Ch 5 - Day After The Party

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After that night Oden was woken up by his scroll. He answered.


< Mr. Delwreck this is Dr. Oobleck. >

"Morning Doctor."

< To you as well. Listen due to the fact of policies and the altercation I need in the Headmaster's office before classes start. >

"Yes sir. Anything else I can do for you?"

< Bring the girl you were dancing with last night at once. A Miss Violette I presume. >

"Correct. I'll get her. I won't be long Doctor."

< Thank you Mr. Delwreck. I commend you. Till then. > *Click*

In the Team NDGO dorm the girls were up and talking about last night.

"So Dew how was Gerald?" Asked Gwen.

"He likes to show off what he can do. Just like I let my skills do the talking. What about you Gwen?"

"Ryan is quite nice. Dancing I taught him some things not bad but I think me and you could easily say friend zone."

"I hope he doesn't say that about me." Octavia blushed.

"Right. What happened girl?" Asked Nebula.

"I kissed him." She covered her face.


"Details girl." Ordered Gwen.

"Well he told me he's never kissed a girl. So I asked if I could feed him a strawberry. Open your mouth and say ah and I went for it. He's a good kisser actually."

"Glad to hear it. I know Oden was happy about Norm's night. Halo blasted him in the face and he asked me if he still looks pretty. He tried to play peace maker. A professor took him aside and had a great night. One heck of a dancer. I swear he didn't just learn."

Nebula's scroll was ringing.

"It's him now." She picks up. "Morning handsome."

< You dressed? >

"I am. Why?"

< Headmaster wants to see both of us. I'll meet you outside the dorm. >

"Okay honey."

She walks out the door and he's leaning against the wall on the left side of her door.

"Worried?" She asked.

"Nah. Just a tad annoyed."

"And he wanted me to tag along?"

"100 Lien he's in Ozpin's office with Oobleck and Goodwitch."

"Oh boy. I've stirred up trouble and the festival hasn't even begun."

"Don't sweat Nebula. Besides. You think we're in trouble?"

"But still."

"Okay then. Cmon."

As soon as they reached Ozpin's office in the tower waiting there was Ozpin, Ironwood, Glynda, and Oobleck.

"Morning Mr. Delwreck and Ms. Violette." Greeted Ozpin.

"Morning everyone." The couple replied.

"So Oden. Care to explain last night?" Asked Glynda.

"Well that guy Halo tried to cut in and she got upset about it. I wanted to make peace but he wasn't having it. He punched me in the face, Doctor Oobleck grabbed him, and continued to have fun with my night."

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