Ch 9 - Kliques

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Just a quick update on direction this is going. We got a little time in between moment in time, team ORNG in the second round, and dust rest the souls the fall of Beacon. Spoiler. Oden and his partner are screwed for round two.


Just entering to their dorm Oden could hear his girlfriend Nebula and her team letting each other have it. Even when the door was shut he couldn't even regroup because either the walls were thin or it was complete and utter chaos in the dorm straight across.

"Why didn't he tell us anything?"

"Why did we jump in the water?"

"He could have gave us a heads up."

With those being just a few of the statements being said Oden finally sat on his bed and "attempted" to gather his thoughts.

Norm, Ryan, and Gerald were silent. It was weird how they had good news and you couldn't even hear anything move. The loudest noise in the room was arranging the seat position on the beds. Clearly someone needed to break the ice.

"When should we head up guys?" Asked Oden.

"Dude get me out of here." Said Ryan.

"Facts." Agreed Gerald.

"Well commander in chief I think we're good to go. Let's head up top." Norm got up for a stretch session.

"Should be free at this time. Pyrrha and Jaune aren't here. So let's go it. And Gerald?"


"Watch your ass!" Oden grinned.

"Alright man. Don't teleport." He smirked back.

Oden laughed. "Fine. I'll slap right to it."

"Clichè." Norm sighed.

"Puns?" Oden pondered.

"Yang is having family time. Apparantly Qrow from legendary Team STRQ. Guess you fill the role." Norm giggled.

"Alright Captain Laugh go against Ryan. Same time as Gerald and I. Easy spar. I'll debate the winner later."

"Alright Yoden." Norm winked at him.

"Adding the 'Y'? Stick to the straight stuff Nancy. Leave the comedy to me."

"That a threat son? Me and you versus Oden?" Asked Gerald building the hype. His blood flowing.

"3V1 to red aura. Let's get out of here before dust forbid we don't have enough resting time. I will use my semblance. And Norm?"

"Yeah Boss?"

"No Nova."

"Noted. Let's do this."

They then got up and headed to business with thier gsme face on. Oden kicked open the door into the hall. His teammates stopped to stare at his hype meter building up.

"Gents. The roof. On the double." He raised his fist in the air while getting on one knee pointing to the staircase. Raising his voice as a drill sergeant no surprise he had company.

The door cracks slowly and Nebula comes poking her head out.

"Honey what on this planet are you doing?" She looked concerned and lost for words.

"Assigning boot camp baby! Move it ladies!" He continues to bend his arms and continuously point like he's directing an airship. He turns to Nebula. "Not you honey I'm talking to the guys." He turns his focus to all three marching down the hall and an empty room.

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