Chapter 5 - How Could You?

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Chapter 5 - How Could You?

* Shane's POV *

The best thing about living with Joey Graceffa is being able to look at Joey Graceffa all the time. It was my first night here and Joey was making it too easy for me to just look at him. Even if I had never got the chance to kiss him, being able to look at him was enough. Like when we were eating, (Some of kind of chicken salad thing. Psh, Healthy people.) Joey focused on holding my hand under the table, away from prying eyes (Sawyer), and on chewing his food. I watched him practically the whole time. Nobody spoke and it wasn't the awkward kind of silence, The silence was nice in contrast to my crazy, loud life. If I thought watching Joey talk was nice, watching him eat was even better. And I know it sounds weird..But we've all wanted to watch somebody eat. So while I nibbled on my "Chicken Salad" And Joey ate his, completely oblivious to my gazing, I watched him. And he never once looked up and caught me. I personally think Joey was trying to get finished so we could get out of there and be alone. I think he was nervous around Sawyer for some reason. Maybe because he knew? But Lisa knew, and he wasn't nervous about that...I didn't know what was up. And then when we finished and we snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie, (The Hunger Games. Joey went ballastic because I had never seen it.) even though it was actually a really interesting movie I just watched Joey get all into it. He even yelled at the characters at one point. He was so cute. Then Joey brought up going to see the Second one. I shook my head and laughed. 

Joey: So you didn't like it? 

He sounded incredulous. It was still cute.

Shane: I liked it. But you've already seen the Second one, what, Six times? Plus we'd have to pay to get in, why Pay when we can wait for Netflix?

Joey: But Shaaaane.

He started whining. What did he expect to accomplish? I'd probably give in...but still.

Shane: What?

My voice sounded flat. I had to struggle not to laugh; I was only doing it to make him angry. His anger was adorable.

Joey: It'll be on Netflix in like three months. You wanna wait three months? 

Shane: Yes.

My voice sounded flat again. This time Joey laughed and I laughed, too. 

Then when the movie was over and we got changed into something more comfortable (To Joey: Pajamies) and then we climbed into his bed (facing eachother) Joey was quick to fall asleep. It was pleasant watching the rise and fall of his chest when he breathed, or the flutter of his eyelids letting me know he was dreaming. But too soon, I could feel my own eyelids starting to get heavy. I uttered three words before I fell asleep completely, "I love you." 

*Joey's POV* 

I was in a CVS. I could hear Shane a row over, laughing. I couldn't remember what I was looking for, so instead of running around like an idiot, I went to find Shane. I saw him with a bag of stuff, showing the Camera. I couldn't remember what to say.

Shane: Joey, I got all kinds of stuff for you touch.

Touch? What was he talking about? The last thing I remember was falling asleep in my room with him by my side. Everything was drawing a blank. 

Shane: You okay? You look confused...

Joey: What are we doing here? 

This was almost exactly like the Blindfolded Touching Challenge. I thought we already did this..?

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