Ch 8 - Kicking Rocks

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Hey guys. Sorry for lack of updating. Been concentrating on other works. Regardless I love these. Even though RWBY is a very hard story to write.


The guards escort Oden alone while his teammates head over to Team NDGO while they prepare. He gets put in a room. Four guards inside and two guys outside. General James Ironwood military leader of Atlas steps fourth.

"Mister...... Delwreck is it?" Said General Ironwood.


"That was uncalled for."

"Really? Harassing me and my team? Do I push it? Like when boys broke in and destroyed Team NDGO's room? That's uncalled for. He was harassing me and punched me in the face during the dance. Also uncalled for."

"Whats your game son?"

"Talk shit, get hit, be lite. I'm the Prince of Teleport."

"Well then 'Prince' be lucky you aren't getting eliminated. You are no royalty to me."

"Thank you sir. I'll hold back."

"Honestly. What would your parents think?"

"Well Sir me and Norm don't have any."

"Beg pardon."

"Things happen for a reason General. Their is a reason why Norm chose Vale over Atlas as well as Weiss Schnee. This happened. You're a leader beyond my skills. Do you sometimes make a stand?"

"Another reason I didn't disqualify you. Now wise up and get in check."

"Thank you sir."

"Thank Ozpin."

Hmmmm interesting. Although, Norm has another good point. Hard to believe Weiss is from there.


"Think he's okay?" Asked Ryan.

"I hope so. What was the plan going in next round?" Asked Octavia.

"Me and him." Sighed Norm.

"Well Norbert you have recovered from that nova."

"EHHHH?" Everyone gasped.

"Hello I back. Come in peace. What?"

"Oden you mean?"

"Yup next round me and Norm. And you know who I want? That guy Flynt Coal. He can clone himself."

"Teleport vs Clone bossman?" Smirked Gerald.

"Ya darn right. Anyways. Nebula. You got a match to lead against SSSN. I'll be watching. Good luck out there."

"Think I need it?"

"I've seen Sun do quite a bit. Wouldn't underestimate."

"Noted Oden."

"Kicks some ass. Hopefully we don't fight each other next round."

"That mean I couldn't handle you?"

"I'm sure you would catch on me and you. But Octavia and Norm it could be even."

"True. Quite true."

As ORNG takes a seat the screens turns. It's dessert and ocean landscapes as Neptune runs for the dessert hill.

Dew sends a sandstorm to ring to ring out one opponent.

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