Chapter Eight

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I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a long white, strapless dress that trailed behind me. My hair was in a braided bun and my make up was lighter than normal, me wearing only red lipstick and some mascara. I was completely one hundred percent ready, and this time I had no doubts. In case it wasn't obvious Kol said yes. I had joined my wedding with Caroline's and we were ready. She wore a white mermaid style dress and her hair was curled and put in a ponytail. There was a knock at the door.

"What is it?" I asked. Caroline was too busy pacing to say anything.

"It's starting." Rebekah cheered, before going back to her place. Caroline took a deep breath and we exited the room connecting our, arms with our father. The music began playing and we walked together. Everyone was watching us, most of them expecting me to run off again, but not this time. My eyes were on my handsome husband to be and it was magical. I thought about everything that we'd be doing together. Our entire lives, not even counting the fact that I was dying or that he couldn't die. He was mine I was his and in my mind we loved each other until our dying breaths. Soon I reached Kol and Caroline reached Klaus, where our father kissed us each on the forehead sand sent us to our significant others. The Bishop did his thing before he asked for us to recite our vows.

"Caroline, your vows please." He announced. Caroline nodded and spoke.

"Klaus Mikaelson, if I were to go back in the past to around four years ago, I would've never imagined that I would be here, madly in love with you, but thought you have made some mistakes, I know so have I, everyone has, but marrying you, being your wife, is one thing I'm sure won't be a mistake because I love you, Klaus and I always will, literally for all of eternity." She smiled. Klaus was admiring her like she was the most beautiful diamond and his eyes seemed to be filling with tears of joy.

"Klaus." The Bishop stated. He nodded.

"In my entire lifetime, I never saw the value if love or human life, but meeting you, knowing you has taught me the meaning of humanity and for as long as we both shall live, I promise that I will cherise you and do what is right by you because I love you Caroline." Klaus explained, tears were silently falling from Carolina's eyes as they put the rings on each other.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The Bishop smiled as Klaus and Caroline shared a small but sweet kiss then all attention was on Kol and I.

"Kol, you first." The Bishop ordered. Kol smiled at me, his eyes shining with joy and maybe some tears.

"Most people say that the best day of their life was meeting the person they love, but for me that wasn't true. Meeting you is what led up to the best day of my life. Meeting you was only a gate way, not the best day of my life. The best day of my life is today and every day from here on out, because I'll have you as my loving wife and for the passed three years that's all I've wanted. I promise that I will make you glad that you married me because Miracle Forbes, I love you more than anything in the entire universe and I'll still love you when the entire universe has been gone for millions of years." Kol smiled, causing me to smile and for small silent tears to fall from my face. It took everything in me not to kiss him right then and there but I had to be patient.

"Miracle." The Bishop announced. I nodded and smiled up at him.

"For most of my life I had very little emotions, if any at all and I still remember the first strong emotion I had. It was when you stole my necklace and I was so furious at you. I screamed at you and stole it back. It was weird to feel that way, but even though I was angry I still loved you. Even then. It was like my entire life led up to this moment where I would have everything I've ever wanted. A future child and the love of my life, my one, standing before me in a tux and marrying me. Kol, I know I have made many mistakes regarding our relationship and I regret every mistake I've made that has ever hurt you, and though I messed up the first time, I'm taking this chance to prove that I can be your wife because I love you Kol Mikaelson. I have loved you for a long time and I never stopped loving you and for the rest of my life I wont be thinking about how much time I have left, I'll be thinking about how happy I am that I get to spend that time with the love of my life." I smiled, as we exchanged rings.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The bishop ordered. Then I grabbed Kol by the tie, pulling his lips to mine and kissing him gently before whispering in his ear.

"You'll get more later." Then everyone cheered.


I had changed out of my wedding dress and into my reception dress that was a dark red and went to my knees. It also had long sleeves and was extremely pretty. I had taken my shoes off and left them by the table I was sitting at and was now talking to Caroline.

"So, how did we do? You think it was too much?" I asked Caroline, scrunching my nose. She chuckled and shook her head, still admiring the church we got married in. I smiled.

"No, this was perfect. I'm so glad I got to share my wedding with you and your vows were so beautiful." She complimented. I smiled as Kol walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you. You ready for the parent dance?" I asked with a smile. She nodded and grinned.

"I'll go alert the DJ." She explained, rushing off. I turned to face Kol and he stood there with a goofy grin on his face.

"What are you grinning about Loser?" I chuckled, looking up at him. He smiled and shook his head.

"I'm going to be a stepfather." He chuckled. I nodded, looking down at my stomach and smiling. After all, I still had my baby.

"Now it is time to commence in the Parent dance, after I while others may join in." The DJ demanded. I kissed Kol before grabbing my moms hand and dragging her to the dance floor where we began dancing while Caroline danced with our dad.

"I'm glad you stuck with it this time Squirt." My mom teased. I smiled and looked at me feet.

"Me too." I nodded.

"You know why we named you Miracle?" She asked. I tilted my head.


"You weren't supposed to be born. You actually died in the womb, but I guess your supernatural healing ability saved you because the next few minutes, you were back. After that we decided to call you Miracle, because well, you were. Now, honey, you're someone else's miracle, and you'll have your own soon." She explained. I smiled at he before she twirled me into my dads arms.

"You look absolutely beautiful today." He complimented. I smiled.

"Thank you Dad." I smiled. Today was perfect, all die I hardly ever thought about how little I left to live and when I did I didn't get the same feeling of regret and dread I normally did. I was beyond happy and I could tell Caroline was too, because that day was perfect for both of us and even without the big wedding and bunches of people it would've been perfect, because we married the people we were madly in love with and couldn't live without in a literal sense for me, and that was what made the day perfect not the fashion in which we married them. It was perfect because of them.

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