Chapter Five

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"Wake up!" Caroline cheered, shaking me awake.

"What do you want?" I growled, rolling over on my stomach.

"We have to celebrate. It's not everyday that someone turns 21. You can now officially drink." Caroline smiled. I gave her a look of amazement.

"Caroline, you are insane if you think I'm celebrating my birthday this year." I scoffed. She frowned, sitting on my bed.

"Miracle please. We need this one day of happiness." She pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Fine. What are we gonna do?" I asked, sitting up.

"I was thinking we would hang out at the grill." She suggested.

"Yeah, like always. Okay, let me get ready." I frowned, throwing my covers off and standing up as Caroline left the room. I quickly showered and got dressed and ready before going downstairs.

"I'm ready Care." I announced. She smiled and grabbed my arm dragging me to the car.


"Happy Birthday Miracle." Winter greeted, smiling at me.

"Thanks." I responded, sitting at the bar. She wondered off and then Kol sat next to me.

"Hello Darling." He greeted. His eyes were red and circled with black as if he'd been sleep deprived for days.

"Hey." I greeted in response. He gave me an odd look.

"You're actually celebrating your birthday? I know you Miracle, odds are you wanted to lay in bed all day and mope." He observed. I nodded.

"This was Caroline's idea, not mine. If I had a choice I'd be doing exactly what you said." I sighed. He nodded.

"I'm sorry about what all is happening." He announced after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, well, I don't have any other choice so why dwell?" I tried to make light of the situation. He nodded. "Anyways, I don't seem to be the only one upset. Every one seems to be taking this hard." I explained looking around at all of my friends who'd gathered together for me.

"Yeah. I don't know who is taking it worse. Me or Caroline." Kol joked.

"Caroline is in serious denial. That's the only reason she wanted this dumb party, to pretend that we were all happy and perfectly fine." I admitted. Suddenly Kol looked behind me.

"I'm not in denial." Caroline announced from behind me. I gave her a sympathetic look.

"Caroline, this is what denial looks like." I explained. She shook her head.

"No, this is what hope looks like." She denied. I looked down.

"Caroline. I'm dying. It's inevitable. I am going to die in two year and nothing you do can stop it. So why don't you move on, everyone else obviously has." I snapped. No one realized how hard this was for me. I was going to lose my life and just after my baby was born too. She gave me a look of utter disbelief. She couldn't believe that I'd snap at her like that, to be honest, I couldn't either, but even with that I couldn't stop myself from speeding out of the grill with my now returned super speed.


"Miracle. Come on, open the door before I have to bust it down." Klaus demanded, banging on my door.

"Do it!" I dared him. Suddenly the door busted down. "Why in hell would they send you? No offense but you don't exactly have any type of hold over me." I scoffed.

"They didn't send me. I came on my own. I needed to check on you. They all suggested I give you some space but I know better." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Just go away Klaus. Nothing you can say will make me feel better." I frowned. He shrugged.

"I can try. Who makes you happier than anyone in the world? And don't lie to me." Klaus asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Liar." I groaned.

"What is this going to solve?" I asked. He rolled his eyes this time.

"Just answer the question." He snapped.

"Kol. Kol does, okay? But I've already fucked that up so what is the point of this?" I growled. He gave me a sad smile.

"Miracle Kol loves you. He spent the last two years just waiting for you to return and when you did,  he was ecstatic, even that you were engaged he was just happy to know that you were okay. I'm sure if you talked to him, he'd forgive you." Klaus explained. I sighed.

"That's not the point. I can't do that, not to him." I looked down. Klaus smiled at me.

"That's how you know you're in love." I gave him an odd look.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He looked at me seriously.

"Miracle, you're dying, and the one thing that can make you happy is him, yet you decided to let him be happy, but we both know he'd be happy spending to more years being yours." He explained. I looked away as Klaus stood up.  "Think about it and Happy Birthday Miracle."

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