened her eyes her entire body was tense in fear as she scan her sorrounding trying to sense for any danger. When her eyes landed on the dark lord her body immediately relax much to everyones surprise and confusion.

''Severus?'' she asked in a whisper

'' He's not here at the moment. But he'll return later," the dark lord replied before any of them could open their mouth to reply.

" I need to talk to him immediately. He need to know about his husband and son,"


Cliffy.. I know. After not updating for so long.. Please don't hate me lovelies. Hope you like it anyway.
And any suggestion on who you want to be our beloved potion master's husband and son? Any comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.

And thanks for all those who left their reviews and follow/fave my story.

Love lots

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