Sequel Info/Explanations

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Sequel Info/Explanations!


Seriously, I knew I was going to break down and write a sequel even if nobody asked for it.(which you guys did.);-; Point is, I wanted to let you guys know I started writing it ^•^ I'll post soon.

My other Point being, I'm going to tack the sequel onto this story (Just add new parts to this fic with the sequel.) For two reasons. One ~ So no one complains about not being able to locate its whereabouts. And Two ~ Like the selfish person I am: So I don't have to start with 0 Reads or whatever. Sure, its selfish but I still find this method convenient--for both reader and writer but hate me if you will.

Also, I apologize if anyone has gotten confused with this story. Even though this story is not real, I made it up, I wanted to explain it in real blunt detail; For it seems some people don't understand the ending. THE STORY WAS NOT REAL: IT WAS JOEY'S DIARY. He made up everything that was happening up until the REAL ending; which he discovered would play out just as he had written his diary. This Sequel is showing Joey's struggle in living out what he knows is to come and trying to stop and/or prolong the inevitable death of Shane. (For your Information: CheeseGirlA suggested this in the sequel, though I had already considered it. I'm just making it clear that I had thought of this in a sequel but she convinced me to do it. I didn't steal it from her.) So, yeah.

Also, if you are confused by what I mean by "tack on" I mean it like this; For Example: The next part in "The Shoey Diaries" will be titled: 'The Shoey Diaries: Sequel. Chapter One - [...] ' That's the best way I can't explain it so I hope you understand.

Sorry for this long thing...whatever this was. I just wanted to bring light to my plans and to the end. If there's anybody you want to appear in the sequel: Suggest it to me?:) Any ideas you think should be included: Suggest it to me?:) I will credit you! cx Oh and By The Way: I'm making Lisa show up in the sequel, so don't mention her but if you think she should do a certain thing that I haven't already written, let me know! So...this also had a minor spoiler :P ..... I'm making it sound like I haven't written anything and I'm struggling for ideas, but I can assure you that isn't the case, okay >.

Yeah, so Thank You if you read this...;)

#ShamelessPromotion : Follow me on Twitter: @SH0EYANDTR0YLER and Tumblr:

I'll follow back. (';

Byeee! c;

- Keely. :3

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