Chapter 23 - Dear Subscribers,

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Chapter 23 - Dear Subscribers,

* Shane's POV *

"I'm nervous." Joey said for the fifth time as I shut my camera off for the third. After our sadly nonsexual shower and breakfast (Joey: Smoothie. Me: Twinkie.) We decided we should tell our subscribers. We wouldn't surprised if it had somehow leaked already but we wanted to verify it. 

"Joey, how many times do I have to tell you? Everything is going to be okay. The people who hate.. Who cares what they think? They're just ignorant idiots with nothing better to do. The people who unsub...So? We don't want them subscribed to us, anyhow. And think of the million Shoey shippers. They'll die when they hear the news! Come on, Joey. This one's going on your channel, You have to do the talking." Joey pouted and sent me a panicked glance before his eyes glided back to the carpeted floor. "How about we film yours first?" Joey asked hopefully. I tried not to bark out a sarcastic remark. 

I did emit an exasperated laugh, though,  before speaking, "Joey, we did mine ten minutes ago.. Remember?" He sighed, "Start the camera." I understood why he was so freaked. The only reason I wasn't was because I don't care what people think. But Joey's sensitive..extremely too sensitive and people don't always realize that, or even care. 

I pressed the record button. "Hello there everyone!" Joey started his intro. He didn't sound as cheerful as he usually did when he started all of his other videos... I wondered why. This should be a happy video. "So, Today I'm here with Shane and we have..." Joey paused and I heard him swallow. I glanced over at him. He was fiddling with his hands out of the view of the camera and sweat beaded his forehead. I was about to stop the camera again when he continued in a small voice, "We have some.... some, uh, important ... news." He finished weakly. No way was I putting this video up. People would know there's more to the story than us just getting together and living out a Happily Ever After. We couldn't tell our fans the whole story. 

Joey started trembling. I shut off my camera quickly before pulling Joey closer to me on the couch. "Joey..?" 

"Shane... If we tell, they'll come for us! The haters, the subscribers.. All of them! They'll hurt you like Sawyer did and I can't handle losing you!" He was trying to bite back sobs and it was causing his body to wrack relentlessly. I didn't understand.... Then it hit me. "Joey, did you take your medicine?" He shook his head yet I could barely tell from all the shaking his body was doing. I hated to leave him but I had to get his medicine for him... It would help him. I planted a quick peck on his forehead then stood to retrieve his Xanyx bottle. I found it in the nightstand by our bed. 

When I came back, Joey was stretched out on the couch, sobbing into one of the throw pillows. It broke my heart to see him like this. "Sawyer, stop! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" He crowed under his breath. I kneeled beside him, gently wiping tears off of his face. There was a glazed over look in his eyes, like he was somewhere else. I sighed. He really was reliving it; He really thought he was there again. I didn't know how to knock him out of it, if I even could. Just as I was thinking about shouting his name over and over again until he "woke up" he blinked and the green of his eyes swam back to the surface. "It... wasn't real?" He asked in a broken voice; his eyes searching my face. I felt like hell because Joey had to go through hell. It wasn't fair. 

I shook my head and uncapped the bottle. "My.. m-medicine. I never took it." Joey stated the obvious, as if this fact was news to him. "I know, baby. Here." I dropped a pill in his hand and he popped it into his mouth, swallowing it dry. Joey shut his eyes; The medicine would have him out like a light in no time. "Hey, Joey?" His eyes flicked open and then closed again, meaning "go on". "I'm gonna go edit the video we shot first.. I'll upload it to both of our channels, alright?" I suggest and he nodded. I didn't think he really cared. 

Neither one of us had posted in at least a week so this would definitely be an awaited video. Our true fans were probably wondering when we'd post next. I couldn't wait to upload this video. Even after what just happened with Joey; our secret being out would improve this situation. I quietly unhitched my camera from it's tripod and took it into the "hall" where Joey always edited his videos. I was more excited than scared for this to get out there. I was definitely uploading this today. In less than an hour or so... Everyone would know. Joey and I wouldn't have to hide it, anymore. I plugged the USB cord up to my camera. The clips uploaded.

* * * * * * * * 

As I hit the upload to YouTube button, I heard a yawn behind me. I didn't turn around. Just stared at the screen... waiting for it to upload... "How long have you been awake?" I asked; my leg twitching as the screen notified me: 27% Uploaded to Destination One. I was uploading them to both channels at the same time. "I just woke up. I knew I'd find you here." Joey came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I looked up at him. "Thank you.. I'm sorry." He whispered, kissing my nose. "It's fine, babe. I love you." I whispered back. A smile found its way onto his lips and soon I couldn't wipe the smile that twitched onto mine as well. I heard a bing from the computer and looked to the screen to see a pop up: Video Uploaded. 

"Wanna see the video?" I asked as I pulled up YouTube. "Of course!" Joey said, stepping away from me. He rolled the chair from Sawyer's old desk up next to mine. I clicked on the video; It was titled: SHOEY IN REAL LIFE?! It was a typical video name for me.... Nobody would expect by looking at it that it was our coming out video. The thumbnail was the Dare the Dawson kiss; Extra typical. It was the same on both of our channels. I smiled as the video loaded and Joey took my hand, squeezing it. 

By tomorrow, mostly everyone who didn't know would've seen it. I tuned in to my video self, "Hey, what's up you guys? I'm here with Joey Graceffah and we have some seriously important news... This is for real, it's definitely not a joke. This is the one time where I'm being dead serious. You guys saw Lisa's video about us breaking up, Right? Well..."--Video Shane cleared his throat--"Dear Subscribers, This is me--We, Us-- Coming out to you. Joey and I are together." Video Shane paused for emphasis. "Just letting that sink in. We've been together for two months. And we are thrilled to let you guys know! So, Expect to see a lot more of us together." Video Shane winked and Video Joey gave a playful thumbs up before he spoke, "It's true, guys. And we couldn't be happier. The only thing that would make us happier, is supportive feedback from you guys. We haven't changed at all, We're the same people. This won't change us in any way, It might even make us better people. Thanks for being the most amazing fans in the world." Joey might've been butt-kissing a bit but I couldn't have said it better. 

I looked at Joey (Real Joey) and realized he'd been looking at me all along. We leaned in in unison, our lips meeting in a sweet, passionate kiss. All the words we've ever wanted to say or all the feelings we couldn't find the words to express we're spoken through that kiss and that's all we needed. 


So... There's another happy ending ;-; Whatever, I've got a lot of drama coming up. I'm almost upset about writing it. ._. But this chapter just had to be done; They had to tell their subscribers and they weren't going to end this chapter in tears over that. So, yeah >.<

Thanks so much for Reading (1.8k Reads! We're almost at 2k ;o) & Voting; May the odds be ever in your favor, goooodbye! cx


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