≪23/24||Kageyama Tobio≫

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You, with the help of the managers, coaches, and some volleyball members, successfully prepared the barbecue. Some managers also brought in some watermelon.

You decide to eat some watermelon first, since you love the juiciness and sweetness of the fruit, and it also helps cool you down from the hot, blazing sun. Sugawara sits down next to you, also eating a watermelon. Looks like he wanted something to cool him down too.

Meanwhile, Kageyama is going around stuffing his face with a lot of meat. He then starts to choke on some meat, as he pounds his fists lightly on his chest.

"This kid really does need some help," Akaashi sighs to himself as ,hands Kageyama some water. He gulps down the water quickly and sighs in relief.

You laugh a little and you hear a sigh next to you.

"It's really hot outside today," Sugawara speaks up as he continues to eat his watermelon while looking up at the bright, blinding blue sky.

"Yeah," you respond, smiling as you look at him.

He tears his gaze from the sky to you and you notice that he caught you staring.

You immediately look away,"S-sorry.."

His mouth tugs upwards, into a grin holding back his small laugh. "It's fine."

You let out a sigh of relief and look at the other boys getting more barbecue, only to spot Kageyama choking again.

"Geez...that kid..." you face palm and quickly get a cup of water and run up to him.

You hand him the cup of water and he gulps it down, pounding his chest lightly with his fist. He gives you a thankful look and you smile at his idiocy.

"Take it slow next time," you tell him.

"Y-yes!" he stiffens and moves his eyes towards the meat again. Before you knew it, he is back to eating furiously.

"Tobio!" you scold as your eyes twitches. He flinches and stops to chew on his food. "Good boy..."

His face turns red as he swallows the food. He puts some meat on his plate and hands it to you.

"F-for saving me twice..." you slowly take the plate and grin at his embarrassed face that's looking away from you.

"I'm amazing, aren't I?" you say confidently.

"Y-yes! (f/n), you're amazing!" he says with a glint in his eyes and a blush on his face.

Your face flushes too, because you weren't expecting that answer. "Th-thanks, I guess." You scratch the back of your neck bashfully.

He smiles a genuine smile and you blush, since it wasn't often he gave off that smile. "Your real smile is adorable, y'know? You should do it more often." You smile, yourself.

"Wh-wha-th-think-thank you!" his face bursts red as he struggles with his words.

You laugh at his struggle and you reach down on the plate he gave you, grabbing a piece of meat. As you eat it, you realize how good it is, and you wondered why you hadn't gotten it earlier. You eat more of it, thankful that Kageyama offered you it. You smile happily as you eat the pieces of meat.

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