chapter four

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" Filch, take her wand away from her then summoned the aurors," instructed the old wizard much to the glee of the Hogwarts care taker. The twins, Ginny and Neville was about to defend her,But something unexpected happened that shocked everyone in the vicinity watching what was happening, especially the headmaster and the gryffindors. Before Filch could approached Hermione, all the slytherins moved as one. They formed a protective circle around the five Gryffindor. As they face the headmaster, head held high and looking directly to the headmaster's eyes. Their own eyes hard and challenging.
That was the scene that Severus Snape and Minerva Mcgonagall had witness when they arrived. They were both still in the infirmary helping Poppy stabilized Theo when one of the ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood to be exact came rushing towards the med wing and informed them that some of his snakes and Minerva's lions were in trouble outside. With Poppy's assuranced that Theo would be fine now though he was in coma they quickly made their way outside.
At first he thought that the two groups had been fighting once again, but to his and the deputy's shocked he saw his snakes standing in protective circle around the five gryffindors. Hermione Granger, Giverva Weasley, The Weasley Twins and Neville Longbottom of all people. And to make the matters worst they were standing againts the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.
"What's the meaning of this?" he asked coldly as he and Minerva finally came close to the unusual scene.
"Ah Severus, good you're here. I suggest you instruct your students not to involved themselves here," the headmaster asked kindly his grandfatherly persona was swiftly back in place
"Professor Snape, the headmaster wanted Granger to be arrested. He was accusing her of casting the cruciatus curse to Smith," Daphne explained not taking her challenging gaze to the headmaster but throw a murderous glare towards the still naked hufflepuff.
The potion master's brow raised as he looked at the headmaster incredulously. Really? Granger casting an unforgivable in Hogwarts. Thats just unbelievable. It's not that he thought that Granger hadn't had the guts to cast that spell, he knew she could if she really wanted to. He had no doubt of how powerful she was. But he knew for a fact that the gryffindor witch was an epitome of following rules and regulations.
Minerva on the other hand had no problem in showing Albus how very displeased she was to the headmaster right now.
"Albus! Stop this nonsense at once. How could you accused one of my lions like that? Ms.Granger of all people," the enrage head of the gryffindor house scolded the headmaster sternly.
"Minerva, I saw her myself she curse him after they made fun of him by banishing his clothes and-"
"You saw no such thing headmaster," Tracey Davies cut him off. All the trace of the sweet and cheerful little girl that she was was all gone replaced by an intimidating woman who was now standing againts the headmaster "just like all of us here you only saw that Smith fell on the ground after he hit Granger hard enough to busted her lip and bruise her face," she continue stepping aside just a little so that the professors could see clearly their princess' bruised and bloodied face.
Upon seeing Hermione's face Severus looked murderous. Of all things he hated it was a man beating a woman and a child. It reminds him of his mother being beaten by his father.
At the same time Minerva gasped in horror and her eyes filled with worry as she saw Hermione's state. She quickly rushed towards the young gryffindor intending to tend her wound and bruise but was blocked by the slytherins once again.
It warmed her heart that Severus Snakes' seems to care geniunely to her lions. It gave her hope that this would be the end of the house rivalries specially among the slytherins and gryffindors. Whatever the reason behind this sudden changes she would not complain. But right now it was also a little bit frustrating that she herself was not allowed to approached her student.
"I just wanted to heal her, Ms. Davies," she said calmly.
"Thank you, Professor. But we will be taking care of her from this day on," replied Tracey respectfully. Then she added "also starting this day, this five gryffindors will be an honorary slytherins," which shocked everyone around them, including their head of the house. With that she and Daphne took a badly shaken Hermione gently by the arms and guide her towards the dungeon followed by the four gryffindors who was still shocked to the core about what just happened the rest of the slytherins just behind them watching their back. But before they could made their way to the castle's door Hermione froze her whole body tense by the furious headmaster's next word.
" Ms.Granger, be aware that your parents would be hearing all about this," the headmaster informed her calmly. To others that was hearing this would think nothing of it. Just the usual protocol at Hogwarts in regards to informing parents about their children. But to Hermione, and the other slytherins who was aware of the animosity between the two, the threat was crystal clear.
Daphne squeeze Hermione's hand lightly in assurance as she whisper at her. "Not to worry. Your parents will be protected. I promise,"
Upon hearing this Hermione let out a relieve sigh. She couldn't understand what was happening at the moment. But her instinct was telling her to trust her, to trust them. So thats what she's goin to do "thank you," she said softly offering Daphne a small smile, which the blonde slytherin witch returned geniunely.
Squaring her shoulder as she regained her fierce and confidence, she took a deep breath then turned facing the headmaster head held high. Directing her intense gaze to the old fool's twinkling blue eyes she said coldly "you will regret the day you messed with mine and Harry's life Albus Dumbledore. Mark this day as the beggining of your downfall," throwing one last disgusted look at the now taken aback headmaster she turned around and strode confidently towards the castle leaving her shocked head of the house and other students. Severus was partly amused, partly intrigue, and he wouldn't dare say outloud but worried for the gryffindor golden boy that was currently absent in the castle and he had no idea where he was.
The twins, Ginny, and Neville was also beyond shocked of how Hermione had acted, and the same with their potion master, the mention of Harry's name worried them. But they still followed Hermione, together with the smug slytherins. Well, their princess' just impresed them once again, and that earn their respect and undying loyalty to her even more.
The walked towards the slytherin common room leaded by Hermione was filled with welcoming silence as each of them was lost in their own thoughts. When they finally arived at the door through the common room everyone was now looking at Hermione in shocked and curiousity.
"Pray tell, Ms.Granger how did you found out where the slytherin common room is located?" a voice from behind them all suddenly asked that made the gryffindors jumped in surprise while the slytherin just nodded their head in agreement to their head of the house' question.
"I rather not tell, professor. Beside it's not my story to tell," the gryffindor witch replied sheepishly.
Severus stared at the witch for a while, then nodded his agreement as he spoke of the password. He had a feeling that Harry Potter was somehow involved in that. And he knew Granger was loyal to Potter to death.
Once inside Daphne led Hermione to Draco's chair near the fireplace. Ginny, Neville and the twins sat around them. Tracey handed Daphne their med kit to heal Hermione's wound but she took pictures of it first.
"What are those for?" asked Ginny looking at the camera Tracey's holding.
"Evidence," was her only responce as he sent the camera back to her room. She the proceed to help Daphne with Hermione. The gryffindors sat silently watching as the slytherin fussed over their friend. Their muggleborn friend. It had been twice already that Hermione was save by a slytherin. After what just happened outside a while ago they were very much certain that what happened at the great hall earlier wasn't just a coinsidence. Somehow Nott knew that the package was dangerous and he took it from Hermione to save her from being curse. And he took the curse instead.
Ginny who was very worried since Harry left Hogwarts gather her gryffindor courage as she turned to face their stoic potion professor.
"Ahm. .Professor Snape, do you know where Harry is? Is he alright? He haven't replied to all our letters yet since he left Hogwarts," the red head witch asked sadly and worriedly. Everyone inside the room also turned towards the potion master. They too wanted to hear the answer to that question.
Severus sighed heavily as he rubbed his temple. "Im afraid I had no answer for that Ms. Weasley. I myself wanted to know where or how he is, but the headmaster was rather tight lipped to any information about Harry. No one in the staff knew anything," he replied regretfully as he saw the upset and the devastated looked of the Weasleys and Longbottom "but I assume Ms. Granger here knew something that we don't. The way she spoke with the headmaster earlier it is rather obvious,"
he added now staring straight to Hermione.
"Hermione, do you know where Harry is? Is he alright? Why he's not responding to any of our letters?" Ginny asked rapidly. To everyone's shocked the bushy haired gryffindor witch suddenly burst into crying.
"I don't know. I don't know where he is anymore. Oh Merlin Harry I hope you're safe. I shouldn't have let you go alone," she muttered in between her cries.
Daphne not wanting their princess to be upset and devastated anymore took the crying witch in her arms "Hermione," she said that made the gryffindor witch stopped crying abruptly as she pulled away gently from the embrace. She looked at the slytherin witch wide eyes.
"Now that I finally get your attention you listen carefully alright?" when Hermione nodded she continue "he arrived here last night," she started. She raised her hand to stopped Hermione and the others from firing her their questions. "he's in a very critical condition when we found her. But we managed to stabilized him. And yes the baby is safe as well but unfortunately he's in coma right now due to his magic severely depleated,"
"Oh thank merlin he was safe," Hermione cried in relief
The twins, Ginny and Neville exclaimed in unison while Severus was staring at his snake intently "why none of you informed me about all of this?" he asked lowly but the way everyone cringed as though he yelled to them.
"Draco instructed us not to tell anyone professor. We're not certain who to trust at that time so we took matters with our own hand. We're hessitant to inform you as we're not certain where you stand when it comes to Harry Potter. Everyone was aware of your hatred of him," explained the blonde witch.
" Take me to him now,"
"Us too," asked the gryffindors quite eagerly.
"That's not possible anymore. Draco already smuggled him out this morning," replied Daphne regretfully much to the disappointment of the five gryffindors.
Severus pinched the bridge of his nose as an headache was starting to kill his head. "where did he take him?" he asked starting to lose his patience.
" They take him to Malfoy Manor. They should have already arrived there by now,"
" Very well. One last thing. Who cast that curse to smith?"
At the mentioned of the hufflepuff's name everyone noticed Hermione's body tense much to their curiousity.
"I should have just cast the killer curse to that bastard," the blonde witch replied offhandedly that made the twins looked at her in awe.
"excuse me?" asked the potion master in disbelief.
" When you found out what that bastard had done, professor I assure you, you yourself would want nothing but to kill him. But ofcourse that priveledge should be given to Draco and Harry,"
"What Smith had done for you to hate him like that?" asked Ginny curiously at the same time Neville asked " why Harry went here in the first place? and why are you helping us?"
" Believe me, what Smith had done was unforgivable. As a matter of fact why don't you both test some of your inventions in them. And a little prank here and there Im very much certain Harry would be very happy when he found out. Make him suffer, humiliate him, just don't kill him," Daphne suggested mischievously
The potion master groaned as the twin nodded enthuciastically at that.
"You did not just suggested that Ms. Greengrass,"
But Daphne just waved the Potion master of much to the shocked of the five gryffindor they had become tense as they wait for Severus to reprimand the witch but was once again dumbfonded when it never came instead the potion professor just sigh heavily as Daphne continued
" As for why we are helping Hermione. That was because of Draco's order," when she saw the hurt and disappointment on the bushy haired witch face she quickly added "and mostly because she impressed the hell out of us the way she handled Ronald Weasley earlier,"
she said smugly
Hermione was a bit upset when Daphne told them that they just help her because of Malfoy's order. But then she didn't know if she should feel smug that she manage to impressed the slytherins or be mortified that they saw what had happened earlier between her and Ronald.
" And speaking of your brother. I should warn you now Draco would never be forgiving once Draco found out what he had done, he will kill him," the blonde witch informed them seriously.
The three Weasley looked at her in horror. What had their brother had done to earn the wrath of Malfoy that much that he would go so far as to kill him. They all looked at Hermione who was crying once again thinking of the betrayal of their once best friend.
"Hermione, Please tell us whats going on?" pleaded Ginny tearfully. She may not be that close to Ron but she don't want him to die. their parents would surely be devastated.
Hermione shook her head vigurously. She really wanted to tell them, she really did. But she can't. Then an idea suddenly crossed her mind. Professor Snape was here. If there's one person who knew dark arts very well, it should be him. She could certainly handle any pain just to be able to informed them about the secrecy spell that Dumbledore cast on her.
With that thought in mind she forced herself to stop crying , she then face the potion master her eyes filled with determination that puzzled everyone around her. She then took a deep breath as she said " I can't. Dumbledore locked Harry," she started and immediately the secrecy spell took effect as she suddenly found herself having difficulty in breathing. She clutched her chest tightly as she tried to continue. "Harry. . .was raped. S. . smith," was all she managed to say as her eyes went wide in fear when she felt like burning inside out as an heart wreaking scream tore her throat.

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