Chapter Two

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Draco was pacing in his room waiting anxiously for any news from Pancy or Daphne. His mind was still reeling from everything he had discovered Today. His twin brother that had been taken from them when the were still baby. He knew his parents had been devastated when his twin was stolen from them. They had searched every where when all along he was just there. They have known him since he was a baby, and He had been antagonizing him since they were eleven. He did wonder how Lucien easily accepted him as his twin brother and seek him for his help when he did nothing but insult and antagonized him for the past four years. But he was really glad that he did. If not, he wasn't certain if they would see him ever again.
His train of thoughts was interupted when he heard the door open and Pancy came in looking exhausted.
"Pans, how is he?" the blonde slytherin asked anxiously.
"He's fine now, dray. We were able to stopped the miscariage, but-"
"Miscariage?" the blonde slytherin asked in disbelief.
"Yes, dray miscariage. He's pregnant, two months to be exact,"
" But. .who is the other father? Maybe we should inform him? I had no idea he was involved with any one," Draco commented a bit confused. He admit that he had been stalking Harry, he knew almost everything that was happening to him here at Hogwarts, and he was certain he's not with anyone.
"He isn't," Pancy replied softly avoiding his gaze.
"What do you mean he isn't? Then how did he got himself pregnant if he isnt-" he immediately cut himself when realization suddenly hit him. He looked at Pancy in horror. "No," he shook his head in denial "please tell me Im wrong, Pans,"
"Oh, dray I wish I could, " she stated sadly as she rushed and hug her devastated friend "he was raped. We will find out who, then we will make him pay. All of them that wronged Lucien will get what they deserved," she stated firmly trying to calm the furious blonde slytherin
"for now, Lucien needed you most, we need to get him out of here and into safety,"
Draco forced himself to calm down. Pancy was right, his twin needed him now. But after he made sure that Lucien was already safe, he will hunt who ever that bastard who dared touched his brother. He swear to merlin they will going to regret the day they hurt his twin brother.
"Where is he?" he asked as he pulled himself from the embrace.
"We place him in our room, no one will suspect he was there," replied Pancy as she led the way towards their room certain that the two was following her.
When they reached her room, Draco quickly rushed towards his twin. He was so pale, and thats saying something considering their complexion was already pale.
"Can we wake him up?" he inquired not taking his gaze away from his twins face so he didn't see his friend worried glances "we can't Dray, he's. . he's in coma right now. He's magic was so depleted trying to save his baby from so many abortion spell, and other dark spell that was thrown on him, we had no idea when he will going to wake up," Daphne explained worried of how their prince would react to this information.
Upon hearing Daphne's explaination, Draco tightened his grip on Lucien's hand. He wanted to destroy something, to hex someone, to kill someone. Merlin, he just found him, this wasn't supposed to happened.
Taking a deep breath he then started explaining to them his plan for tomorrow. Thankfully it was hogsmead week end so no one would get suspicious if they head there so early. They could always reasoned out they prefer to have breakfast outside than in the great hall.
"Theo, you and Tracy observed the gryffindor's tomorrow. Especially, the Weasley and Granger. When I return, you'll report to me everything you both found out,"
he then turned to his bestfriend Blaise, but the darkskinned slytherin cut him off before he could say anything, I'm coming with you," he said firmly daring the blonde slytherin to argue. Fortunately, Draco didn't say anything.
Draco then turned his gaze to Pancy, but the girl just looked at him pointedly.
"Fine," the blonde slytherin huffed.
"Daph, you observe the weasley twins. And if you can talk to them, get as much information as you can, Im very certain you can handle those two terror all by your self," stated Draco giving her a knowing look, which she only responded with a smirk. She's the slytherin ice princess after all, and had a reputation of making almost every boys at Hogwarts wrapped around her fingers.
When they were done polishing their plan. The others head out to their own dorm room, but Draco stayed beside his twin brother. Now that he finally found him, he swear that he would protect and take care of him. He won't allow anyone to take him away from them ever again. He has so much more to make up to.
The next morning Draco and his friends woke up early. They needed to leave while most of the students are still asleep. Draco went back to his dorm room to change, then quickly returned to his brother and wait for the others to arrived.
After a while Blaise and Pancy finally arived.
"Dray, are you ready?" asked Pancy as she kiss his cheek in greetings.
"Yeah," replied the blonde slytherin as he walked towards his twin and was about to carry him when Blaise stopped him.
"Dray, I think it will be much better if I'll be the one carrying him under the invicibility cloak. Some might get suspicious if you aren't seen today the same day Lucien had escape," the dark skinned slytherin suggested. Though that's not entirely the only reason he suggested it. For some unknown reason he felt drawn to his best friend's twin brother. Oh it wasn't the first he felt it. Even when Lucien was still Harry Potter he already felt drawn to him but he had taken it forgranted for the obvious reason. First, he was gryffindor. Second, his and Draco's rivalry. Then, there's the fact the he's on the dark side, while Harry was in the light.
But now, things had obviously change, and he wouldn't need to hold back now.
Draco looked at his friend a bit surprised and curiously. It was very unusual for Blaise to volunteer like this. Then his eyes narrowed when a thought came across his mind.
"Blaise, you know that I love you as my best friend and my brother in anything but blood. But that's my twin brother, he's off limits. He's not going to be one of your escapades. So I'm telling you now, back off," hissed the blonde slytherin as he glared to his best friend.
"And what was that supposed to mean?" snapped Blaise angrily at the accusation.
"Come now, Blaise. We all knew of your reputation in changing your lovers. You changed them like your just changing clothes. I don't give a damn if you did that to others, but not to my brother," Draco said firmly
"He's not just one of my escapades. If that's all I wanted, I would have have him before when he was still Harry Potter, and just dumped him when I was done with him. I didn't do that to him before, and I will definitely not do that to him now, I'll prove that to you," replied Blaise seriously staring straight to his best friend's stormy grey eyes.
"Make sure that you do. Because you may be my best friend and I consider you as my brother, but if you hurt him, I'll kill you," replied Draco just as seriously. He then turned back intending to picked his brother up, but was stopped once again, by Pancy this time.
"What now?" he snapped impatiently.
" Blaise, has a point, Dray. Maybe it will be much better if you are seen with me, to avoid suspicion," said Pancy agreeing to the dark skinned slytherin's suggestion.
Draco eyed Blaise for a while who was also looking at him impassively, after a while he huffed in annoyance clearly not liking the idea of Blaise to close to his twin brother. Don't get him wrong he trust Blaise, he really did, but he couldn't help being over protective to his brother.
"Fine," he finally conceded as he stepped aside to give way to Blaise to carry his brother. When Lucien was already settled in Blaise' arms he covered them with Lucien's invicibility cloak, then also cast a disillusion spell on them just to be sure.
"Alright, Blaise stay close to us. Pancy and I will be in front of you, while the others will watch your back. Everythings settled in?" asked Draco when the others finally arrived.
" When something went wrong, Blaise make sure you and Lucien get as far away from here. Go straight to our manor. Understand?"
Everyone nodded in responce
"Alright, let's go," he instructed after taking a deep breath.
And with that their group made their way towards the great hall where the others would stay there while Draco and Pancy would go straight to Hogsmeade with the invisible Blaise and Lucien, as well as Greg and Vincent who will watched their back.
No one would find their formation as odd as they always do this every morning.
But before they could reached the great hall they heard someone arguing from one of the empty classroom near the great hall, then the door suddenly slammed open Hermione Granger walked out of the room crying, after a while Ronald Weasley also exited the room still shouting at Granger.
"Hermione, I know It was you who helped him escaped," the red head shouted not yet realizing that they aren't alone anymore. He then grabbed Hermione's arm harshly and pushed her on the wall "how dare you betray me like this?"
All of a sudden a loud crack was heard in the silent hallway as Hermione hit the red head gryffindor straight in the face, her expression was murderous, her eyes was so cold but blazing with fury which sent shiver to the slytherins. Draco even wince subtly as he knew from personal experienced how it bloody hurts to be hit by Granger. Ron on the other hand was staring at Hermione in disbelief. He was about to shout at her once again but Hermione beat him off.
"How dare me?" Hermione hissed as she took a step towards the bleeding red head gryffindor. Ron unconsciously took a step backward when he saw the looks Hermione was giving him. "no, Ronald it's How. Dare. You. How dare you betray us like this, betray Harry like this. We thought you were our friend, but what did you did? You not only didn't believed him when he claimed he was. .. .He was raped, you also helped Dumbledore terminate his baby. How could you?"
Pancy tightened her hold unto Draco's arm when they heard what Granger had said about how Weasley was one of those who had hurt Lucien as Draco was about to rushed towards the two oblivious gryffindor and do Merlin knows what to Weasley. They could get back to him later.
Weasley must have recovered by that point as he started yelling at the young gryffindor witch once again. "He claimed that he was raped but he still wanted to keep the spawn of the person who raped him?" stated Weasley increadelously.
Hermione stared at her once so called best friend in shocked and disbelief. How could they not see this before?
Out of no where a very huge and thick book appeared in Hermione's hand, and before Ron could react Hermione was close to him once again and begun hitting him with the huge tome.
"You jelous, selfish, insensitive, good for nothing traitor," she yelled punctuating each word with a hit of her book "You knew how Harry value family above everything else, and that baby is his family, his own flesh and blood, and he would love and take good care of that child regardless of what his monster of a father did to Harry," continued Hermione breathing heavily as she finally stopped hitting the red head gryffindor who was now sporting bruise all over his face, and a bump or two on his head.
Ron backed away as far as possible to the enrage witch when she finally stopped hitting him with a bloody book "I'll Dumbledore what you've done. That you're the reason how Harry escape. He'll never forgive you for this, and maybe he'll banish you back to the muggle world and to never let you return here ever again," the red head declared smugly but his smug expression quickly fell when she noticed that instead to feel threatened the gryffindor witch was smiling at him sweetly which confused him to no end. Even the slytherin was confused as they were well aware how Granger adored the wizarding world.
"Oh do go ahead, my dearest Ronald," Hermione started sweetly, then her sweet smile suddenly morphed into a devious smirk that put everyone on edge "please do so. But don't forget this, I may not be here anymore which by the way I don't give a damn as Harry is not here anymore. but Ginny and the twins are still here. I will set them loose to you, you know how they love and adore Harry, right Ronald? They considered him much as their brother than you are to them,"
"and of course," Hermione abruptly cut what she knew the red head was about to say "if something happened to me, if I die, my memories of what you and Dumbledore did to Harry will be immediately sent to someone whom I am certain would be beyond furious when they found out what you did to Harry. I will drag you and Dumbledore to mud if that's the last thing I could do," Hermione ended, giving one last looked of disdain to Ron she walked towards the great hall leaving a seething Ronald behind.

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