Chapter Three

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I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling, everything felt numb. I was alone and pregnant. My thoughts soared about what could have been and never will be until there was a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"It's Caroline. Can I come in?" My sister asked. I sat up, leaning on my pillow.

"Yeah. Come on in." I faked a smile. She opened the door and sat next to me on the bed. She opened and closed her mouth as if trying to find the right words to say. I couldn't assist her, but seeing her here, trying to comfort me, it made everything way too real. I broke down crying, my shoulders shaking and my sobs erupting like a volcano throughout the entire room. Caroline quickly rapped me in a hug.

"I'm sorry Miracle. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do." Caroline comforted, her voice getting weaker as of hearing me cry made her want to cry. 

"It's kind of funny around this time like a year and a half ago, I couldn't cry, now it seems like that is all I ever do." I joked, letting out a sad chuckle. Caroline let out a chuckle too, but hers seemed more forced.

"Calm down, stop crying and you and I can go get some food, how about it?" Caroline offered. I nodded, since I'm not one to decline food, but as I was getting up, I felt extremely nauseous. I rushed to my bathroom and puked up whatever food was in my stomach.

"Morning sickness?" Caroline asked. I was confused for a second. "Kol told me, and everyone really." She explained. I nodded and the nauseous feeling came back, making me puke again. I instantly felt 100% better and I hopped up.

"Let me brush my teeth and then we can go, I'm craving a cheeseburger, with hot sauce I think." I explained, tilting my head with a chuckle. I brushed my teeth quickly and got dressed before we headed towards the grill.


We arrived in a few minutes and just before I got out of the car my throat started burning, as if I'd swallowed a million nails. I grabbed a napkin from the glove compartment of Caroline's car and coughed into it. When I moved the napkin I was shocked to see that a thick layer of dark red blood now coated the napkin. My head started to spin for a second before I fell over and everything started to fade into darkness.


I woke up to see Caroline standing above me, freaking the fuck out.

"What? What happened?" I asked. I could see their mouths moving, but I couldn't hear it.

"Miracle!" I heard a voice yell and suddenly I saw Kol leaning above me. His eyes were frantic as he tried to get all my senses back but slowly they started fading back in and out until I was passed out again.


I woke up in a bed that looked extremely familiar, and instantly my eyes darted around the room. I didn't see much of anything. The bed was black with red swirls and the walls were too. There was a makeup stand in the corner and a picture above it of Jalene.

"What the Hell?" I asked, my head pounding.

"I was about to ask the same thing." Jalene appeared out of no where sitting in a fancy chair.

"Why the hell are we back here!?" I asked. "I thought this place was destroyed." I added. Jalene nodded, getting up and looking around frantically.

"No. No. No no no no!" She screamed, tears now falling down her face as she banged her fists on the wall, making the whole room shake. "I just got my freedom! What happened?! Let me out!" She screamed, sobbing now. I was about to speak when I was pulled back to reality.


As soon as I opened my eyes my hearing and sight came flooding back to me.

"Miracle! She's awake!" Caroline's voice screamed, but the first person I saw was Kol. He was leaning over me, his eyes full of worry.

"Miracle, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, pushing myself up and realizing I was in Kol's bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I need to talk to Bonnie." I explained. Suddenly my head started pounding.

"Let me out! Get me out! Now! Please!" Jalene's voice screamed.

"Now! I need to talk to Bonnie now!" I yelled, holding my head in pain. Caroline called her as fast as she could and we sat and waiting all the while Jalene was screaming and crying in my head.


After a few minutes Bonnie arrived and was already trying to help. First she was doing a spell to silence Jalene. Slowly Jalene's voice faded out of my head and I could think clearly. 

"Bonnie, what is happening? Why is Jalene back?" I asked, my mind soaring with possibilities. She looked through her book, but suddenly I heard everything bringing back my headache. I heard conversations from miles away, I heard breathing and pulses of people far from me and then it stopped when I heard the heart beat coming from me, not exactly mine. My childs heartbeat. All of the sounds stopped and all I could hear was my baby. I relished in the sound, tears coming to my eyes. After all the stress and everything that happened I still had my baby. I was snapped out of it by Kol putting his hand on my cheek, turning me to look in his eyes.

"You okay, darling?" He asked. I nodded.

"Bonnie. My Super hearing is back." I informed her, staring into Kol's wonderful brown eyes, my voice coming out monotone. Kol stared back into my eyes, a smile forming on his face as Bonnie frantically flipped through pages and pages to find the solution. Suddenly she stopped.


"Yeah." I responded, facing her.

"Please don't hate me, but I think this was my fault."


A/N:Okay guys so I know that the last two chapters took forever to upload, but I had lost inspiration for this story, but don't worry it is back. So I need your opinion on some stuff.

1. Do you think the baby should be a boy or a girl?

2. What should his/her name be?

So what do you guys think is gonna happen to Miracle? Is the baby safe with all the troubles? If you read this far please comment 'WALRUS' and I hope to be updating way more often.

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