Chapter 8 - Hi Mom, Hi Dad. I'm Gay.

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Chapter 8 - Hi Mom, Hi Dad. I'm Gay.

* Shane's POV *

After I finished eating the healthiest omelet ever, Joey suggested the idea of talking to our parents today. I was nervous..

I wasn't sure how my mom would take it. I knew she'd accept me eventually..I just didn't know how long it would take. "Let's skype my parents." Joey suggested as I was rifling through his closet for a box of my clothes. "You scared?" I grinned. I knew Joey's family didn't live here, but why not go and visit them? It'd be fun. 

Joey: This is easier. 

He just shrugged. I nodded.

I finally found the box and attempted to rip the tape off. After some struggling I finally got it. 

Joey: I'm going to deal with my hair. 

I laughed softly, "Okay, babe." 

Joey blushed slightly and kissed my cheek.

Joey: I like that.

I stuck my tongue out at him as he left the room.

* Joey's POV *

Honestly, I was scared. I had no idea how my mom or dad would take it. My sister would be okay with it. Jett was too young to understand. But...I was scared. What if they didn't accept me? When I was little, they didn't support this kind of thing. They used to openly express their disgust for all the people you see "coming out" on TV. I just hoped they wouldn't do that to me. After all, I was their son. Their Joey. I grabbed my hair gel and started on my hair. I had to look good today. Not the rushed, throw-together-at-the-last-minute look. Once my hair was done I walked back into my room to see Shane dressed in his familiar Ninja Turtles shirt and dark-washed jeans. 

Joey: Shane Lee, Go straighten your hair. You're not going to walk around with that stupid headband on your head.

He erupted into a fit of laughter and after a minute I started laughing, too. But I won because Shane went in the bathroom and straightened his hair. 

~ Thirty minutes Later ~

Joey: Shaaaaane. Are you not nervous?! 

I was trying to psych Shane out. We were on the way to his mom's house and he was driving. I was excited, After today we wouldn't have to hide from our families. Shane laughed lightly and shook his head. 

Joey: Goodie Goodie Gumdrops. 

Shane: Would you stop?

There was laughter in Shane's voice and I knew I was cracking him up. 

Joey: Shane, Respect your elders.

I was using my grandfather voice. Shane snorted.

Shane: I'm older than you.

I stopped. I sat there, blinking at him until he looked over at me. I kept blinking. He started laughing and I laughed, too. I was glad Shane wasn't mad at me anymore and we weren't being sappy or getting upset. Shane seemed much, much happier. His happiness made me happy.

He pulled into his mom's driveway and took a deep breath. I gasped.

Joey: You are nervous! 

Shane: Well, yeah. Please support me.

I reached over and took his hand, squeezing it. He smiled and leaned across the console, pecking my lips. I pouted. 

Joey: That wasn't a kiss.

I whined. I wanted him to kiss me, actually kiss me before we did this. And I knew this kiss would carry him through this. I let go of his hand and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to me. Our stomachs were pressed into the console and though it wasn't the most comfortable position, it supported our kiss. Once our lips connected, it was like electricity surrounded us. No one could break through our bubble. His tongue traced my lower lip, begging for entrance. I was trying not to flip out and mess this up. This was our first real kiss! I granted him access and his tongue probed around my mouth as I released his collar, my hands snaking up his neck and tangling in his hair. This kiss was like nothing else I've ever experienced. No other kiss could compare to this. As our tongues danced and wrestled for dominance, I had to hold in a moan. We couldn't get that into it, We we're outside of his mom's house. But just thinking about this kiss and all the things it could lead to...I felt my pants tighten. There was no way to hide a boner, we had to stop. I pulled away from Shane, both of us gasping for air. "Holy.." I started.

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