Ch 10 - Round 2

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I've put my other stories ahead of this one due to demand. What happens in the semi final qualification round? So much to go off on. Who will Oden "Prince of Teleport" Delwreck and his Explosive partner Norm go up against? And will they come close?



This is it. All bets are off. Though I'm wondering how this will go down. Pyrrha is one of the school's best. She deserves all the credit. Not all talk or all hype. She is truly a warrior and one day be a great huntress. Then there is Nora. Man she could have really took down Cardin and his goons down by herself. Which means my dust crystals are off limits. I don't know what I'm going to do. 

Norm looked over at his leader. "Who do you want?"

"Who do you think can handle the hammer better? Me or you?" Oden asked.

"Block it I think me. Dodge it I say you. How about I take Nora and you try and take Pyrrha. Sound good?"

"Guess we'll see.

The arena was choosing battle environments to get selected at random. All four were set to go as this was going to be a real test for the boys. The selection stopped at a swamp on your side and then a meadow for the opponents. Bad start so far. Every swamp has murky water. Water and Nora don't mix in a battle. 

"Norm we can't stay here. Other area. And fast." Oden ordered. 




"Grab on." Oden held Norm's hand and threw Demise as far as his shoulder would allow at an upward angle. In the middle of his warp Pyrrha met him there. Her spear already in position. It hit Oden forcing him backwards while in mid air. "No!" He shouted as nothing seemed to be going right so far. He dropped Demise and threw Perish above his body. Norm had to supply the firepower for the time being.

"Nope." Nora was on the ground and jump up to catch Demise. 

Then Pyrrha spiraled down just fast enough to catch Perish. "Here!" She shouted.

"Norm!" Oden flinched. Everything backfired. This was a complete disaster and these were the only two that they knew of that were smart, fast, and strong enough to take them. He was hoping Norm could fight off at least one as they were helplessly airbourne, but sadly no.

Pyrrha's shield blocked Norm's strike with ease as her spear struck down hard. Nora with her upwards momentum smashed with her hammer hard. With the way both strikes landed it was a harsh double whammy. Hit from both ends and the impact was harsh.


"Oh! Another double elimination."

Oden and Norm flinched as they were falling at a fast rate. Their eyes closed still trying to recover. Aura was almost gone. And if it wasn't already, this fall was going to do it for sure. But Nora jumped up to catch both of them coming in for a much softer landing. Nora was basically a firm parachute. Falling with style and no gliding.

"Good match guys." She said making sure they were okay.

"Likewise." Oden opened his eyes sorely. "It was bound to happen."

Pyrrha helped up Norm. "Great effort."

"Likewise." He shook her hand.

Nebula and Octavia had their heads down. They weren't the only ones to have their butts kicked in multiple directions and for a quick fight. Not surprising that Team JNPR won this match, but ORNG and NGDO wished it would be just a bit closer. But as they say in all fights, one hard knock and it's all over. This wasn't short of it. From finding out strategy, countering, and making someone panic. The battle was easy for those two. Oden and Norm say it coming as much as they didn't want to.


At a burger stand ORNG was taking a few seats as the girls came over. Nebula took a seat as the girls took note and joined her. No bitterness to it. If one gets beat after everything settles in and it is clean, all works out. 

"Smash burger is good." Oden winked.

Nebula laughed. "That a pun?"

"Yes and no. I got wrecked and the food is great. That work?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Normbert got burnt and Delwrecked got wrecked. Funny." Smirked Ryan.

"You shut up over there Casablanca. Love to see Nora brush your teeth with that hammer." Chuckled Oden.

Octavia looked over at Norm. "You okay Normy?"

"Yeah. Yourself?"

"You know, I'm well." She blushed.

"So what's next?" Pondered Nebula.

"Some tea and waiting for the finals I guess. We got time. Might as well see how it all goes. Though I think we are going to be in a shocker. You girls want to join us and hangout after this? We got time."

"Girls?" Nebula looked down the line.

"Sure thing." Nodded Gwen.

"Cool." Agreed Dew.

"Alright. Let's finish up with food and head out. And make sure there isn't anything stupid going on in the dorms."


Thanks King. With maturity, experience, and confidence I sparked an idea of how to do it. Thank you much. Thanks all for tuning in.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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