Ch 3 - Dating

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Odin and Nebula happily get back to class. They sit back with their teams and glimpse over at each other. Odin winks and looks over at the guys.

"Ya miss me?" He asked.

"Nope." Smiled Ryan.

"Why her?" Asked Norm.

"Norbert she needed some much needed revenge. I know any one of you were capable including you my right hand man. But I decided to go with it. Sure enough as I thought I ended it quick and you three can fight if you choose." Preached Odin.

Over by team NDGO the girls watch Nebula take her seat.

"You two work really well together." Concerned Gwen.

"Something we should know about?" Asked Dew.

"It's nothing."

"He had everything set perfect. He had an attack pattern that was meant for the two of you. You sure?" Puzzled Octavia.

"He came with it one the fly. He wanted me to get revenge on Cardin for all of us." She played it off well.

"Hey Nebula nice win. It's nice chilling with Odin right?" Gerald said sarcastically.

"It is." She blushed.

"Wait a minute. Are you two?" Asked Gwen.

"No." Said Nebula.

"Not good friends or anything?" Asked Norm from a few seats over.

"I'd say good friends." Smiled Odin.

"That's it?" Cried Nebula. "Good friends?"

"I thought you...?"

"Crap." She yiped.

"YOU'RE TOGETHER?" Yelled all the teams.


"What? You said you were worried and I tried to play it off. I can't take blame for this one beautiful."

"Huntsman and huntress is so romantic." Chimed Ruby.

"Grow up." Sighed Weiss.

"I don't need to. I drink milk." Said Ruby with a huff.

"Ry did we call this one?" Asked Norm.

"Ya bro. The three of us at least." Giggled Gerald.


Class was over and Nebula was pulled aside by her team.

"Okay we need to talk." Ordered Octavia.

"Spill." Demanded Dew.

"Girls let her talk." Insisted Gwen.

"Girls he asked me if we can try it. I said yes but was worried but all of you would say. When you asked he tried to play it off and I jumped on him about it. Guess I blew that one." Blushed Nebula.

"Least you aren't dating on the fly. No one wants that. And it's not far." Said Octavia sadly.

"What's wrong?" Asked Nebula.

"The dance is coming right?" She asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"You got a boyfriend and I don't think I can find a date between the rest of us. Gwen has that sexy skirt Dew has that attractive sass. What do I have?" Octavia complained.

"Lovely red hair. Ask Norm about it." Nebula winked.


"Ya Odin's right hand man. Trust." She smiled.

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