Chapter 14 - Worth the Wait

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I want to prologue this by saying I'm sorry for doing what I said I didn't want to do. I didn't want to put *One Month Later* But if I would've played out the whole month this fic would've been boring as fuck for atleast three chapters. So, I'm sorry but I hope the smut towards the end of this chapter makes up for it! :) Oh..and Warning: Smut.

Thanks for Reading & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, goooodbye! c: 


Chapter 14 - Worth the Wait 

~ One Month Later ~


^ Ugh xD


* Joey's POV * 

I woke up to somebody shaking me. "Joey! Get up, Get the fuck up!" 

I pushed Shane off of me then instantly felt bad. "What?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes. "Today is the One Month Anniversary of when I got out of the hospital! We gotta go to the hospital, make sure I'm fine!" I rolled my eyes. What did it matter if we went to the doctor now or later? We could even go tomorrow and the results would be the same as they would've today. What was with him rushing? I rolled over on my side to see Shane sitting there cross-legged looking at me with a huge pout on his face. I lifted a brow.  "Joey. Before I fuck you senselessly I want to make sure I'm not going to die in the process." I felt my heat rise to my cheeks as he erupted into a fit of laughter. "I was somewhat kidding, but come on! Let's go, Let's go!" He was already dressed and everything whereas I was still in pajamas. I rolled my eyes. "What time is it anyway?" He glanced over at the clock on my nightstand; It was out of my view. "Nine a.m. Now come on!" I groaned again and pushed myself up into a sitting position. "Okaaay! And by the way, You are not fucking me senselessly. Because a) I'd want it to be emotional and b) You'd definitely get hurt. So hold your horses there." 

Shane gave me a funny look then gestured to his crotch. "These are balls...But you like it when I touch myself?" He smirked slightly, waggling his brows at me. "Oh, Seriously? It's only nine and you want to start with that? Let me get dressed, boy. Shoo." Shane frowned. "I wanted to watch you..." I blushed slightly. There was no use in fighting it, Shane wasn't leaving for anything at this point.

"Fine. Whatever." I stood up and faced him, making sure he could see me. This was going to be fun...

I pulled my Totoro shirt up over my head, dropping it to the floor. Shane was watching me intently, his eyes scanning down my torso. I felt very exposed..but I liked it. I pulled on the waistband of my Mario pajama pants, letting them pool at my feet. Stepping out of them, I kicked them next to my shirt. Now was only my boxers...

Avoiding Shane's gaze, I tugged on the elastic of my boxers, pulling them down to my feet and stepping out of them. Standing up completely straight, I glanced at Shane. His eyes weren't on my face...

I bet you can guess where they were, though. 

* Shane's POV *

Joey was a fucking angel. I'd never seen his naked body before and this was like heaven. My eyes scanned down every inch of his body and then back again. I could feel my pants tighten..

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