True Identity

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When Lucius left to summoned their
healer Severus cast a mild sleeping
spell on Narcissa. It would be much
preferable for now that the blonde
witch would be unconscious until
they made sure Lucien was fully out
of danger. He was afraid that
Narcissa will have a heart attack
when she found out what happened
to her son. He himself was still
having difficulty reigning his
emotion on what he had read from
that piece of parchment Parkinson
handed him earlier.
After spelling Narcissa to sleep he
moved to Lucien's bed and start
casting a much thorough diagnostic
spell on him then he turned towards
Draco who was talking with his two
" Draco, you three need to return to
Hogwarts now.. Theo is in the
hospital wing. Go check on him.
Then bring Granger back here. You
can use the floo in my quarters but
be careful that you are not seen,
specially the headmaster.
Understood?" instructed the potion
master sternly.
"Yes sir, " the three young slytherin
" Good. Now go,"
With that Draco, Blaise and Pansy
travelled back to Hogwart. They
decided to rode the knight bus once
again. On their way the three was
lost in their own thought. Pansy was
worried about Theo. While she
consider Draco and Blaise as her
best friend, Theo is much more like
an older brother to her. Blaise on
the other hand was rather annoyed
as he didn't really want to return to
Hogwarts. He wanted to stay with
Lucien. But of course Draco hadn't
allowed it. He glance at the said
wizard and noticed that his best
friend's shoulder was tense as he
clenched his fist tightly. In no time
they already arrived at Hogsmead
and the three of them immediately
strode towards the castle. They went
straight to the hospital wing to
check on Theo. When they arrived
there they were relieved that Theo
and Madam Pomfrey was the only
occupant of the med wing.
" Good morning, madam Pomfrey,"
greeted Draco that made the medi
witch smile. It's very seldom they
could witness Draco Malfoy being
respectful and polite.
" Too you as well Mr. Malfoy, Mr.
Zabini, Ms. Parkinson," she greeted
in return. "am afraid you won't be
able to talk to your friend right now.
He's in coma at the moment. He was
very lucky that he only touch the
upper parts of the curse object. If
not, am afraid he wouldn't survive.
Ms. Granger is rather lucky that she
wasn't able to got hold of that curse
object. Unlike to Mr. Nott, would
become barren if she had even a
slightest skin contact with it," the
medi wizard informed them sadly.
" Will he be alright?" asked Pansy
worriedly as he held Draco tightly
when she realized the blonde was
ready bolt out to hunt Weasley or
Dumbledore down because there
was no doubt that those two are the
one responsible for this.
" For now he will be. We manage to
stabilized him before the curse fully
spread to his entire body and the
healer at 's are doing all they can to
heal him,"
Pansy sighed in relief at that. She
thank the medi witch and said their
goodbye then she proceed to
dragged Draco towards the dungeon.
When they stepped into their
common room all activities ceased
and the whole room had gone
tensely silent that immediately told
the three new arrival that something
was wrong.
Draco narrowed his eyes as he swept
his gaze to the entire room until his
stormy grey orbs landed on the
three gryffindor wizards sitting near
the fire place.
" what's going on here?" he asked in
a dangerously low voice that made
the other slytherins flinched. At
times they much preffered for the
slytherin prince to just yell at them
because they knew after the yelling,
screaming and raving he would
finally calm down. But when he was
like this. Well they would better be
hiding inside their dorm room now.
No one want to be there when the
blonde slytherin lashed out,
specially when he found out what
happened to Hermione.
" Where is she?" he asked again
lowly already starting to lose his
patience. Everyone knew who the
'she' he was asking about but no
one dared to spoke afraid to get the
obviously fuming slytherin ice prince
attention to them. Draco was about
to snapped when Daphne descend
from their dorm room. One of the
slytherin must have informed her of
Draco's arrival.
" Draco, she's in our dorm room,"
said Daphne coolly as she turned
and strode back to their room.
Draco immediately followed but not
before indicating the three
gryffindors to follow as well.
When they arrived at the dorm room
Draco stopped dead on his track
when he saw Hermione laid on the
bed. She was so pale so the hand
mark on her cheek and the busted
lips was very visible. His godfather
hadn't mentioned any of this. He
just thought that they need his
father's help to pull her out from
Hogwarts. Not that she's
unconscious and hurt.
The slytherin ice prince abruptly
snapped his gaze to his circle of
friends that was in the room.
" What happened?" he hissed angrily
as he stepped closer to Hermione
and touch her face gently to check
on her injury " haven't I told you to
watch over her?"
" They did," Ginny blurted out all of
a sudden then almost flinched when
Draco's intense gaze focused on her.
"This doesn't look like they did,
"It was all of a sudden. None of us
expected Smith to be that violent,"
explained the red head witch
" Smith? That arrogant and slut
hufflepuff did this?" asked Draco
tensely "explain to me everything
from the very beggining," he ordered
as he sat on the chair beside
Hermione's bed.
The occupants of the room shared a
look then Daphne subtly wave her
hand and the room was immediately
Lock and warded. Afterwards they
started reporting everything that
happened earlier. Starting from what
happened to the greathall. About
the curse package, then to Smith.
When they came to the part
overhearing what Smith whispered to
Hermione, and the part where Smith
hit her and Dumbledore's attemp to
got Hermione arrested Draco
snapped and surged towards the
door intending to kill that bastard
who dared touched his brother. It
takes the twins, Neville and Blaise to
stopped him.
" Let go of me. I'm going to kill that
bastard," snarled Draco as he
struggled to get free from the four
wizard that was holding him.
" Oh for merlin's sake, will you shut
the fuck up, Malfoy!" yelled Neville
irritated as he pushed the blonde
hard towards his previous chair.
Everyone in the room froze as they
looked at Neville in disbelief. Draco
was about to snapped at him but
the young gryffindor immediately cut
him off
" You're calm now, good. Why don't
you explain to us why you're acting
like a foolish gryffindor rushing into
things without thinking instead of
being a slytherin with sly and
" Hey we resent that," the twins
exclaimed in mocked outrage.
" Longbottom is right, Draco. If
there's someone who should kill him
it should be Harry," stated Pansy.
Draco took a deep breath to calm
himself then he huffed " fine. But I
want him to suffer first," then he
looked at the twins " why don't we
make a deal. Make that bastard
Smith suffer, humiliated, injured. Do
everything you want just don't kill
him, and I'll fund that joke shop of
The twins stared at him in shocked "
how did you even know about that?"
" I have my ways," replied Draco
" When Hermione told us earlier that
Harry was. . was raped, it was Smith
right?" asked Fred seriously.
" Yes, he raped Harry, " the blonde
wizard replied bluntly "Then that
bastard got him pregnant, and your
idiot of a brother helped
Dumbledore terminate his baby. No
one messes with a Malfoy and get
away with it," stated Draco intensely
" A Malfoy?" asked Ginny puzzled
" Harry is my brother. My twin
" He's Lucien?" George asked in
shocked and disbelief.
Draco snapped his gaze toward
George and narrowed his eyes in
suspicion " how did you know about
" Mum. I think she mentioned it
once or twice. It's that time when
Ron was ranting about you. I don't
really remember well but mum said
that you're not really an only child.
That you have a twin brother named
Lucien that was stolen from your
family when you were both still
baby," explained George thoughtfully
" And you're alright with it? Now
that you find out Harry is really a
Malfoy. Are you lot going to hate
him as well?" asked Draco testily.
" We're here with you now, are we
not? We're not like our whole family
who hate your family for a reason we
really had no idea what. Besides,
Harry is much more of a brother to
us than our real siblings, well except
our dear sister there," replied Fred
gesturing to her sister Ginny.
When everyone turned to looked at
the red head witch, she just
shrugged and said offhandedly not
noticing the two occupants of the
room that tense at her words. " He
saved my life, and I love him,"
'Good," muttered Draco blankly. But
deep inside he was actually relieved.
He knew Lucien would be devastated
if his friends turned their back on
him. " anything else that
"Professor Snape found out that she
was under a very dark secrecy spell.
That's why she's unconscious now.
She tried to tell us something about
what happened to Lucien. But the
spell triggered," explained Daphne
thoroughly as she was the only one
who fully understand what had
happened earlier.
Draco nodded in understanding. He
realized that was why his godfather
told him to bring Hermione to their
" I'm going to take her to Malfoy
Manor," he informed them as he
gently scoop the unconscious
gryffindor witch in his arms.
" Please, let me come," said Ginny as
she urgently stood up from her sit
beside Hermione.
Draco just nodded in agreement
then turned and looked at the twin
inquiring. But the twins shook their
head " we had a hufflepuff to play
with," they said in unison with that
hard glint in their eyes.
" I think I'll just stay here as well,"
stated Neville when he was
" Longbottom, It isn't safe for you to
wander around the castle alone
anymore," Pansy pointed out
"I won't. I heard some of your
classmates talking about going to
visit Nott in the hospital wing.
Maybe I could just go with them,"
" Alright. Just be carefull all of you.
Stay on guard and informed
everyone to stay in the common
room as much as possible until I or
proffesor Snape return,"
With that they made their way out of
their common room towards their
head of the house private quarters.
When they finally arrived Draco
whispered the password quietly then
immediately strode towards the
fireplace aware that the others was
still following behind him. He took a
pinch of floo powder then stepped
into the fireplace carefull not to
jostled the sleeping witch in his
arms. He managed to throw the floo
powder correctly then shouted their
Never in his entire life Marvolo felt
this kind of fear upon hearing what
his lover had just said. Fear not for
himself but for Lucius. He was very
much certain that it would break
Lucius if Lucien didn't accept him
and it was all his fault. He need to
do everything to make sure Lucien
won't reject his father. He would
appologize if needed just to make
sure Lucius would be happy. He
would even stay away from Lucius
even it would break his heart if
that's what Lucien wanted.
But before that they needed to
checked on Lucien first and he
wanted to do it himself. He had a
very broad knowledge when it comes
to healing and being a parsletongue
was a huge advantage.
He cupped Lucius face and wiped his
tears away with his thumb. He hate
seeing Lucius cry. It brought back
the memory of that very first time he
had seen his lover. His father
Abraxas was beating him up with his
cane. He felt an overwhelming anger
bubbled deep inside of him at that
moment and before he realized what
was happening he wipped his wand
and with two whispered words
Abraxas dropped dead on the
ground. Since then he had taken
Lucius under his wings and later on
become his lover. Since then he had
promise to himself not to make
Lucius cry.
" Everything will be alright, beloved.
I promise," he whispered softly. Just
then they heard someone knocked
on the door.
Lucius immediately make himself
presentable that made Marvolo
chuckle and Lucius throw him an
irritated glare. His lover was vain as
always. Not wanting to be seen as
anything but perfect. He was always
cold and impassive to anyone . Well
except to his family and Marvolo.
Lucius was always open to him.
Expressive. So much more when they
were in his bed making love.
The door opened and Bellatrix strode
in followed by her husband
Rudolphus and brother in law
" My lord," three greeted in unison.
If any of them noticed Lucius' red
eyes obviously from crying, no one
dared it voice out loud. Specially
not in the presence of their Lord
and Lucius lover.
" Bella, you're just in time. Lucius
has a good news for us," stated
The three Lestrange looked at Lucius
" We had found, Lucien," said Lucius
his voice lace with pain and regret
that puzzled the three.
" Really? Where is he?" asked Bella
" You're coming with us to Malfoy
when Lucius looked at him in
surprise he added " I want to check
on him myself,"
Lucius nodded then stood up and
walked towards the fire place to floo
back to Malfoy manor certain that
the others would follow. When they
arrived at the med wing Bella was
the one who entered first anxious to
see her other nephew.
But as she entered the first she
immediately noticed was the
mudblood Granger lying on the bed
and one of the Weasley bloodtraitor
sat beside her. She quickly draw her
wand out and pointed at them
shouting a curse. And was mildly
impressed when the red head witch
wand was out in an instant and a
cast a powerful shield for both her
and Hermione then shot a disarming
spell simultanously to the three
Lestrange much to the shocked of
everyone in the room.
" Bella, stop that this instant,"
ordered Lucius.
"Lucius, there's a bloodtraitor and
mudblood in-"
" Don't call that!" snapped Draco
Bella and Lucius stared at Draco in
disbelief . While Ginny was looking
with a smug expression to Bella and
Severus was smirking amusely.
Bella was about to start yelling again
but Marvolo was starting to have a
headache already " enough, or I'll
punish all of you," he hissed
irritably that made everyone in the
room froze in fear but Ginny.
" Tom? " asked Ginny in disbelief
and awe. That made Lucius reached
for Marvolo's hand possessively. He
didn't like the way the red head
witch staring at his lover.
Ginny saw the gesture and she
suddenly started giggling. Typical
Malfoy, possessive and jealous much
" Worry not, Mr. Malfoy. I'm not
interested in male body, I prefer the
female anatomy," she said imitating
what their potion professor had said
earlier that made Severus abruptly
cover his mouth to stopped himself
from laughing, but the other three
young slytherin had no qualms
hiding their amusement as they
started snickering.
Lucius on the other hand was
staring at the red head witch a bit
unsettled ' how the hell did this
little girl saw right through him,'
" Never knew you for a jealous type
Lucius," stated Marvolo amusely.
But Lucius just huffed at him then
turned and strode towards Lucien's
" Marvolo if you will, Ms. Weasley.
May I inquire why you seems not
afraid or angry at me? Im quite
certain you're very much aware that
I'm the dark lord and I nearly killed
you before," asked the dark lord
Ginny looked away avoiding his gaze.
She didn't know whether Marvolo
would appreciate her knowing about
the dark lord's childhood. " Can we
talk about that some other time sir?"
she muttered now looking directly to
his eyes.
Marvolo stared at her for a while
then nodded in agreement. " An
impressive spell casting by the way,"
he added
" Harry train as well,"
Marvolo inclined his head in
agreement. Yes the boy really did
train them well. The battle in the
department of mystery was the
testament to that.
" Severus, what happened to ?"
asked the dark lord as he focus his
attention to the potion master.
Severus stepped forward "
Dumbledore cast a dark secrecy spell
at her my lord. My guess is she
intentionally triggered the spell in
hope that someone would found out
about it. She tried to tell us what
happened to Lucius earlier before
the spell took effect. I ran a scan on
her and found the spell mark on her
chest," the potion master explained
" The old fool," hissed Marvolo
angrily. " Rabastan, checked on the
girl," he ordered. Rabastan nodded
then approached the sleeping witch
Bella and her husband following
behind. While the dark lord walked
towards Lucius. He need to check on
Lucien immediately. He was
dreading what that old fool had
done to the boy. " Severus, the
The potion master hessitated for a
moment and glance at Lucius
unsurely before he handed it to the
dark lord.
Marvolo read the result then
immediately snapped his gaze
towards the anxious Potion master.
" He's pregnant?"
"What?" yelled Lucius in shocked.
at the same time Rabastan
exclaimed " salazar's couldron, she's
a Lestrange!"

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