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After walking around for hours, the sun is setting. You had no luck in finding anyone else you knew.

Disappointed, you search some more, walking to random places. 

"If I could find at least one of the schools, then I should be able to see a lot of characters.." you say as you walk.

You walk around to find any school.

"This should be easy...schools are big after all.."

As you walk, you look down on your feet, still upset over the fact that you could only find one person so far. You keep walking until you bump into something hard.

"Ow! Watch where you're going, you little midget!" you hear a voice say above you. It sounded familiar.

'Could that be...?' your eyes widen and you slowly lift your head up to look at the person you just bumped into. 'Yes! It's a miracle! This must be fate!'

"Beanpole!" you shout, pointing at him.

"Hah?! I could step on you right now you little dwarf," he says.

You laugh, thinking to yourself, 'Even though he's insulting me, it's pretty funny! His mean remarks always makes me laugh.'

"What's so funny?" he looks at you confused as he glares at you.

"Nothing. How's the weather up there?" you say teasingly.

"It's pretty nice. It's really beautiful up here, unlike down there," he insults.

"Well, down here I can see beautiful flowers and up there you can only see pollution and smoke."

"Well, since I'm up here, I'm the sky and, you're the sewers."

"Well..uh..you string bean!" you say, quickly because you couldn't think of a comeback.

"Out of comebacks, I see?" he smirks. "Small fry."

"Ostrich legs!"


"Long noodle!"

He sighs, "This is getting boring, so get out of my way, will ya?"

"Did you run out of ideas?" you say with a smirk.

"No, I just don't want to play your game anymore. I just want to get home now," he says dully.

You pout, "You're no fun!"

"Well, goodbye," he starts walking away.

"Wait! Tell me your name!" you say, even though you already know it.

"Huh? Why should I?" he says, turning his head around. "Besides, you state your own name first before asking someone else."

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm (l/n) (f/n)," you say, a little embarrassed.

"Cool, nice to know," he starts walking again.

"Hey! You never told me yours!" you run up to him and stand in front of him.

"Get out of my way."

"Tell me your name."

"Why should I?"

"Fine, I'll call you four-eyed beanpole every time I see you unless you tell me," you pout stubbornly. You walk out of his way.

He just shrugs and start walking again.

"BYYYEEE, FOUR-EYED BEANPOLE!" you shout, waving to him. Everyone nearby looks at the two of you weirdly. You see him stiffen.

"Tsukishima Kei!" he yells behind him, irritated.

You smirk in victory, "I meant to say, bye, Kei!" You laugh and smile.

Tsukishima sighs and walks home as you watch him, sadly. It's getting dark outside. When he's finally out of sight, you realize something.

"Shit...I don't have a place to stay..." you say to yourself. "Well, I guess I'll have to stay up the whole night then.."


You've been walking around randomly again and decided to take a rest. You are currently in a random neighborhood you found. You sat down on the sidewalk. You yawn as your eyelids become heavier.

"I..want...to..sleep..." you say to yourself drowsily. Your eyelids start closing. Then, you jerked them open. "Wait! I can't sleep! I gotta be on my guard." You look around you for any danger.

'I don't see anyone...eh, everyone's probably asleep,' you think. "Maybe I should just sleep on the sidewalk...no! Anything could happen! I could get a cold, or bug bites, or..." you yawn. 

Your eyelids keep closing themselves but you keep opening them again and again. As you are struggling to keep your eyes open, you don't notice the person approaching behind you.

You feel a strong, rough hand grab both of your hands and another hand clamp over your mouth.

"Mfh!" you try screaming with no luck. You stop trying because you know it won't do you any good. All you need to do is think of a plan. You can feel yourself getting dragged somewhere.

'Hmmm...I think I have an idea...' you think. 'I just hope this works.' 

You relax as you mentally breathe in, then breathe out. 'Ready...'

You try gripping you feet to the ground so that you can stay in place slow down the stranger.


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