Ch 6 - Double Battle

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It was morning time was Norm was the first one up. Oden followed up shortly after. They got dressed and went outside to the village to inspect. The air was getting more dense. The Grimm were coming closer.

"Norm you wake up the guys. I'll meet  the Mayor in his office. Port should be there."


Oden rushed in the small hall and the two were sitting down having coffee.

"Mr. Delwreck you are right on schedule. Are you prepared?" Asked Port.

"Yes sir. Ryan and Gerald will hurry up so we can defend sir."

"That is lovely."

The other guys burst through.

"I'm ready" *cocks* "To kill" *cocks* "the Grimm." Said Gerald.

"Oh man dude you ruined that real good." Sighed Ryan.

"What'd I do son?"

"Ha he is right lad. One cock per line." Smiled Port.

" right though."

"Anyways catch phrases aside let's head to the battleground and tell the citizens to be careful. Keep a weapon as well."

"I hope the people are all prepared." Concerned Mayor Legan.

"Even so it's our job to stop them. That's what slashing, gun fire, and dust is for." Said Norm.

"Dude try to not to go Supernova." Ryan padded his shoulder.

"Whatever means necessary. I feel like this isn't my only battle today. Must conserve my strength."

Oden fake punched him. "Don't blow up. Literally."

"Nevermind. Let's go." Said Norm.

"Alright. *cocks* let's do this." Said Gerald.

"Ayyyye one cock this time." Laughed Ryan.

"I'm learning Ry." He laughed.

"Perish on the left. Demise on the right. Team ORNG deploying.  Let's fight." Said Oden.

"Catchy now let's head north and await. Anyone have any ranged attacks?" Asked Port.

"Ry and Gerald's shotguns are medium. I got a dust technique called needle shot. I'll teach you. Take some of these crystals and Professor you lead the way."

"Impressive tactics Mr. Delwreck. Now let's go for the kill. The Grimm are our prey."


Over the giant hill was an estimated 200 beowulf at the least. In a small tree with 's snipers post while calling Norm from his scroll.

< Norm you read me? >

< Roger. >

< Alright I know that blade of yours is pretty long. Aim down that barrel and channel the dust in small amounts. Your aura will help you control, shape, and release. I'll show you what it looks like once. After that they'll see us and the battle begins. Think you can handle it? >

< I intend not to miss. >

< Gentleman when they get 100 feet in range you must join us on the ground. >

< Yes Professor. >

And soon they became in range.

< On my mark. Pay attention Norm. >

< Copy. >


< Like that. Open fire. >

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