after all this update???

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ok so ppl are probably gonna freak out that I'm updating again lmao rip

basically I'm making this new part for 2 reasons: I'm selfish as heck,,,,and I'm grateful as heck

so I saw a comment earlier on my Shoey stories (I tried to respond but I think wifi was being janky so idk if it posted) but anyway the comment was something like "for some reason I still can't let go of Shoey and I hope it's not a bad thing" and I just wanna say
it's not a bad thing at all. especially considering that they've both come out and while I am happy for Joey and Daniel n everything, there is always the possibility of Shoey. not to mention,,,,,we all know now that they've had to hook up,,,,pls tell me they haven't,,,,,I dare u like it's so obvious they fucked lmao

but yeah it's not a bad thing and I'm SO glad that people still read and like my stories. I've had tremendous support on all four of my years on Wattpad. you're all so nice and sweet and supportive and I love you all so much <3 I'm sorry I never really have chances to respond to comments but I occasionally get the chance and try really hard to but just know ily!

now ze selfish part: did u know I have stories for everyone???

- Shoey? I've got two other Shoey fics!!! "Criminal" which is in my opinion, r e a l l y good. It was inspired by a Britney Spears song lol. Joey and Sawyer are criminals who rob banks & Shane lives in an abusive home and looks up to the criminal duo and wHAT??? HE ENDS UP RUNNING INTO THEM??? yeah it's wild and there's a sequel, hit it up!
also "Cheater, Cheater" which is my fav fic of mine ever; Shane is a cheater and he cheats on Lisa with Joey and leads Joey on and it's heartbreaking and awesome and yeah, go check it out!!!

- Phan? yep I have one of those, Dan n Phil were my babies for years, I wrote 3 Phanfics but only finished one and it's the only one that's up but hey "Hunger Point", it's VERY triggering and deals with eating disorders and self harm but they get better and happy n yeah!!!!!

- Troyler??? well I started a Troyler fic and never finished it but I actually have some chapters written and if anyone showed interest in it, I'd be SUPER down to finish it :)

- Tronnor? yES I JUST STARTED A TRONNOR FIC AND WOULD LOVE IF SOME TRONNOR FANS GAVE IT SOME LOVE :) "Dead End"— troye moves to the US for school and lives next door to Connor's fuckbuddy, there's gonna be a lot of drugs and drama and heartbreak and aesthetic, pls go hit it up & I'll love you forever

ok so yes a lot has changed in my life since starting Wattpad—i broke a heart, had mine broken twice, got kicked out by my abusive mom, moved a town over and moved in with my dad, and became a completely different person. I've dealt with a lot of things—self harm, eating disorders, being left, being cheated on, shitty parents. I say all this to say I'm in such a good place in my life now and I'm so glad I had Wattpad as an outlet through the good and bad, you guys were always so supportive and awesome. and if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to, you can message me here or reach out on my social media (which I'm more likely to respond to :))

instagram: keelycturner
twitter: keelycturnt
snapchat: keelycole

basically just gave out my full name oopz, anyway ily guys, check out my other fics, and hit me up if you need someone or just want to chat <3 bye!!!

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